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Teen attacked after parents refuse to give him up for ISIS(In Mumbai)

No I'm a... warrior.

aren't we all??

but i prefer to be the gentle, subtle and non-violent cat... not something else.

But one should be factually correct on an international forum no?

what is your real objection to me saying "ram sena"?? tell us, don't be shy.

I won't, if they limit themselves to slapping drunk chicks flashing their panties.

what about drunk males??

Conservative estimates. Give or take a couple of kids here or there.

get the "world health organization" and russia government ( east bloc rep. ) to do a population survey in india.

We are bothered because its a financial drain on the state, and eventually adding to a security risk to the state, not to mention a risk to your community as well.

do you know about islami marriage conditions and the procedure of wedding?? it is as simple as a modern court marriage... like i said, they can do this a hundred times.

i think you are imagining another community, which invites 600 guests and dowry presentation and religious ceremonies and loans and the worries and suicides after the wedding because of financial trouble... and so on.

No, like JUD.

no, really... vhp and rss... laboring in earthquake and flood zones for "humanitarian" reasons.
LMAO. What a bullshit story. Because ISIS needed a 16 year old pimple faced adolescent for their cause.

Indians are masters of dramaybaazi.
LMAO. What a bullshit story. Because ISIS needed a 16 year old pimple faced adolescent for their cause.

Indians are masters of dramaybaazi.
Fikr not. Hundreds have gone. Only a few have complained to the police and hence came to media media attention. :enjoy:
LMAO. What a bullshit story. Because ISIS needed a 16 year old pimple faced adolescent for their cause.

Indians are masters of dramaybaazi.
For cleaning and cooking. Or ISIS like taliban are into bacha-baazi.
Stupid Mullahs .Destroying the images of Indian Muslims
For cleaning and cooking. Or ISIS like taliban are into bacha-baazi.

I think they have plenty of Yazdi girls for cooking and cleaning. Unless ISIS fighters like chicken tikka masala, I doubt they needed this boy.
And how can we criticise some majority extreme elements ?These morons are giving reasons to thrm.
aren't we all??

Not really. Not everyone is born to be a warrior.

but i prefer to be the gentle, subtle and non-violent cat... not something else.

I'm also very gentle. Can't say non-violent though. Have a hot head, and three big brothers growing up. One has to quickly learn how to protect himself.

what is your real objection to me saying "ram sena"?? tell us, don't be shy.

Well, because there is no such organization. Its a figment of your imagination. The only one which comes close is the Sri Ram Sene.

what about drunk males??

Kick them in their balls, especially if they start puking up the place.

get the "world health organization" and russia government ( east bloc rep. ) to do a population survey in india.

Not necessary. Know many many muslims personally.

do you know about islami marriage conditions and the procedure of wedding?? it is as simple as a modern court marriage.

I wasn't talking about the financial burden of the ceremony. But what husband and wife do after the ceremony and keep doing, till small juniors start popping out.

i think you are imagining another community, which invites 600 guests and dowry presentation and religious ceremonies and loans and the worries and suicides after the wedding because of financial trouble... and so on.

Dowry is crap. That said, rarely heard of the boy's family strapping bombs to the Maruti Swift they got (instead of the Ciaz they asked for) and parking it in a marketplace with a cell phone timer.

no, really... vhp and rss... laboring in earthquake and flood zones for "humanitarian" reasons.

You forgot to add providing protection and support and shelter and food and water to NE students across cities in the country when fellow countrymen start attacking them because some refugees attacked in another country share their same faith, and they feel divine duty bound to exact revenge on their own countrymen in return.
My heart bleeds for them. Really.

We are forcing them to blow us up.

Because they will not study in free government schools, with books and uniforms and meals gratis.

Then they will not want to hold down an honest job and do everything crooked under the sun to make a fast buck.

Then they will get married at 17 and produce 6 kids by the time they are 25. Then they will marry a few more times and repeat.

Then they will curse the fates that made them muslim and feel its all a conspiracy against them.

They will get religion and start visiting the local mosque 5 times a day.

Over time they will become ultrareligious, and start feeding off each other's insecurities and resentments.

Then they will meet a holy man who will tell them how the evil Hindu is to blame for all their woes.

Finally they will pick up a tiffin box, plant a bomb in it, strap it to a cycle carrier, and leave it in the middle of a busy market, without really bothering to take a snap census of how many muslim footfalls go through that place in a day.

Then they will run and hide. Towards UP and from there into Nepal and finally into the sheltering hands of our neighbors. Or towards Kerala and Sri Lanka. Or towards West Bengal and Assam. To mingle into the crowd.

And from there they will start to do "charity".

Are we forcing the Naxals to blow us up ?

By and large the majority muslim community in India has refused to get drawned into terrorism or armed conflict.

This is a reality which you have to accept.

They walk through the unkind grind of life without complaining for most parts. Same as the rest of us.

If you do not believe me, then believe Ajit Doval when he said that.

I was hitting on @Jf Thunder thinking the chick in her DP was her.

Turns out it was this afia chick terrorist.

Are we forcing the Naxals to blow us up ?

By and large the majority muslim community in India has refused to get drawned into terrorism or armed conflict.

This is a reality which you have to accept.

They walk through the unkind grind of life without complaining for most parts. Same as the rest of us.

If you do not believe me, then believe Ajit Doval when he said that.

Aree bhai, all of us have unkind grind, not only our muslims. How many of us start bombing people and stuff? How much to keep feeling sorry for them? Who is going to feel sorry for the rest?
Aree bhai, all of us have unkind grind, not only our muslims. How many of us start bombing people and stuff? How much to keep feeling sorry for them? Who is going to feel sorry for the rest?

There are plenty of us who start bombing and stuff. What exactly do Naxals do ? Also Murder, Rape, cheating etc.

I do not think they need our sympathy anymore than we need theirs. But they certainly deserver our Respect. or do we differ on that ?
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