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Talks for Su-35, Mi-35 sales to Pakistan are underway: Russian Deputy FM

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Oh man so much for being in love with teens.
You don't have to believe that India has any BVR capability because you have made your mind with the same rhetoric just like a fan boy as you did in previous post.
The main point that the f16 was successful in securing orders from so many countries was because they were critical of RUSSIA and also were close to US many countries wanted to buy flankers from russia but they were not allowed.
Here you say that.
'Buzz me when sukhois can take on teens'.
I gave you the same analogy
Has any teens been able to defeat SU?
No, then wake me up when they do.
Now as you have pointed towards the NRed flag Exercise fiasco then please get educated that the story of TERENCE FORNOFF had been debunked many times.
So stop living in your dreams and look at the big picture.
Our MIGs were inducted in keeping f16 in mind which will be upgraded to UPG level, MIRAGE 2000 M2k, and JAGAUAR darin 3 are more than a match for f16 we don't need su for Pakistan if you take all the resources in mind.
Here I wake you up. Do your self a favor check the Internet for F 16 and F 15 kills against MiGs and SU. Both teens are consider butchers for MiGs. And yes by your standards jagauar is indeed more than a match for F 16. Give it a rest.

If all the world take classes with your professor today USA won't be manufacturing RAPPTORS &F35s right ?
Modernizations take places with the advancement of experiences in any filed specially advance weapons are thought tried 100 times no country in this world would like to spend a dam cent on anything which can't prove it self ?
So my dear , don't define us what your professer has said about what & when to whom ?
U.S Will be manufacturing F 35 but it will gets beating at the Hands of decades old F 16 just because the paper says F 35 has superior specs.
Not at all , but we can give our enemies some rock & roll moments & that's enough for us ?
Are you one of them ?

Wow Moran looks like that ?lolzz
THESE ARE TRUE MORONS:cheers::cheers::cheers:
forget the professorr wise guy point is pakistan can onli dream to match india in any field like latest fighter jets or BVRs .... + many pakistanies want to beleve that since MKI has a big RCS its an easy kill but what they forget is its highli advanced and masive radar , EW suites and self protection jammers even if they forget that a single MKI carries twice the number of BVRs than a F-16 and almost thrice that of a JF-17 and has an active and passive ability to track a F-16 or JF-17 even before they have a lock on it .... think about that
We pakistanis never thought to match anyone instead we are just looking at the threats which we can counter ?
& with SU 35 we are sure ,that no air strike force will ever to return back from our skies ?
That's the bottom line is & was ?
Get it ......?
We pakistanis never thought to match anyone instead we are just looking at the threats which we can counter ?
& with SU 35 we are sure ,that no air strike force will ever to return back from our skies ?
That's the bottom line is & was ?
Get it ......?
ok great but the point is russians dont beleve in charity of defferred payments or soft loans or militarry aid they onli do talking when "hard cash" is involved .... do you have it :sarcastic:
Now you went complete retard with brahmos,PAK FA 2020. You forgot to put in that 200-300 km BVR missile bs. All PAF F 16 are upgraded to block 50/52 standards. There is F 16 thread on this forum care to read it first. Come back in 2020 when you have all this ready along with your decade old MMRCA saga and the kid teja. My money is on Aim 120, no BVR in your Air Force can match it. It's proven and the record speaks for itself. Provide me a credible source where F 16 block 50/52 can't handle SU 30. It's the other way around if a destroyer class RCS SU 30 can actually handle Aim 120. Look like Air Forces around the world has to take your considerations since they have F 16 as their front line fighter. Fan boys can come up all kind of bs but that does not change anything because the largest F 16 operator the US is still using F 16 block 40s for front line duties and by the way that super duper SU 30 was roasted by these F 16s at Nellis. Not the new block 52 or 60/61.
Why is that you and most of your fellow countrymen Jinglos still stubbornly persist to dwell in cuckoo-land. Who is the expert or the mentor guiding you all this BS, For your sake take this.

Upgraded to block 50/52 standards means the standards laid by the OEM for the export variants and does not necessary includes all the equipments/weapons possessed by the country's own forces. E.g F16 latest block 50/52 don't possess programmable DRFM. Now comparing with the US F-16 even with older block does not means that they are more advance and have the cutting edge tech which the US possess like Active Jamming, sensors etc which they have according to their needs.

AIM 120 C5 which is supplied for PAF have less range in other word inferior than R-77 and does not have the superior range, top attack profile like AIM 120C7. Actually all the stuffs like what your mentors are telling you like RCS, BVR range etc are all the marketing terms. No body (Airforce, OEM manufacurer) reviels it in the public domains.

Regarding the friendly exercise of the jets are meant to practice the tactics and have no meaning, e.g MKI will not use its BARS which is the main power behind it and keep the radar in training mode for sec racy.
You mind find interested in some of the Super Sukhoi Upgradation plans starting from 2017 in my previous posts.

thanx and regards and think factually
Here I wake you up. Do your self a favor check the Internet for F 16 and F 15 kills against MiGs and SU. Both teens are consider butchers for MiGs. And yes by your standards jagauar is indeed more than a match for F 16. Give it a rest.

U.S Will be manufacturing F 35 but it will gets beating at the Hands of decades old F 16 just because the paper says F 35 has superior specs.
Cutie Check my threads here !
They are more old then your existence on PDF ?
Nice joke F16 VS F35 ?LOLZZ
Aim 120 C5 is good enough to knock out MKI. I do not need to see YouTube promos of anything. That does not prove anything at all. Same goes for your R 77 . I do not need to know what the manufacture says about it. Give me a real scenario where it was able to knock out anything. If there is one ??? Or wait a min it actually never happened. You keep watching YouTube videos and will make you feel good, it will help you sleep good while your friend Israelis are using the same Aim series missiles, God they are stupid.
Come back when you upgrade your destroyer class SU 30 in the league of many thing things but not the actual, and also when a decade old MMRCA is finalized which has yet to take place.
Good to know MIG 27 can fly along with rusted jaguar.
My good old organic chemistry professor used to say "all reactions are possible on paper but it really happens in reality, NO"
On paper fighter jets are one thing. Performing in the air is another and then performing in dense electronic environment in the war where many factors are involved is completely different.
I Wasted my time on the idiot like you
Stay in the world at your own peril
You forgot what your Physics teacher used to say that every thing in this world bound to follow the rules of physics
forget the professorr wise guy point is pakistan can onli dream to match india in any field like latest fighter jets or BVRs .... + many pakistanies want to beleve that since MKI has a big RCS its an easy kill but what they forget is its highli advanced and masive radar , EW suites and self protection jammers even if they forget that a single MKI carries twice the number of BVRs than a F-16 and almost thrice that of a JF-17 and has an active and passive ability to track a F-16 or JF-17 even before they have a lock on it .... think about that
What you will do with a massive radar when you don't have a massive missile to support it. In the presence of AWACS the advantage of having a massive radar is gone. I rather have a decent radar which is prone to jamming and will work effectively during the war when jamming is at its peak. If it's only about BVRs then air forces around the world can just purchase a squadron or two of BVR trucks and should be good to go. If you cant hit another jet with 2 BVRs or 3 what makes you think you will be able to hit him after that when you both are approaching at such fast speed that you are about to enter into WVR. There are reasons multi role fighters carry 2 BVR and 2 WVR. Once you get rid of these you are already exhausted because you applied so much energy. I am not saying this because I am not a pilot but my bro in law is a fighter pilot, this is what he always says and I hear the same thing from his colleages. One thing I must say that they do visit this forum as a guest and they laugh at our discussions. I am not saying you but generally how we talk about things here.

I Wasted my time on the idiot like you
Stay in the world at your own peril
You forgot what your Physics teacher used to say that every thing in this world bound to follow the rules of physics
No I didn't but you did forget to watch YouTube promos. Keep up with promos.
ok great but the point is russians dont beleve in charity of defferred payments or soft loans or militarry aid they onli do talking when "hard cash" is involved .... do you have it :sarcastic:
I don't think that you are spokesman for Russian govt ?:bunny:
Just remember world is changing just imagine few years back ?
Su35 for Pakistan coming out of Russian depty FM? OH unbelievable ?right:chilli:
So , don't be worry about finances GIANT DRAGON is the one , moving this world financially these days ?:china::pakistan:
We I'll take you down without firing a single bullet ?:pakistan::bounce:
Why is that you and most of your fellow countrymen Jinglos still stubbornly persist to dwell in cuckoo-land. Who is the expert or the mentor guiding you all this BS, For your sake take this.

Upgraded to block 50/52 standards means the standards laid by the OEM for the export variants and does not necessary includes all the equipments/weapons possessed by the country's own forces. E.g F16 latest block 50/52 don't possess programmable DRFM. Now comparing with the US F-16 even with older block does not means that they are more advance and have the cutting edge tech which the US possess like Active Jamming, sensors etc which they have according to their needs.

AIM 120 C5 which is supplied for PAF have less range in other word inferior than R-77 and does not have the superior range, top attack profile like AIM 120C7. Actually all the stuffs like what your mentors are telling you like RCS, BVR range etc are all the marketing terms. No body (Airforce, OEM manufacurer) reviels it in the public domains.

Regarding the friendly exercise of the jets are meant to practice the tactics and have no meaning, e.g MKI will not use its BARS which is the main power behind it and keep the radar in training mode for sec racy.
You mind find interested in some of the Super Sukhoi Upgradation plans starting from 2017 in my previous posts.

thanx and regards and think factually
Dear Indian Trolls.

Indians love to play this "i've got so many toys, & they're bigger than yours". Ah, their superiority complex.

Obviously you guys will always have bigger armed forces, with more military inventory, than Pakistan. We don't have that much land mass to protect, nor we have 1.25 BILLION people! jeez.

You guys need to compete with country like China than to be infatuated with a smaller country of 190 million people lol but we know that's not going to happen, you & your RSS terrorist Modi will always stay stuck up with Pakistan.

kuch sharam hie karlo yaar:P

btw, feel sorry for Indians. I know it has been hard for you guys ever since Muhammad Bin Qasim set his foot in Indian sub continent, must've had adverse effect on your pea sized brains after 800 years of Muslim rule, then British rule, then seeing India break into pieces in 1947. I can understand your frustrations, unfortunately there is no cure for bum burns, got to deal with us

ok great but the point is russians dont beleve in charity of defferred payments or soft loans or militarry aid they onli do talking when "hard cash" is involved .... do you have it :sarcastic:

Your nation is more poverty-stricken than Sub-Saharan Africa. Who are you trying to call poor? You literally let your countrymen starve to death for your little flashy toys, which serve no purpose, because a nation that is 1/5 the size of India continuously gives the Bhartis the middle finger.:lol:
Cutie Check my threads here !
They are more old then your existence on PDF ?
Nice joke F16 VS F35 ?LOLZZ
What I have to do with your threads. You can go back to them and feel good about yourself. And yes F16 vs F 35 was lolzz, lots of people had to
Come up with answers.

all of our worried & sad INDIAN friends pls check the video , they are giving us SU -35 ?lolzz
Your nation is more poverty-stricken than Sub-Saharan Africa. Who are you trying to call poor? You literally let your countrymen starve to death for your little flashy toys, which serve no purpose, because a nation that is 1/5 the size of India continuously gives the Bhartis the middle finger.:lol:
Ours is no better. Do you know what happened at THAR? Do you know what is the condition of 50% Pakistanis who are living in extreme poverty? Do you know that not all of Pakistanis live in DHA/Bahria Societies? That there is same if not worse condition of poor crying for help? But hey, Lets just keep on finding mistakes in others because that's how we will make progress.
What I have to do with your threads. You can go back to them and feel good about yourself. And yes F16 vs F 35 was lolzz, lots of people had to
Come up with answers.
Sure Mr , back to future ?lol
Americans are. Fools they throw tons of cash on RAPTORS & F-35 ? just say yes then turn your face to any mirror ?
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