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Taliban warn of reprisal if PML-N govt hangs militants

Sir war with hind would be fought by Muslims not Pakistanis Sir and Muslims are not limited to Pakistan only Sir and the area of kushran mentioned by HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW includes many part of current Afghanistan TTP is being funded by Indians according to you than Pakistan Army is being funded by USA both are being funded by kafirs no difference at all

You need to look at the prophecy in modern context.

Khorasan extends to Sindh and Indus which is modern day Pakistan.

Afghanistan is a friend of India.

Iran is a friend of India.

TTP are horse and carriage type people, funded by India.

Uzbeks, Tajiks are nowhere near India in geography and they backed Indian Northern Alliance in 90s so it can't be them.

This prophecy will be fulfilled through Pakistan as we have the means to fight them, no one else around them does and I don't think they even want to because they are friends.

Afghanis will fight with Pakistan army to conquer Hind.

Pakistan army is fighting Indian funded TTP, they are the enemy.

The army has received money from US/UK since its creation. Someone has to build up the army so they can fulfill this prophecy. Because it is meant to happen, everyone involved, friend or foe will be compelled to fulfill it.
DONT AVOID my question dont be deceitful and cunning. Allah hates deceit. so you dont have the answer for my question? you brought up the moral ground of Taliban who you think are doing Allah's work. so tell me where is the moral in blowing up Muslims who are praying to Allah?

I have never argued for Pakistan army and moral ground. so my answer is simple, it has no moral ground for fighting in its own country on the orders of USA.

is that enoguh for you?

now dont be a Satan and dont be the hypocrite like the Hypocrites of Madina e.g. Abdullah Bin Abeh.. . explain to me the moral high ground of killing unarmed civilians , show me in Quran and Hadith if this practice was ordered by Prophet Muhammad PBUH and followed by his great Sahabah RA.

please , prove me wrong and answer the question and prove me wrong by not being deceitful and cagey and posting yet another unrelated counter question
Sir I am not defending them but you first betray Muslims of afghanisan than attack Muslims in Tribal areas on American orders mass murder them for 3 years and in 2006 they form TTP to take revenge and after 3 years of mass murder you expect them to remain peaceful and civilized Sir show me in Quran and hadith than you can betray Muslims kill them to please a kafir force Mr but Quran and hadith clearly says those who betray Muslims we have to fight against them it says if one group of Muslims attack other in this case your Army attacked Tribals that too on kafir orders fight against them until they are taught a lesson
So now they dare directly threaten the Govt. lets wait for Govt's response on this. And I highly doubt they will hand terrorists, our govt and judiciary is too corrupt to do this..

Judiciary is not corrupt
its fully colluding with the terrorists this is why not a single terrorist is convicted or punished. any terrorists you have in jail are not serving sentences they are not convicts they are prisoners awaiting trials

in Urdu they are classed as hawalati not a Qaidi .. there is a difference
You need to look at the prophecy in modern context.

Khorasan extends to Sindh and Indus which is modern day Pakistan.

Afghanistan is a friend of India.

Iran is a friend of India.

TTP are horse and carriage type people, funded by India.

Uzbeks, Tajiks are nowhere near India in geography and they backed Indian Northern Alliance in 90s so it can't be them.

This prophecy will be fulfilled through Pakistan as we have the means to fight them, no one else around them does and I don't think they even want to because they are friends.

Afghanis will fight with Pakistan army to conquer Hind.

Pakistan army is fighting Indian funded TTP, they are the enemy.

The army has received money from US/UK since its creation. Someone has to build up the army so they can fulfill this prophecy. Because it is meant to happen, everyone involved, friend or foe will be compelled to fulfill it.

No it doesn't when Muslims want to conquer some one they give a dam about so called geography Sir they attack and eliminate the enemies of Islam and eliminate kufr yes to fulfill Islamic prophecy you are taking funds from kafirs :omghaha:
Caliphs never took funds from kafirs and attacked and betrayed Muslims Sir and they implemented Shariah and system of Islam which most traitors in this country don't like Sir

Caliphs never sent their soldiers to mosques to kill Muslims praying to Allah either.
Pakistan army is not a caliphate army its not perfect but Taliban are also hardly anything similar to the Sahabah RA.
they are more like the Murtad & fitna people that Hazrat Abu Bakr RA & Harzat Ali RA dealt with.
The nation knows who is the enemy its USA and India sir and unfortunately our Armed Forces work for one of them that is USA until they stop doing so these groups can't be defeated because from day one Armed Forces don't have any moral ground against them

Moral ground? I think
We have enough to last centuries
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Judiciary is not corrupt
its fully colluding with the terrorists this is why not a single terrorist is convicted or punished. any terrorists you have in jail are not serving sentences they are not convicts they are prisoners awaiting trials

in Urdu they are classed as hawalati not a Qaidi .. there is a difference

I concur sir, but the question still stands there. Why these terrorists aren't trailed despite waiting in prisons for several years? Who is responsible for this? To me, if a b@stard blow up a mosque, he should be trialed at emergency basis and should be punished immediately to set an example for others. But our Judiciary is not interested in punishing these terrorists.

Just yesterday, LHC took a Sou Motto when HC's main entrance was blocked due to some rain water and have issued notices to Chairman WASA and LDA Lahore.. They have time for this idiocy but they don't have time to do trails of terrorists and punish them.. :hitwall:
No it doesn't when Muslims want to conquer some one they give a dam about so called geography Sir they attack and eliminate the enemies of Islam and eliminate kufr yes to fulfill Islamic prophecy you are taking funds from kafirs :omghaha:

How will a group of Tajiks or Afghanis with AK47s go into Hind and conquer?

India have a billion people, air force, army, missiles, drones etc etc.

It just won't happen, they can fight along Pakistan army which has all the above but they can't fight on their own, they will get slaughtered in under 2 minutes.

Pakistan army has taken funds from everyone, Muslim or not. The money is going to build up our army and when the time comes we will be in control of it.

Money is money Zarvan, loyalty is something else. TTP are Indian funded and are attacking Pakistan so they are loyal to India.

Pakistan army isnt attacking Pakistan or Afghanistan or anywhere else, it is just targeting TTP.

If TTP succeed and Pakistan is destroyed then there will be no one left to fight Hind.

What are we going to do, go on a horse with a sword? Even if you give 500 million people an AK47 and basic weaponry they would get annihilated.
Sir war with hind would be fought by Muslims not Pakistanis Sir and Muslims are not limited to Pakistan only Sir and the area of kushran mentioned by HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW includes many part of current Afghanistan TTP is being funded by Indians according to you than Pakistan Army is being funded by USA both are being funded by kafirs no difference at all

No difference? When was the last tiem PA sent suicide bombers into mosques and markets? When was the last time they blew up girls schools?
Caliphs never sent their soldiers to mosques to kill Muslims praying to Allah either.
Pakistan army is not a caliphate army its not perfect but Taliban are also hardly anything similar to the Sahabah RA.
they are more like the Murtad & fitna people that Hazrat Abu Bakr RA & Harzat Ali RA dealt with.
I think you need read the history of Hazrat Abu Bakr RA and Hazrat Omer RA again that whom they fought against . you were same guy who accused Sahaba RA of cursing each other in another thread . It don't suits a person who had already exposed himself before.
Sir I am not defending them but you first betray Muslims of afghanisan than attack Muslims in Tribal areas on American orders mass murder them for 3 years and in 2006 they form TTP to take revenge and after 3 years of mass murder you expect them to remain peaceful and civilized Sir show me in Quran and hadith than you can betray Muslims kill them to please a kafir force Mr but Quran and hadith clearly says those who betray Muslims we have to fight against them it says if one group of Muslims attack other in this case your Army attacked Tribals that too on kafir orders fight against them until they are taught a lesson

They are teaching PA a lesson by killing their wives and children? Real manly men these T-buns must be
You need to look at the prophecy in modern context.

Khorasan extends to Sindh and Indus which is modern day Pakistan.
This is map of greater khorasan, it doesnt include sindh. A small region of pakistan, malakand division is included in it.
actually no one's position is justified..both army and ttp have negative aspects..only way is to negotiate..lets stop receiving dollars and shoot drones.. And invite them to table talk
This is map of greater khorasan, it doesnt include sindh. A small region of pakistan, malakand division is included in it.

Borders are debated, there are many historians and scholars who say it comes under Indus and Sindh also.
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