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Talks minus Kashmir with India not acceptable to Pakistan: Sartaj Aziz

Where is @DESERT FIGHTER. He is Baloch too. Can you tell me about the Khan of Kalat and the ascension to Pakistan?

What about his? he ceeded to Pak... but later his younger brother started resistance.. he than ended it but was still punished..

Today the Khan of Kalats great grandon claims that his granda ceeded to Pak because of a spiritual dream..
No you didn't. After partition happened, the independent princely states were given a choice either to join India or Pakistan. Northwest Front is one such princely state. In India too there were Hyderabad, Junnagarh etc..

Oh come on when was NWFP a princely state?
What is taught in Pak history? Now you should use google.

Ohh lalay you don't need to google everything? I basically hail from one of towns from there, tell you what Swat was a princely state but NWFP as a whole was never a princely state........ Just for once accept it and I will rate you what you say han han han :smitten:
You are a PDF resident comedian. The name 'Education' coming from you is itself hilarious. :rofl:

What are Amb, Chitral, Dir, Phulra and Swat?

Guess what all of these were seperate states .. and there was no seperate NWFP princely state .. and you are an idiot..:lol:
Guess what all of these were seperate states .. and there was no seperate NWFP princely state .. and you are an idiot..:lol:

It is just the change in nomenclature. The areas were not under British in 1947.

ito the dumb one... the indian ruler of imaginery NWFP state in exile. :lol:

See comedian...if you have not studied history it is ok. There is internet. Use your brain. I know that it is very hard for you, giving that how dumb you are. but give it a try
It is just the change in nomenclature. The areas were not under British in 1947.

See comedian...if you have not studied history it is ok. There is internet. Use your brain. I know that it is very hard for you, giving that how dumb you are. but give it a try

Shut up man... you are embarassing yourself.. NWFP princely state.. :rofl:
Shut up man... you are embarassing yourself.. NWFP princely state.. :rofl:

Now stop quoting me you joker...Cannot you get, I doesn't have patience engaging with dumbos. And the the why hell are you ROLFing after every post!
Now stop quoting me you joker...Cannot you get, I doesn't have patience engaging with dumbos. And the the why hell are you ROLFing after every post!

dumbos? like the ruler of imaginery NWFP princely state? :lol:
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