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Tamils supporting Kashmiris against Indian state terrorism


Nov 9, 2009
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United Kingdom




..kashmirs now have golden chance to quesh the impression of them being selfish ....to the core...
They should now take out rallies supporting rights of farmers in whole India, struggle against corruption, nepotism, poor infrastructure etc.
HAHAH what bs is this ??? iam tamizh... have you ever been to TN ??? LOLZ ...pls stop posting such threads...
Most members of May 17 movement are Sri Lankan Tamil refugees and their relatives. So their opinions don't count.

They arent. They are Indian Tamils who are mostly youngsters brainwashed into it. You can see the numbers.

Infact the first May17 movement was a large rally as it initially started to condemn the Indian govt inaction in Sri Lanka in 2009 where 40000 tamils were killed. Now when the track turned anti-India, this is how much they have left. Probably 300.

Only in PDF. Tamils fighting for Independence and CHinese and Pakistanis want to join hands to help Tamil Nadu :lol: They have probably no idea on Q branch of TN Police :lol:
They arent. They are Indian Tamils who are mostly youngsters brainwashed into it. You can see the numbers.

Infact the first May17 movement was a large rally as it initially started to condemn the Indian govt inaction in Sri Lanka in 2009 where 40000 tamils were killed. Now when the track turned anti-India, this is how much they have left. Probably 300.

Only in PDF. Tamils fighting for Independence and CHinese and Pakistanis want to join hands to help Tamil Nadu :lol: They have probably no idea on Q branch of TN Police :lol:
Thanthai Periyar Dravida Kalagam :lol:. Yeah, I read that soon TN will break off from India, from PDF. Where does all these small organizations pop up? Anyway when you break off, leave Coimbatore to Kerala:enjoy: @Levina. We will let you have Periyar dam.
Is this one of those weekend entertainment threads?
Friday is when my weekend begins. Thanks Windy!
I wish OP had let us vote too. It would have been so much more fun.
Anyways, I am here to confirm my support for the Kashmiris.
The Kashmiri Muslims and Kashmiri Pandits deserve a peaceful Kashmir and the day is not far when we will achieve zero militancy in the valley. Inshallah! :)

Coimbatore to Kerala:enjoy: @Levina. We will let you have Periyar dam.
Do I get Lakshadweep too? :ashamed:
Is this one of those weekend entertainment threads?
Friday is when my weekend begins. Thanks Windy!
I wish OP had let us vote too. It would have been so much more fun.
Anyways, I am here to confirm my support for the Kashmiris.
The Kashmiri Muslims and Kashmiri Pandits deserve a peaceful Kashmir and the day is not far when we will achieve zero militancy in the valley. Inshallah! :)
Yup, the 1000 + militants blinded by Indian security forces ideally should be shipped to Guantanamo Bay.
Baqi Ram nam such hey.
The Kashmiri Muslims and Kashmiri Pandits deserve a peaceful Kashmir and the day is not far when we will achieve zero militancy in the valley. Inshallah!

there are 400,000 militants in Kashmir in uniform on Indian Army and BSF , say inshallah to their death :)
One can only thank the Tamil folks for standing up for Kashmiri people and pointing against the Human Rights violation by Modi and his goons

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