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Taliban warn of reprisal if PML-N govt hangs militants

I agree with your point in so much that yes, many Pakistanis do have a soft corner for such elements. I would not call it nurturing, but when the youth of the past were told of glorified martyrdom in school textbooks, that kind of nonsense can be hard to erase from society.

There is no over the counter instant relief tablet, take two and you will be Taliban free in the morning. This is a very messed up situation we are in and we need to have the resolve to stay in this for the long haul for it to succeed.

Martyrdom is a glorified death indeed and it is mentioned less than it should be in our textbooks. keep your secular views for your own good.
The thing is these elements as you are referring to are brain washed in maddrassas not in schools. This is the result of our thinking as a society, we let the weakest and the most dumbest of our child to go to maddrassa. That's the kind of honor we give to our religion. These extremist are ignored fraction in our society brought up by the dumbest people of our society.

You will find a large section of Muslims in Sindh and to an extent lower Punjab visiting the various Shrines of Saints. I will not indulge(nor tolerate) a derailing discussion on the underlying theological debate on the ideology(ies) that those people follow. But it is less likely that those people will be prone to blowing themselves up on other Muslims.since their interpretations of matters are less archaic and rigid than others

I will not step back from recording my reservations on your remarks.
Infact i find mykind to be the most peaceful in the country. Tolerance is the key teaching of these saints.
Afghans can barely govern themselves, never mind invading another country.

These militant groups pose no threat to anyone, all they do is blow up children and women. They have absolutely no moral high ground.

Pakistan has no intention to invade Afghanistan, they are our brothers despite the differences so that scenario will never happen.

Why you assumed that i was referring to taliban as black flags of khorasan? . Imam mehdi can be born in present day era or hundreds or thousand years in to the future. And in distant future countries by name of Afghanistan or Pakistan might not exist at all. One thing is clear that Afghanistan is heart of khorasan, the nations/tribes in this region may be under-developed today from every aspect , but may be they are some thing else in hundreds year of future. Also they have extraordinary love for wars and battles and unmatched resolve and determination for resisting military occupations. Arm these tribes with modern weaponry, jets etc and add to them true jihad, then they are your black flags of khorasan ,ready to defeat any super power.

Pakistan army never describe its wars as jihad, neither they call themselves mujahideen. They didnt send a single navy ship to coast of burma as warning to extremist buddhists when muslims there were getting butchered, how can they be destined forces of imam mehdi?. Why imam mehdi would take the assistance of american's most useful ally which betrayed the muslims of his khorasan aka afghanistan on one phone call and opened their bases and supply roots for Americans. If Pakistan has some role in Imam's mehdi army, it is definitely not its army whose first and second commander-in-chiefs were britsh officers (the second one was general Douglas Gracey,from 1948-1951).

I also believe that Taliban especially TTP are unfit for being imam mehdi forces, their flag is white any way.
Martyrdom is a glorified death indeed and it is mentioned less than it should be in our textbooks. keep your secular views for your own good.
The thing is these elements as you are referring to are brain washed in maddrassas not in schools. This is the result of our thinking as a society, we let the weakest and the most dumbest of our child to go to maddrassa. That's the kind of honor we give to our religion. These extremist are ignored fraction in our society brought up by the dumbest people of our society.

Why are you preaching to the converted?
Why you assumed that i was referring to taliban as black flags of khorasan? . Imam mehdi can be born in present day era or hundreds or thousand years in to the future. And in distant future countries by name of Afghanistan or Pakistan might not exist at all. One thing is clear that Afghanistan is heart of khorasan, the nations/tribes in this region may be under-developed today from every aspect , but may be they are some thing else in hundreds year of future. Also they have extraordinary love for wars and battles and unmatched resolve and determination for resisting military occupations. Arm these tribes with modern weaponry, jets etc and add to them true jihad, then they are your black flags of khorasan ,ready to defeat any super power.

Pakistan army never describe its wars as jihad, neither they call themselves mujahideen. They didnt send a single navy ship to coast of burma as warning to extremist buddhists when muslims there were getting butchered, how can they be destined forces of imam mehdi?. Why imam mehdi would take the assistance of american's most useful ally which betrayed the muslims of his khorasan aka afghanistan on one phone call and opened their bases and supply roots for Americans. If Pakistan has some role in Imam's mehdi army, it is definitely not its army whose first and second commander-in-chiefs were britsh officers (the second one was general Douglas Gracey,from 1948-1951).

I also believe that Taliban especially TTP are unfit for being imam mehdi forces, their flag is white any way.

Pakistan is a miracle and was founded on the spiritual instructions of Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H). No force except Allah can erase the Pakistan or it's nation from map and miracles happen because they tend to play crucial role in important events.

So your assumptions are at best naive!
I will not step back from recording my reservations on your remarks.
Infact i find mykind to be the most peaceful in the country. Tolerance is the key teaching of these saints.

I do not disagree with you, but I do not want this dragged into a religious debate since we already have one loose nut here who is running on assumptions and dont want to invite others.

Why are you preaching to the converted?

Hey, fellow Taliban supporter/sympathizer?
Unfortunately, that is the quandary of trying to take "Sirat-e-Mustaqeem". You are branded secular and liberal at one end and terrorist sympathizer at the other.

Allah humain dono say hi bachaye...I can seriously see Liberal Mullahs coming to the forefront in the next couple of years...
Allah humain dono say hi bachaye...I can seriously see Liberal Mullahs coming to the forefront in the next couple of years...

They already exist. Liberuallah's are very present in our society. It is inevitable that two extremes will emerge in such a scenario where the nation is being more and more polarized on multiple lines. Each sees within their own "filter" and expresses within their desire to constantly parrot their interpretation in an effort to get the most attention.

You have Asma Jahangir's one solution to all problem blame Army without distinguishing where and what, while you have Zaid Hamid with everything blamed on someone else without acknowledging years upon years of bad policy making by the establishment. This is not a balanced view, but it does make you popular.

Think of it this way.. either A completely Burka clad lady with the complete Chemical-suit look with gloves and only a slit for the eyes, OR someone in a bikini will gain your total attention even if all she is bringing is unbalanced gibberish. However, a normal lady in the usual dress may speak intelligently but you will rarely notice her PoV.
I do not disagree with you, but I do not want this dragged into a religious debate since we already have one loose nut here who is running on assumptions and dont want to invite others.

Hey, fellow Taliban supporter/sympathizer?

Sorry sir i misunderstood my bad/
pure nonsense on my end i apologize.
Any problems with people going to shrines?

The problem starts when people interfere in each other matters ... Let's leave everyone to live their life with their own pov .. Less interference , least problems ..
It's so confusing to discern amongst the various viewpoints.... I can't even decide who's on which side of the divide.... everyone seems to be playing some sort of balancing act, trying to touch both the poles....... why not take just one stance and live with it...... for I, despise these aresewipes, they need to be wiped off the face of this world, along with anyone and EVERYONE who stands in the way with sissy excuses....
Fikkar matt karro balik....Al-Alim-ud-deen-Al-Hazrat-Sheikh-Maulana Hyperion to the rescue...... btw, where do I apply to become a mullah? :woot:

Allah humain dono say hi bachaye...I can seriously see Liberal Mullahs coming to the forefront in the next couple of years...
Zarvan dear, TTP are funded by India.

So that means your enemy is funding them.

So that means TTP are working for the enemy on their agenda.

So for you to back TTP, you are backing India and going against your Islamic principles.

I would suggest you re-evaluate your understanding of this conflict.

Ghazwa e hind will happen through Pakistan, not TTP or Afghanistan or Iran. We are at war with Hind, not them.

So you need to understand who your friends and foes are as you are spreading fitna.

If i am not wrong you are a Lal Topi tout. Please if you want to spread Lal Topi propaganda then better get lost to Lal Topi Facebook playstation and lick his feet there. Tumhari daal yahan nahi galnay wali.
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