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Teen attacked after parents refuse to give him up for ISIS(In Mumbai)

We both know hates dargahs...between you and me. It is quite possible you have bombed a few dargahs. Damn grave worshippers...you would say... innit? :azn:
You need to polish your trolling skills. My ugly friend with thick-eyebrows and unibrows.
I cant understand why the beat him..... They could have gone themselves right????

Oh yeah it is happening In india!!!!!!!!!!!!
It has happened many many times before. Folks don't go and join ISIS out of the blue. There is a huge and I mean huge section in India who have responded to the call of the caliph. Like it or not. :)

The Madrassa goers among them become easy target for SIMI and Tabligh-i-Jamaat that channel their frustration into terror.
Awwwww. Sorry for making them terrorists. :cry:
I despise Barelvi Maulvis :)

Most of Indian Muslims are of no use in combat roles. As you already know :D. Some with Pathan ancestry or Arab ancestry(like me) are an exception.History tells us that even the Muslim rulers didn't prefer Hindusthanis(lower caste Hindu converts to Islam) in miltary. I don't support ISIS for that matter.

Even if you bomb some dargahs I wouldn't care :P

I hope they like your ***
Cybercell Mumbai
you are now a kannada bigot dictator??

No I'm a maratha warrior. But one should be factually correct on an international forum no?

don't condemn taliban in any other thread from now on.

I won't, if they limit themselves to slapping drunk chicks flashing their panties.

i would award them with a people's firing squad.


is that real or is that sanghi fear-mongering??

Conservative estimates. Give or take a couple of kids here or there.

well, there is no "saath janmon ka rishta"... they can marry a hundred times... why should anyone be bothered... only thing is no one in india should produce males for the next twenty years.

We are bothered because its a financial drain on the state, and eventually adding to a security risk to the state, not to mention a risk to your community as well.

that is the new lot.

Its a recurring theme, across lots.

what is a holy man?? :what:

I was being polite. Mulla. Moulvi. Maulana. Pir.

a charity like rss??

No, like JUD.
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