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Taliban warn of reprisal if PML-N govt hangs militants

Why you assumed that i was referring to taliban as black flags of khorasan? . Imam mehdi can be born in present day era or hundreds or thousand years in to the future. And in distant future countries by name of Afghanistan or Pakistan might not exist at all. One thing is clear that Afghanistan is heart of khorasan, the nations/tribes in this region may be under-developed today from every aspect , but may be they are some thing else in hundreds year of future. Also they have extraordinary love for wars and battles and unmatched resolve and determination for resisting military occupations. Arm these tribes with modern weaponry, jets etc and add to them true jihad, then they are your black flags of khorasan ,ready to defeat any super power.

Pakistan army never describe its wars as jihad, neither they call themselves mujahideen. They didnt send a single navy ship to coast of burma as warning to extremist buddhists when muslims there were getting butchered, how can they be destined forces of imam mehdi?. Why imam mehdi would take the assistance of american's most useful ally which betrayed the muslims of his khorasan aka afghanistan on one phone call and opened their bases and supply roots for Americans. If Pakistan has some role in Imam's mehdi army, it is definitely not its army whose first and second commander-in-chiefs were britsh officers (the second one was general Douglas Gracey,from 1948-1951).

I also believe that Taliban especially TTP are unfit for being imam mehdi forces, their flag is white any way.

You are damn right they are not fit to lead, not only do they supplement their funds by India with opium sales, they drink after plundering a town. On the face of it they are devout Muslims but that's their reality, they have strayed.

You must understand Pakistan is a very big entity, it is nuclear so its borders are cemented. We are a rock in this hell hole of a neighborhood.

In the future if there is anything to happen in this region, i.e if USA come over for a visit again, or even if Iran make a move etc, the countries who are not nuclear or are a strong unit will get slaughtered. That's not to say Afghanistan couldn't go nuclear, of course they could but question is would anyone let them go nuclear? Like Iran, the answer to that is NO.

So unless something catastrophic happens in future to the balance of power, NATO and Europe will keep a check on these countries so they never achieve weapons grade plutonium, let alone testing and deploying.

Pakistan will become stronger and stronger as we head into the future, we have come through the worst and still here standing. They had a window to break us, and that window is shut. We have democratized and peace with all. We know have breathing space to rocket upwards towards prosperity because it has been ordained by God. The world has turned to facilitate this process, everything that has happened in history is to elevate this nation to do its duty when the time comes.

“If your enemy is secure at all points, be prepared for him. If he is in superior strength, evade him. If your opponent is temperamental, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant. If he is taking his ease, give him no rest. If his forces are united, separate them. If sovereign and subject are in accord, put division between them. Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected.” Sun Tzu

We are at evading stage right now, what sense would it make to interfere at this stage, look what happened in Bangladesh, lesson learnt. We have to stick to our borders and build. Build the country and the military till we are at the point of Pakistan exerting her influence for the good of man kind.
Well, Im only taking in spirit the assumed branding without proof. At least I got proof of opinion when I throw a few tags here and there.

Lets assume things about a person and then expect a person to answer those assumptions ? :D . Unfortunately , today branding and tagging people is our mode of operation . Yes , this one never fails .
I think Pakistan needs to adopt an pre-emptive strike strategy and that is the only way to handle the Talibaan. What I see so far is that once terrorism incidents occur then security agencies investigate and apprehend the terrorists. This is a failed strategy so far since it is not preventing terrorism.

We need to strike every threat small or big mullahs, just like Sultan Salahuddin killed 100,000 (one hundred thousand) maulvis in Egypt because they were weakening the muslims with different sects and petty disputes.
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