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Teen attacked after parents refuse to give him up for ISIS(In Mumbai)

One more stunt like the above, and Mumbai will see what the Shiv Sena and MNS are really capable of. They may have been marginalized politically. Grass roots at the cadre level Mumbai is still run by them.
Shiv Sena is getting too politically correct. MNS is getting to busy fighting the SS. When faced with 5cum above, they need to get together and clean the dirt. Swach Bharat Abhiyaan.
Teen attacked after parents refuse to give him up for ISIS

By Nazia Sayed, Mumbai Mirror | Jan 29, 2015, 08.14 AM IST

The Mumbra police have booked six men, including four identified as maulvis, for beating up a 16-year-old boy and trashing his father's car in an attempt to make him enlist to fight for terrorist group Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

Furquan Shaikh, a class X student, was attacked near his residence in Kausa area of Mumbra on January 26, three days after the six men approached the family seeking that he dedicate the rest of his life to fight for Islam, but were rebuffed by his parents.

According to a complaint lodged by Furquan's mother Parveen Sheikh, the six waylaid the boy outside Arc Compound, where the family has a house, when he returned from a cricket practice. Parveen has told cops that they tried to drag him to a mosque nearby where they wanted him to read from Quran to prove that he is a true Muslim. Some of the men threw stones at her husband's car parked in the compound.

When neighbours alerted Parveen, she rushed to the spot and managed to free Furquan from the assailants and bring him home. According to Parveen, the boy suffered injuries to rib cage that led to internal bleeding and was treated at Shivaji Hospital in Kalwa. She herself sustained bruises while grappling with the men.

Parveen's complaint says that the six men first approached the family on January 22. Since she and her husband were not home, they spoke to her daughter Mahzabeen, who told them in no uncertain terms that the family did not believe in violence. The six returned on January 24 and tried to convince Parveen's husband Mohammed Shaikh, a former employee of a shipping company, telling him about the war-like situation in Iraq and Syria. They said that Furquan would be well taken care of and would be sent abroad for training. When Mohammed too told them to leave his son alone, the six accused him of not being a true Muslim and threatened to teach him a lesson.

During their first visit on January 22, the six men, According to Parveen's complaint, had approached some other families too in the society. However, the Mumbra police have not received any other complaint apart from Praveen's.

Parveen first lodged a police complaint on January 24 when the men threatened her husband. The complaint was turned into an FIR only after her son was attacked on January 26.

Parveen's complaint says the men are often spotted at a mosque near their house in Kausa. While she has identified some of the men by their names in the complaint, cops refused to share them with Mumbai Mirror. "The identification is not complete yet. The names with us are what Furquan heard the six men address each other with."

Additional Commissioner of Police, Thane, Shivaji Bodke refused to discuss the case, calling it a sensitive matter. "An FIR has been registered and investigations are on," he said. The accused have been booked for rioting, unlawful assembly, assault and molestation.

I can't believe that this is happening in India!! Are there so many supporters of ISIS among Indian muslims??
seriously ? !! :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
All that is political.

Ideologically, this is hardcore Maharashtra. The last Hindu bastion of the past 1000 years.
Make sure it stays that way. This garbage requires a thorough cleaning. A mini Zarb-e-Azb will do wonders. Encircle the area and eliminate the terrorists.
Make sure it stays that way. This garbage requires a thorough cleaning. A mini Zarb-e-Azb will do wonders. Encircle the area and eliminate the terrorists.

Mumbra is still under the radar though. They've become cleverer. Now they do not attack from the font. If that were to happen, its pretty straightforward after that. Happened in the 90s, will happen again. Bomb blasts or no bomb blasts. Now they use it as a launch pad, and do their crap elsewhere, remotely. So Mumbaikars go on with their lives. Its a frenetic megapolis. No one has time to breathe. So as long as people are not stepping on their balls, nobody really give a damn. Which is why Mumbra is more dangerous than Bhindi Bazaar, pala gulli, Bishti mohalla, et al. Those were in the heartland. They could not be missed, could not be tolerated. Pushback was inevitable. This is secluded. Was a dump, a backwater pigsty. The government has brought in development, roads, construction is going on. But get off the main eastern express highway, headed to Ghodbunder, its still the same old pigsty its always been. Filthy.
One more stunt like the above, and Mumbai will see what the Shiv Sena and MNS are really capable of. They may have been marginalized politically. Grass roots at the cadre level Mumbai is still run by them.

No offence just a question...can these two groups u mentiond fight the muslim extrimist groups??
No offence just a question...can these two groups u mentiond fight the muslim extrimist groups??

They decimated them and drove them out of Mumbai in the 90s.

These two groups includes the entire Mumbai police as well. There is no thin line separation. The Mumbai police are the state sanctioned hit-men of these groups. With state resources at their disposal. And zero accountability and culpability.

And 26/11 has given Mumbai police some serious teeth.

Regardless, Mumbai is a city of 20 million. When the shit hits the fan, no police will count. One way or the other.
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