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Target killing of Brahamdagh Bugti’s sister and niece !!

we know that there will be no investigations. So, its the perception that matters...the concerned should look into it.
any followup on that whole 'reported once then totally forgotten' drama? ;)
Here you go sir
Pakistan's ISI fights lawsuit linking it to Mumbai attacks - US news - Crime & courts - msnbc.com

Mumbai attacks: Lawyers hired to remove ISI from lawsuit in US – The Express Tribune

Fourth case: 26/11 survivor files lawsuit against ISI in New York - Indian Express

And here is the ruling from the New york court dated August 2011

However, defendants' request that the court consider the motion to dismiss as fully briefed in relation to the Ragsdale case is premature as defendants have not even appeared in the new case.

"The application is denied without prejudice to renew once the defendants have appeared in the Ragsdale matter," the court order said.

i think you might be a bit mal-nourished and in need of some sustenance to get the blood sugar going.......he was never even summoned for a hearing. DG-ISI is above such things, you really think he'd have time for that when there are more important things? You indians really are fun (funny?) people to laugh at.
Personal attacks aside, did you see anywhere in my post about him being summoned? Though the summons were issued, if you go thru the links above..

About laughing, well, thats always good for health, but dont take the eye off the ball else you will be laughing all the way to a Taliban state...
No doubt our stupid agencies are behind it , thats very low of these scum bags .. near time pakistanis take full control of this situation before these f##kn whackos brought us to the point of no return .. these scum chowkidars needs to be in control or else its too late

And why there is no doubt. Just because you believe so or it is a tradition among the liberals like you that it is cool to say something against ISI and PA we should believe you!!!

Well, aren't you occupied enough with the cr*p that fell after you killed one old man? You want to kill an unarmed oldie too? I would suggest a try.

Well I was just giving you a simple logic, doesn't mean I support someone's killings. ISI may be evil and all that for you guys but at least it isn't mad for sure.
No doubt our stupid agencies are behind it , thats very low of these scum bags .. near time pakistanis take full control of this situation before these f##kn whackos brought us to the point of no return .. these scum chowkidars needs to be in control or else its too late

So far, they have not been successful in extraditing him from Switzerland, where he has obtained political asylum. Killing his sister and niece could be one way of sending him a chilling message. It also points to the military’s callous attitude towards all norms of humanity. Women, children and old people are not deliberately targeted in wars. What kind of a despicable regime is this that would kill women and children in cold blood just to make a point? The police are still clueless about the murderers but they must investigate properly and get to the bottom of this horrific incident. No words can do justice to the sense of outrage at this atrocious crime.

the [Pakistan] military and its spy agencies have supra-constitutional authority to deal with the Baloch people, who are struggling for their constitutional rights of self-rule in the province”. The policy of eliminating members of the Baloch resistance movement, moderate nationalists, intellectuals and youth has led to more hatred and more alienation in the province. Now this policy is seemingly being extended to women and children. Independence from Pakistan is now being demanded openly all over Balochistan. The death of two Baloch women will certainly stoke the fire even more. Nobody can blame the Baloch for this demand given the atrocities being committed against them every single day by our military. Even the veteran Baloch leadership has nothing to offer the disgruntled Baloch youth fighting in the mountains because of the criminal military operation. The military’s highhanded policies have hardly left any space for a political solution now. The federation is definitely in trouble.

Extracts from Mehmal's article @daily times

Again all guess work from the notorious Daily Times.

we know that there will be no investigations. So, its the perception that matters...the concerned should look into it.

Yup the concerned authorities should look into it. And that too for all murders that happened in Karachi including this one.

---------- Post added at 10:00 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:58 AM ----------

I think AZ knows about the links you shared even before. He was just asking how is this drama going?
He should ask about it from the head villain of the drama. He lives closer to him than me .. ;)

It was you who was gloating over the drama. Drama isn't that a huge failure that you can't tell us a line or two about it's progress.;)
It was you who was gloating over the drama. Drama isn't that a huge failure that you can't tell us a line or two about it's progress.;)

Why would I need to tell a Pakistani about a court case where head of Pakistani intelligence is being sued in 4 different cases for planning and aiding terror strikes that killed civilians. After all, official Pakistani legal defence team is defending him in those cases now.. Isnt it.
Why would I need to tell a Pakistani about a court case where head of Pakistani intelligence is being sued in 4 different cases for planning and aiding terror strikes that killed civilians. After all, official Pakistani legal defence team is defending him in those cases now.. Isnt it.

As AZ rightly said. It is 'reported once then totally forgotten' drama left for the likes of you to gloat over. Nothing else. Keep sucking it. :)
As AZ rightly said. It is 'reported once then totally forgotten' drama left for the likes of you to gloat over. Nothing else. Keep sucking it. :)

Read the last link in my reply to AZ. Thats less than 6 months old where cases are being added against ISI and Pasha.. And a ruling from the court against the motion to dismiss

And do remember, Pakistanis considered OBL also as forgotten before the Abbotabad Drama happened.. :D
Read the last link in my reply to AZ. Thats less than 6 months old where cases are being added against ISI and Pasha.. And a ruling from the court against the motion to dismiss

And do remember, Pakistanis considered OBL also as forgotten before the Abbotabad Drama happened.. :D

See what a fail that drama was that you had to shift from that to Abbotabad. ;)

Fortunately nothing happens on ground in this world according to wishes of drama lovers.:)
If killing of sisters and nieces is supported by common people, then we are going in wrong direction.....
As AZ rightly said. It is 'reported once then totally forgotten' drama left for the likes of you to gloat over. Nothing else. Keep sucking it. :)

why should the world take it seriously when the indians themselves never took the investigation seriously

they turned Kasab into some kind of bollywood figure instead of treating the whole trial in a professional manner, befitting of a proper democracy ....but anyways, whats past is past.

mumbai drama is not the topic here anyways; but since you just HAD to keep delving into it well here's a key part of the article

"The application is denied without prejudice to renew once the defendants have appeared in the Ragsdale matter," the court order said.

as i said, i dont think DG-ISI or anyone in the internal services has the time in schedule for such silly circus theatrics....in the indian dossier (indian version of things) they list the names of serving officers who dont even exist! :laugh:
You never know the husband might have done this due to their tribal customs and honour killings. If you remember there was an incident in which 3 girls were buried alive (or may be buried after killed). That's why they didn't go for FIR registration and police had to register it on behalf of state/government.
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