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TAPI a game changer for our region.

Good. Should meet the energy demands of Afghanistan for quite a long time now.

India needs to get one from Iran operational and reduce dependence on oil and increase burning coal .
TAPI and IPI are different projects ...

India want iran pipeline to come through sealine bypassing pakistan ...

I never stated that TAPI and IPI are same projects.

India pulling out of IPI was fallout of US-India nuclear deal and the strained US-Iran relations at that point in time.

Now with the rapprochement/normalization of US-Iran relations, US may reconsider India being part of IPI if there made the stakeholders in the project.

It's not that India wants to bypass Pakistan but that is the only option available to India as of now.

Did you care to read members comments above (to your posts)??? IP and TAPI are different projects. India doesn't want IPI, so it has just become IP project now. India has started an II project, where they are building an underground / under ocean pipeline to by pass Pakistan. So the IP project will never become the IPI project.

I never stated that TAPI and IPI are same projects.

India pulling out of IPI was fallout of US-India nuclear deal and the strained US-Iran relations at that point in time.

Now with the rapprochement/normalization of US-Iran relations, US may reconsider India being part of IPI if there made the stakeholders in the project.

It's not that India wants to bypass Pakistan but that is the only option available to India as of now.

I think this is an indication of how India wants to keep Pakistan out of anything strategic for her. Similarly, Pakistan should be watching out and not provide land access to Afghanistan as it will bring more RAW related terrorism inside Pakistan.
May be, if the peace preserves without any more on and off issues, for like a decade, you guys will be able to trust each other and build collaborative projects. But right now, it doesn't seem so.

So why are India & Pakistan discussing being part of TAPI then? By your logic it should be TAP not TAPI

Risk mitigation.
TAPI has too many complications for it to be considered reliable over long periods(decades).

Afghanistan current security situation is one.

Secondly, Pakistan cannot guarantee safety of a pipeline across its soil. The militancy is just one factor, the other is that its Pakistan military operates without any civilian oversight or control.

So any guarantee of Govt of Pakistan is not worth the piece of paper it is written on.

And Pakistan military, the less said about it the better. They have already radicalized/spoiled their country for their personal search for grandeur.

So an alternate connection in the form of an undersea Iran-Indian international pipeline is ideal for us in terms of reliability.

As long as each country is made responsible for the safety and security of the pipeline in their respective countries, I do not see any risk. India would be paying for the gas at the point of receipt on India border along with the transit fee for the respective countries.

Since India, Pakistan & US are all stake holders the issue of terrorism should be considerably mitigated.
India will do what is in her best interests.
Should India find that TAPI is no longer in Indian interests, India will pull out as evinced from the pull out of the IPI line.

I wonder why you feel the need to suggest options to GoI. Surely you will agree that we manage our economy far better than Pakistanis do theirs.
Your country is seven times bigger than our and still you are hell bent on comparing them. It's not that hard to see who is managing better than other.
Good. Should meet the energy demands of Afghanistan for quite a long time now.

India needs to get one from Iran operational and reduce dependence on oil and increase burning coal .

With the Indian commitment towards the climate accord burning of additional coal is almost out of the door. We may be able to slightly increase with the introduction of clean coal tech.

Clean Coal Technologies | Carbon Capture and Storage | CCS
I never stated that TAPI and IPI are same projects.

India pulling out of IPI was fallout of US-India nuclear deal and the strained US-Iran relations at that point in time.

Now with the rapprochement/normalization of US-Iran relations, US may reconsider India being part of IPI if there made the stakeholders in the project.

It's not that India wants to bypass Pakistan but that is the only option available to India as of now.

I understand your post and the logic behind it. Personally, I like it and would like to see more of the projects getting started like this between India and Pakistan, as trade is the only way to connect people and bring about peace to this region.

But I think what I, and others, were trying to tell you, was the fact that India wanted to be separate. As we speak, they have started work on a near-future under-ocean pipeline project. So India wants to go to Iran through an underground ocean.
I understand your post and the logic behind it. Personally, I like it and would like to see more of the projects getting started like this between India and Pakistan, as trade is the only way to connect people and bring about peace to this region.

But I think what I, and others, were trying to tell you, was the fact that India wanted to be separate. As we speak, they have started work on a near-future under-ocean pipeline project. So India wants to go to Iran through an underground ocean.

India doesn't want to separate...but certainly would not want Pakistan in it that is so important to India's energy security.
India doesn't want to separate...but certainly would not want Pakistan in it that is so important to India's energy security.

That was my point. Same goes for Pakistan too, that's why India isn't get land access to Afghanistan as it'll create a crazy RAW sponsored terrorism mess in Pakistan, who's barely been able to control these terrorist bast*ards. So I think both the countries need to create some peace, establish trade between the two, and let things be peaceful for a few years. May be 5-7 years worth of peace and trade will result in more trust being established on each side, and then these join projects can become a reality.
That was my point. Same goes for Pakistan too, that's why India isn't get land access to Afghanistan as it'll create a crazy RAW sponsored terrorism mess in Pakistan, who's barely been able to control these terrorist bast*ards. So I think both the countries need to create some peace, establish trade between the two, and let things be peaceful for a few years. May be 5-7 years worth of peace and trade will result in more trust being established on each side, and then these join projects can become a reality.

I think India has less interest in Central Asia. The region is too unstable for any business for India to do. India looks east, which is better market and stable.
Surely you will agree that we manage our economy far better than Pakistanis do theirs.
Do you even know what Pakistan has gone through in past decade and a half. As per majority of analysts by now Pakistan should have met the fate of Iraq and Syria and btw India left no stone unturned to ensure that. I can understand how disappointing it is for you but the fact is Pakistan is on the verge of defeating terrorism, mostly state sponsored.
This is the beginning of a new chapter for a collective development of our region. Yes there are cynics but mark my word the moment this gas starts flowing into Afghan, Pakistani and Indian industries that moment will be the end of the hawks who who are bent on making us fight forever.

CASA 1000 is the next one in the pipeline.

PM inaugurates TAPI gas pipeline project in Turkmenistan - The Express Tribune
This project has been very close to my heart, and I agree with you, it would bring prosperity and hopefully peace to our region.

If our leaders are smart then they should try to bring in Russia into this project, since Russia wants to diversify its oil and gas exports and bringing in Russia will add muscle and money to the project.
This is the beginning of a new chapter for a collective development of our region. Yes there are cynics but mark my word the moment this gas starts flowing into Afghan, Pakistani and Indian industries that moment will be the end of the hawks who who are bent on making us fight forever.

CASA 1000 is the next one in the pipeline.

PM inaugurates TAPI gas pipeline project in Turkmenistan - The Express Tribune

I am curious how Afghanistan will protect this pipeline when it cannot protect Helmand?
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