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Talks with BJP-led India not possible, says PM Imran

Yep India is a utter hindutva extremist communal shithole

No talking with a hindutva extremist state

Keep the ISI active, hurt and block India wherever we can, create division within India using hindutva poison

Plan with china to repeatedly slap India
A mistake to call it socialist and I fully agree to take that word away from preamble.

Why ?

As for being secular, does the state ever professed and promoted any religion? Does the state control how you practice your faith? Has Indian government ever decided when your religious holidays comes? If not, India is secular.

LOL. What party is ruling the state ? Just in my previous post I wrote of the prime minister taking special days off to inaugurate development work at a Hindu temple to the cost of 400 crores ! If that among many examples is not blatant profession and promotion of a particular religious then what is ?

And the government's party's units which rule in some states are blatantly forwarding a particular religion. What is the law against inter-faith marriages especially when the groom is Muslim ? What is Ghar Wapsi ? What is the law against "Mass religious conversion" that targets conversion from Hinduism to Buddhism or Christianity ?

Stop talking to me with your idiotic musings.

Then stop visiting this discussion forum. Please go write a one-way article on OpIndia or some such Hindutavadi platform.
Haha I guess we should also wait till Pakistan becomes a secular republic ruled by secular parties before having talks. So that we can have some semblance in parties that negotiate.
although i am with seculerism . but first indians fascists themselves are seculars ? yogi modi ajit are secular ???? secularism to khud aik gaali ban gya hain india main . india is fascists country today
Not very smart from IK again, first didn't send a delegation to Biden's summit because he hasn't called and now he's saying no talks possible with India under BJP. Is it China who is running Pakistan's foreign policy ?

The BJP will be running India for a good long while, best Pak make peace with that and try to normalize relations on other fronts, let's trade and do business, I'd like to see India open up and ease travel restrictions so tourism can benefit in both countries, come and visit Goa, Himachal, the Andamans, north East, Kerala and down south..I'd like to explore the Makran coast and Skardu and northers regions on my bike. Royal Enfield showrooms in Pak. It can be done.

Most Pak watchers in India are of the opinion that only the Pak army stands in the way, for should Kashmir be out on the back burner and relations normalized, they'll lose relevance, and with that, their iron grip on power. Pak has to come around at some stage and realize that the Indian state has no nefarious plans for it's Kashmiri population, it's a tourism gold mine and we'd like to develop it as such and build infra and bring prosperity to that state.
Sure, India is a secular and Socialist country by declaration in the preamble to the Indian Constitution but is it secular and Socialist in reality ? In fact wasn't it the BJP government's elements who some years ago wanted to remove "Secular" and "Socialist" from the preamble because they said they don't reflect "Indian" ethos and are foreign ideas ? Some elements of the ruling government want to in fact remove the current Constitution itself and replace it with the Hindu religious guide book the Manusmriti. Let us remember that it was this book that was burnt by the Dalit leader Ambedkar in 1927 because it is this foul book that defines the caste system and other such anti-human things.

How secular India is when the prime minister is wasting 400 crores on development works in a Himalayan Hindu temple when that economic resource could have been employed in building free hospitals and homes ? What kind of god will be pleased for a temple dedicated to him when humans are suffering unnecessarily and artificially ?

Whose money is spent on the maintenance of Jama Masjid?
LOL. What party is ruling the state ? Just in my previous post I wrote of the prime minister taking special days off to inaugurate development work at a Hindu temple to the cost of 400 crores ! If that among many examples is not blatant profession and promotion of a particular religious then what is ?
Another ignoramus who don't know what Secularism is. Since when secularism means a person in power must give up his religion? Has being president of the US stopped Obama from going to the church and participate in the mass? Has it stopped him from taking oath on Bible? A person is free to follow his religion irrespective of what power he holds in the government. Modi is free to perform puja in 400Cr temple because he is a Hindu. He didn't insult any religion by doing so.
Sure, India is a secular and Socialist country by declaration in the preamble to the Indian Constitution but is it secular and Socialist in reality ? In fact wasn't it the BJP government's elements who some years ago wanted to remove "Secular" and "Socialist" from the preamble because they said they don't reflect "Indian" ethos and are foreign ideas ? Some elements of the ruling government want to in fact remove the current Constitution itself and replace it with the Hindu religious guide book the Manusmriti. Let us remember that it was this book that was burnt by the Dalit leader Ambedkar in 1927 because it is this foul book that defines the caste system and other such anti-human things.

How secular India is when the prime minister is wasting 400 crores on development works in a Himalayan Hindu temple when that economic resource could have been employed in building free hospitals and homes ? What kind of god will be pleased for a temple dedicated to him when humans are suffering unnecessarily and artificially ?
You are in your own world ..You can't even control thoughts/actions of your family members how will you expect a nation of 140 crores people not to voice different opinions ? Temples give money to govt coffers if a fraction goes back then you shouldn't worry ..Govt also gives money to other religions although they don't get it like they are getting from temples .. Religious fundamentalists be it Hindu or Muslim are there and it's a reality .. Making them irrelevant should be priority rather than covertly supporting one religion and opposing other ..You too are part of the problem rather than solution ..I too may have my own bias ..Unless and until religions becomes irrelevant we can't escape these fundamentalists hiccups ..Learn to live with reality and try to change oneself within should be ideal rather than point scoring at others..
And the government's party's units which rule in some states are blatantly forwarding a particular religion. What is the law against inter-faith marriages especially when the groom is Muslim ? What is Ghar Wapsi ? What is the law against "Mass religious conversion" that targets conversion from Hinduism to Buddhism or Christianity ?
Is there a law that exist that prevents interfaith marriage? There isn't. Ghar wapsi what not. You are talking about something that has zero relevance to the state and coerced religious conversation is already illegal in India. We know how such fakery affected the indigenous people in North East.
Not very smart from IK again, first didn't send a delegation to Biden's summit because he hasn't called and now he's saying no talks possible with India under BJP. Is it China who is running Pakistan's foreign policy ?

The BJP will be running India for a good long while, best Pak make peace with that and try to normalize relations on other fronts, let's trade and do business, I'd like to see India open up and ease travel restrictions so tourism can benefit in both countries, come and visit Goa, Himachal, the Andamans, north East, Kerala and down south..I'd like to explore the Makran coast and Skardu and northers regions on my bike. Royal Enfield showrooms in Pak. It can be done.

Most Pak watchers in India are of the opinion that only the Pak army stands in the way, for should Kashmir be out on the back burner and relations normalized, they'll lose relevance, and with that, their iron grip on power. Pak has to come around at some stage and realize that the Indian state has no nefarious plans for it's Kashmiri population, it's a tourism gold mine and we'd like to develop it as such and build infra and bring prosperity to that state.

Wont happen without the deep state up everyone *** , not needed , at the moment the way Pakistan is , its better to lock each other out. Dont want people getting gangstalked.

Ik has has put his eggs in one basket , not a good investment strat but , what other options does he have? America clearly does not want anything to do with china in a cooperative sense.
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Not very smart from IK again, first didn't send a delegation to Biden's summit because he hasn't called and now he's saying no talks possible with India under BJP. Is it China who is running Pakistan's foreign policy ?

The BJP will be running India for a good long while, best Pak make peace with that and try to normalize relations on other fronts, let's trade and do business, I'd like to see India open up and ease travel restrictions so tourism can benefit in both countries, come and visit Goa, Himachal, the Andamans, north East, Kerala and down south..I'd like to explore the Makran coast and Skardu and northers regions on my bike. Royal Enfield showrooms in Pak. It can be done.

Most Pak watchers in India are of the opinion that only the Pak army stands in the way, for should Kashmir be out on the back burner and relations normalized, they'll lose relevance, and with that, their iron grip on power. Pak has to come around at some stage and realize that the Indian state has no nefarious plans for it's Kashmiri population, it's a tourism gold mine and we'd like to develop it as such and build infra and bring prosperity to that state.

Yeah,, no thanks😂
Not very smart from IK again, first didn't send a delegation to Biden's summit because he hasn't called and now he's saying no talks possible with India under BJP. Is it China who is running Pakistan's foreign policy ?

The BJP will be running India for a good long while, best Pak make peace with that and try to normalize relations on other fronts, let's trade and do business, I'd like to see India open up and ease travel restrictions so tourism can benefit in both countries, come and visit Goa, Himachal, the Andamans, north East, Kerala and down south..I'd like to explore the Makran coast and Skardu and northers regions on my bike. Royal Enfield showrooms in Pak. It can be done.

Most Pak watchers in India are of the opinion that only the Pak army stands in the way, for should Kashmir be out on the back burner and relations normalized, they'll lose relevance, and with that, their iron grip on power. Pak has to come around at some stage and realize that the Indian state has no nefarious plans for it's Kashmiri population, it's a tourism gold mine and we'd like to develop it as such and build infra and bring prosperity to that state.
Gee idk why IK would say such a hurtful thing :(. Its not like secular india is encouraging the enforcement of hindu laws, killings, support for cross border terrorism into Pakistan, the lynching of indian muslims and the constant shit we hear being spewed out by both the govt and media. Also yes, the military stands in the way. Because the people of pakistan want it to stand in the way of india and its... Crap
Gee idk why IK would say such a hurtful thing :(. Its not like secular india is encouraging the enforcement of hindu laws, killings, support for cross border terrorism into Pakistan, the lynching of indian muslims and the constant shit we hear being spewed out by both the govt and media. Also yes, the military stands in the way. Because the people of pakistan want it to stand in the way of india and its... Crap
Politics and diplomacy are not supposed to be feels based.
although i am with seculerism . but first indians fascists themselves are seculars ? yogi modi ajit are secular ???? secularism to khud aik gaali ban gya hain india main . india is fascists country today
Imran bhai secularism is not people specific. It is country specific. You, I or anyone cannot be secular because it's not possible. Pakistan is not secular because you have a state religion and laws framed through Islam and India is secular because irrespective of who rules, the Constitution didn't define a religion for the state. So you can be a staunch Muslim and yet be any person with power let it be Army chief, president or prime minister.
As for fascism, wouldn't we all want our enemies to be the evil force.
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