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Tauheen e adalat, case registered against IK

Your sandals won't do Justice to this Chief Justice :D

And IK fell right into the trap - he didn't see this coming i guess......don't forget Fakhru G resigning will be on his head too

atleast he will get the taste of som scars on the face here n there:tongue:

I always bet on the winning horse, bring it on Imran Khan :pop:
Your sandals won't do Justice to this Chief Justice :D

And IK fell right into the trap - he didn't see this coming i guess......don't forget Fakhru G resigning will be on his head too

Yes,verily balixd,if we talk seriously,then I will say that it is better for them to deal with cases of Mr.Malik and Mr.Gilani about same issue first then drag Mr.Khan later,it is indeed a tragedy that our judiciary is now days nothing more but group of such mindsets who are heavily under influence of some powerful figures ie politicians.
This has effected the reputation of judiciary very badly,and such lobby must be removed,so that cases are solved neutrally and with justice.
Yes,verily balixd,if we talk seriously,then I will say that it is better for them to deal with cases of Mr.Malik and Mr.Gilani about same issue first then drag Mr.Khan later,it is indeed a tragedy that our judiciary is now days nothing more but group of such mindsets who are heavily under influence of some powerful figures ie politicians.
This has effected the reputation of judiciary very badly,and such lobby must be removed,so that cases are solved neutrally and with justice.

If IK don't trust in this judiciary ... It means Musharraf was right to taking action against CJP ... So IK must apologize to the nation ... Pakistan was developing speedily in his era ... Now Pakistan has gone backward after him ... Otherwise he should apologize to judiciary ...........
If IK don't trust in this judiciary ... It means Musharraf was right to taking action against CJP ... So IK must apologize to the nation ... Pakistan was developing speedily in his era ... Now Pakistan has gone backward after him ... Otherwise he should apologize to judiciary ...........

Today, you sit on a very high pedestal, almost like a god, untouchable, unaccountable, unimpressive !

But let us share with you a painful truth.

On the day of judgment, in front of Allah (swt), in the presence of Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm), we the Ummah of Rasul Allah (sm) will stand against you with a case of your betrayal of Ummat e Rasul (sm), for protecting the Kufr and dajjali nizam, for defending the Riba, for protecting the traitor media, for not punishing the Khawarij, for harassing the defenders of the millat Pak army, for not doing justice and adal in the society which was your primary duty in dunya. By Allah, you will cut a very sorry and shameful figure that day when only the Hukm of Allah will rule and no one would dare to speak without His permission and you will NOT be the Chief Justice with your insanely arrogant protocol and power over people’s lives and honor that you hold today.

We cannot do anything to you today but you cannot stop our tongues and silent prayers to Allah (swt) for you cannot become a god no matter how godly you behave today. We the Ummah of Rasul Allah (sm) will curse you in dunya and on the last 10 days of Ramazan and on lailatul Qadr. By Allah, we will as you have betrayed Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) and this Ummat and Pak sarzameen.

As the millat bleeds and the ummah cries for justice and protection, the arsh of Allah (swt) is shaking but you care not. Khair inshAllah. Allah is enough for this millat e Marhoom, when its Qazi has abandoned them. Just a piece of advice – prepare your answer which you will present to Allah (swt) on the day of judgment and please do not mention the constitution because it won’t matter that day.

May Allah’s curse be upon those who betray Rasul Allah (sm) when given authority in dunya to defend the honor of the Ummah.

An Ummati of Rasul Allah (sm).
If IK don't trust in this judiciary ... It means Musharraf was right to taking action against CJP ... So IK must apologize to the nation ... Pakistan was developing speedily in his era ... Now Pakistan has gone backward after him ... Otherwise he should apologize to judiciary ...........

yeah,seems like Mr.Khan is sandwiched now,due to his statements,the fact is that nobody has idea that free judiciary will be used as a tool against specific figures,Mr.Musharraf figured it out,because it was used as a tool against him,while Mr.Khan realized when he experienced same situation as of Mr.Musharraf.
As,Mr.Patrios you won't be able to detect the density of water unless you won't jump in it,similarly Mr.Khan realized it when he experienced same situation.
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