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Tamils supporting Kashmiris against Indian state terrorism

I thought your country was a Democracy ? so people opinion matters .. you are oppressing their right to choose and just go around in circle to feel good about the situation .. the world can still see you if you close you eyes :)
I can understand the reason why you're so ignorant of how a democracy works.
While we as the citizens of INDIA have rights as to how we live, we also have certain DUTIES to our motherland.
Rights and duties go hand in hand in a democracy- ICYMI. :)
I can understand the reason why you're so ignorant of how a democracy works.
While we as the citizens of INDIA have rights as to how we live, we also have certain DUTIES to our motherland.
Rights and duties go hand in hand in a democracy- ICYMI. :)

what duty ? snatching someone's right to chose ? LOL you are living in MODI's India i can see that :D
what duty ? snatching someone's right to chose ? LOL you are living in MODI's India i can see that :D
I had told you this is gonna whoosh over your head.:rolleyes:
You must live in a democratic country to comprehend what i had mentioned- RIGHTS and DUTIES.
I had told you this is gonna whoosh over your head.:rolleyes:
You must live in a democratic country to comprehend what i had mentioned- RIGHTS and DUTIES

LOL! Apnay moo apni tareef? Kashmiris think you are an occupying force. Posting here endlessly on PDF will not change that fact.
Me thinks, chances of Kerala breaking away from India has a higher chance of happening than TamilNadu doing the same.
If I know Tamilians well, they are very patriotic ppl.
These random pictures of some brainwashed ppl are often picked by the gullible ones from the other side. @Windjammer has a proven track record of posting some of the most entertaining threads on this forum and he lives upto his name with this one too. :)

Which Kashmiris are you speaking for?

The Kashmiris on our side have this to say >>>

Well, I think these are just pipe dreams and propaganda's I was just making a soft troll about DPRK. Anyway, I don't see anyone breaking apart from such a wonderful country. It's a fruit bearing tree that everyone wants to reap the benefits.
I think the problem with Kashmir is not just Pakistan, but the Saudi funded Wahhabism. There was a time before, when we used to hear about Sufi saints from Kashmir, now they became extinct in the region. Sufism is almost dead.
Unless we crush the funds of the hurriyath, as we saw in the news you quoted before, about funding to spread violence. Nothing is gonna change. I think the GOI handled the issue lightly and is paying the price. Every other gov in Delhi handles the Kashmir issue in the same style. Be it NDA or UPA.
Someone needs to come up with a new idea.

@Levina This is just an attention seeking thread.
I thought your country was a Democracy ? so people opinion matters .. you are oppressing their right to choose and just go around in circle to feel good about the situation .. the world can still see you if you close you eyes :)

Lol.. who is talking about the democracy we don't need any suggestions on democracy from a nation who don't have have proper democracy,, .. and you know democracy is also provide proper rights to all people and I don't think so Pakistan giving all rights to all people..
And what you are talking about world , world have shown you your place by rejecting kishmir issue..
So 10 alleged Tamil folks support Kashmiri, devil knows on what issue(s). Good going! this way Kashmiri will get Aazadi by 8047 perhaps. Some progress!
Most members of May 17 movement are Sri Lankan Tamil refugees and their relatives. So their opinions don't count.
when it comes to killing of innocent kashmiris, no body opinion counts for extremists indians with hinduvata ideology because humanity is dead in india atleast incase of indians on kashmiri children it's dead.
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