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Ted Cruz Says the Next President Have Two Choices: Allow Iran to Get Nukes, or Send in the Military!

Let it go body. These kinds of tough talks, as I mentioned above, are for more economic gain. Bosh with all his insanity was sane enough not to invade Iran. I'm sure nobody else will do it either.

But as long as this kind of rhetoric can buy you more votes and even more arms sales to countries around Persian Gulf, then why not?

Our friend here can remain hoping until "zire pash alaf sabz she!"

You are taking this thread off topic my friend.
Sorry but I had the honor of visiting my relatives in iran. other than them every one had a disgusting attitude towards us when we told them we are from Pakistan in Kermanshah
Well it was but then again the rest of your people are very nice and showed hospitality especially when we went Mashad and had the opportunity to pray in Gorshad masjid.
You are welcome in Iran whenever you come. Please clean your mind from the lies that wahhabi liars without any proof tells about us.

Iran has no hostility against Muslims be it Shia or Sunni. Also a Pakistani for an Iranian is more close that any none Muslim from any country.
Republicans gone mad... If this is going to be their election pitch, they may as well wait for another six years before occupying the Whitehorse. American public have had enough of this warmongering...& will lose international support to their sanctions regime!
You are welcome in Iran whenever you come. Please clean your mind from the lies that wahhabi liars without any proof tells about us.

Iran has no hostility against Muslims be it Shia or Sunni.
well i hope so because as a grown man and having a 50 50 shia sunni family problems are quite harx to handle. if you know what i mean:azn:
well i hope so because as a grown man and having a 50 50 shia sunni family problems are quite harx to handle. if you know what i mean:azn:
It is not good that u have religious problems in your family. But I hope you solve it and satisfy both sides. Research about Shia and Sunni and chose one of them that u want and not what your family want to dictate you. Anyhow satisfy both sides.
Most American politicians are as stupid and ignorant of world realities as any other Pakistani politician, their statements should not be taken seriously.
USA loaded with blood debt and dead solders still these guys never learn a lesson from past a new war means end of US economy

The U.S secretary of state's just visited Saudi kingdom to sell more and more weapons ... new wars even fears of a new war means more military contracts from Arab states ...

Ted Cruz is a son of a Christian Mullah---. He himself is a Christian Mullah---he is no different and as fanatic as any mullah----.

The American right wingers---their ideologies are no different than those of al Qaeda and other fundamentalist organizations---they are heading towards the al Qaeda extremes at a fast pace.

So--if you want to see the face of al Qaeda in the usa---just look at the born again Christians---they are headed that way.

Ted Cruz is a son of a Christian Mullah---. He himself is a Christian Mullah---he is no different and as fanatic as any mullah----.

The American right wingers---their ideologies are no different than those of al Qaeda and other fundamentalist organizations---they are heading towards the al Qaeda extremes at a fast pace.

So--if you want to see the face of al Qaeda in the usa---just look at the born again Christians---they are headed that way.
American Christian Zionists believe they must create great Israel to return prophet Christ (PBUH)!

Israelis believe they must destroy masjid al aqsa (which have been the first qibla of muslims before mecca and is mentioned in Quran) and build temple of prophet Suleiman (PBUH) or Solomon instead it to become kings of the earth!
Yeah and we were the first ones to recognize you after your revolution. And you brutally killed thousands who resisted you and you pumped violent sectarianism into our country. And supported an enemy of ours.

Unfortunately there is a lot of Propaganda in Pakistan where they are putting the blame of Lashkar-e-Jhangvi/Tehrik-e-Taliban etc. upon Iran.

1) Reality is this these Takfiri Sunni Extremists are all over the world. Even in Europe. Even in Saudia itself.

2) These Takfiri Sunni Extremists are not only killing Shias, but also killing Barailvi Sunni Muslims, Hindus, Christian and Ahmadies in Pakistan.

3) It was Pakistani Government/ Army (not People) itself, who gave birth to Taliban of Afghanistan along with US and Saudia. This was the mistake of Pakistani Government. This Pakistani act hurt Iran badly.
But this didn't only hurt Iran, but it hurt Pakistan itself.
This same ideology of Taliban came back to Pakistan in form of Tehrik-e-Taliban and killed thousands of Pak Army soldiers and thousands of Qabaili Pakistani citizens.

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