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Tea auction center to be set up in Panchagarh

I wish green tea would become a daily drink of ours, it would help with the population health and especially curbing tobacco consumption effects + obesity.

Exactly, healthiest tea you can drink. I drink five cups of the stuff almost everyday. Chock full of anti-oxidants....

Mix in a bit of honey and you're Golden. ;-)
In any case, BD is now unable to export teas because our own population drinks all the production.

@bluesky bhai, govt. is subsidizing more area to be brought under tea cultivation, effectively doubling it. Which will be easy now because new tea varieties can be grown in plain land near North Bengal, Plus all of hill tracts is basically waiting to be developed, they are ideal places to grow tea on the hillsides.
@bluesky bhai, govt. is subsidizing more area to be brought under tea cultivation, effectively doubling it. Which will be easy now because new tea varieties can be grown in plain land near North Bengal, Plus all of hill tracts is basically waiting to be developed, they are ideal places to grow tea on the hillsides.
In its wild state, tea grows best in regions which enjoy a warm, humid climate with a rainfall measuring at least 100 centimetres a year. Ideally, it likes deep, light, acidic and well-drained soil. Given these conditions, tea will grow in areas from sea level up to altitudes as high as 2,100 metres above sea level.

Please note that a tea plantation needs well-drained soil. So, hilly areas are chosen because the hill-slopes drain down the rainwater. Darjeeling tea gardens are also in the hills because of the same reason.

But, the quality of soil itself is very important. For example, if the soil is well-drained, it will be tantamount of saying that the soil is well-drained. Only the rainwater goes down.

As for Panchagarh, I went there once near the border when I lived for four years in Saidpur. So, I don't know about the soil there.

However, note that the entire Saidpur area is full of sandy soil which by its nature is also well-drained. Dig for a water-well, you will see only sand is coming out. This is why though almost flat, Panchagarh soil being well-drained can produce tea.

I believe many other parts below this point at least up to Saidpur may be fit enough to produce tea. Let us hope so.
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