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Tea auction center to be set up in Panchagarh


Jun 14, 2016
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Tea auction centre to be set up in Panchagarh
FE REPORT | Published: November 13, 2021 09:58:59 | Updated: November 13, 2021 13:12:17
Tea auction centre to be set up in Panchagarh

A top-level move has been made to set up a new tea-auction centre in Panchagarh to ensure profitable trade in the widely consumed drink, which now grows in plenty in northern plains, officials said.

The Cabinet Division has asked the commerce ministry to take steps regarding the proposed auction centre by necessary experiment in the northern-most district.
The prime minister has given approval for a recent cabinet division proposal in this connection, they added.

Panchagarh district is a pioneer of small-scale tea cultivation in plain land. Around 10,170 acres of land in Panchagarh and adjoining districts has been brought under tea cultivation, according to the division.

Until September 2021, over 10.5 million kilograms of tea produced in the Panchagarh district, an increase by 3.1 million kgs from that of the corresponding period of last year.

Generally, the tea of Panchagarh and adjoining districts' gardens sell at the auction centres of Chattogram and Sreemangal that increases the transport and other related costs borne by owners and traders, says the cabinet division proposal.

Besides, it mentions, the produced tea sells at relatively lower prices at the aforementioned auction hubs. For this, small-scale tea producers have to count losses.

The plain-land tea will be sold in Panchagarh if the proposed third centre is established in the northern frontier district. "Simultaneously, it will be possible to prevent tea smuggling, increase revenue, ensure fair price for the producers and reduce production cost at factories," reads the cabinet document.

The elite administrative division has also asked the commerce ministry to inform it about the progress in this connection.

A major contribution to the growth in production of the cash crop in recent times is made by northern tea planters.

Small-scale commercial cultivation of tea in the region started in 2000 and is expanding every year in Panchagarh and adjoining districts of Thakurgaon, Nilphamari, Dinajpur and Lalmonirhat, changing the backwoods belt's economic ecosystem, say farmers concerned.

Small-holding gardening or tea farming has proved highly profitable in the region. Besides, tea cultivation brings fortune to many farmers and creates employment opportunities for the poor in the areas.

Acreage of tea cultivation increased rapidly in the area. In 2002, tea cultivation started off only with 455 acres.

There are 27 registered/unregistered tea gardens in Panchagarh and adjoining Thakurgaon, Nilphamari, Dinajpur and Lalmonirhat districts. Besides, there are 5,000 small-scale tea gardens, springing up spontaneously.

The government has set a target of increasing Bangladesh's tea production to 140 million kgs by 2025, aiming to meet the country's growing demand and increase its exports, according to the commerce ministry.

Not in Sreemangal? This is blasphemy...
SriMangal is in Sylhet and our new tea gardens are near Panchgarh in the same Darjeeling belt. Here people are producing a very high quality of tea that is equal to Darjeeling.

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Not in Sreemangal? This is blasphemy...

Ha ha ha, not all tea in Bangladesh is grown in Sylhet bhai. :lol:

But yes - SreeMangal is the prettiest area.

Chittagong has wonderful tea gardens (Halda River Valley for example) and so does Rangpur/Panchgarh area (which is newer, and grows specialty teas). I know of the growers who set up organic Green tea cultivation there. They also produce white tea for export.

Here is Halda Valley's tea lounge. Wonderful place to hang out for a cuppa after dinner when one is in Dhaka. Your lady consort will love it....


SriMangal is in Sylhet and our new tea gardens are near Panchgarh in the same Darjeeling belt. Here people are producing a very high quality of tea that is equal to Darjeeling.

View attachment 793354
Ha ha ha, not all tea in Bangladesh is grown in Sylhet bhai. :lol:

But yes - SreeMangal is the prettiest area.

Chittagong has wonderful tea gardens (Halda River Valley for example) and so does Rangpur/Panchgarh area (which is newer, and grows specialty teas). I know of the growers who set up organic Green tea cultivation there. They also produce white tea for export.

Here is Halda Valley's tea lounge. Wonderful place to hang out for a cuppa after dinner when one is in Dhaka. Your lady consort will love it....


I was talking about Tea auction center. We dont have tea auction center here in Sreemangal. We are the largest tea producer in Bangladesh!

I was talking about Tea auction center. We dont have tea auction center here in Sreemangal. We are the largest tea producer in Bangladesh!


SreeMangal had a tea auction house already opened on 2017.

Tea auction centers were set up originally - only in Chittagong during British times, because it was the port and point of shipment - and where storage for export was situated, Ispahani, HRC and Finlay (some of the largest Tea exporters locally) have HQs there.

Now that export is much more mechanized and regularized, auctioning can take place at points of production like Panchagarh and Sylhet.
You guys should call Abhinandan for the inauguration as chief guest.
You guys should call Abhinandan for the inauguration as chief guest.

I am sure he'd like it. :-)

But they only grow Green and Organic tea varieties in North Bengal, that thrive in the plains. That is not to most Sanghi's liking.

Should we "soften" him up a bit, before the tea is served?
SreeMangal had a tea auction house already opened on 2017.

Tea auction centers were set up originally - only in Chittagong during British times, because it was the port and point of shipment - and where storage for export was situated, Ispahani, HRC and Finlay (some of the largest Tea exporters locally) have HQs there.

Now that export is much more mechanized and regularized, auctioning can take place at points of production like Panchagarh and Sylhet.
There are no auction center in Sreemangal. We still have to use chattogram auction center...
Ha ha ha, not all tea in Bangladesh is grown in Sylhet bhai. :lol:

But yes - SreeMangal is the prettiest area.

Chittagong has wonderful tea gardens (Halda River Valley for example) and so does Rangpur/Panchgarh area (which is newer, and grows specialty teas). I know of the growers who set up organic Green tea cultivation there. They also produce white tea for export.

Here is Halda Valley's tea lounge. Wonderful place to hang out for a cuppa after dinner when one is in Dhaka. Your lady consort will love it....



I wish green tea would become a daily drink of ours, it would help with the population health and especially curbing tobacco consumption effects + obesity.
I am sure he'd like it. :-)

But they only grow Green and Organic tea varieties in North Bengal, that thrive in the plains. That is not to most Sanghi's liking.

Should we "soften" him up a bit, before the tea is served?
He will soften up your Dhaka for you , just like 71 .
There are no auction center in Sreemangal. We still have to use chattogram auction center...
Do you think the govt should start creating auction houses in every Mahalla? Last time it was Chittagong because of the easiness of port entry of Sylhet tea.

Now, the govt has decided to build another in Panchgar which is far away and is not directly linked with Chittagong.

Why do Sylhetis need another Auction house in Sylhet? Is it something fun? In any case, BD is now unable to export teas because our own population drinks all the production.

So, let Sylhet tea be consumed domestically and Panchgar tea be exported to the world. This tea can compete with Darjeeling tea quality and tastewise.

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