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Taliban video speaks of ‘revenge on military’

I know I must not misjudge the slain soldiers but I will hold my prayers until it is proven beyond doubt that they didn’t surrender out of cowardice or wilfully.

What about deception?
Telling them that they are their Pukhtoon brothers and will not be harmed.. after which they are betrayed and killed.
What about deception?
Telling them that they are their Pukhtoon brothers and will not be harmed.. after which they are betrayed and killed.

yes you are right and they have done if few times before.
if you recall back in 2001 or 2002. a group of Al Qaeda terrorist were surrounded by SSG/ PA and they said they wanted to surrender and quoted Quran and recited verses and pleaded to be believed in the name of Allah and Quran.

the soldiers went in and were mowed down by the terrorists who after killing them managed to escape while the soldiers were recovering from the shock of deceit in the name of Allah and the bullets that pierced their comrades.

This is our Achilles’ heel, our soldiers have been duped so many times in the name of Allah and yet our soldiers keep falling for that. during an operation in Karachi few years back some sectarian terrorists were cornered in a block of flats and they were eventually gunned down by anti terrorist squad, its said that one terrorist was able to write “Allah” from his blood on the wall before he fell and this act “shook” the troops very badly. Whether the same terrorist had gunned down people in the Mosques and various of their own fellow comrades didn’t matter to them.

There was no follow up on the story if they were debriefed or offered any counselling or not. Our enemy is not a mindless goon but very manipulative and chillingly cunning. He will use religion, ethnicity and honour whenever it suits him and use the same to justify his brutality.

Now I must address all Pakistani and nonPakistani posters who are making very emotional and explosive onliner posts like “nuke them” burn them, carpet bomb them, cut them, execute them and show no mercy etc etc.

The point is, if we do such things then what is the difference between us and the Taliban? would we not loose the moral argument? These people no matter how brutal and inhumane must be treated as prisoners if captured alive and must get the fair chance of the trial. Urinating on their corpses and cutting their fingers and pulling their teeth out to keep as trophies is not how the FC and the Pakistan army should conduct this war. we belong to this land and are going to live here. We are not going to fly away and will have to go through the aftermath too.
Offtopic, But if I would be fighting against this kind of terrorists,I will fight till last but one one bullet. I will keep one bullet in gun to shoot myself rather than get killed by these bas***. I saw the shooting yesternight, I couldn't eat. Is it bravery to kill unarmed men? Is it there Islam? Shame on those mullas who are teaching them.
Offtopic, But if I would be fighting against this kind of terrorists,I will fight till last but one one bullet. I will keep one bullet in gun to shoot myself rather than get killed by these bas***. I saw the shooting yesternight, I couldn't eat. Is it bravery to kill unarmed men? Is it there Islam? Shame on those mullas who are teaching them.

that is not off topic at all, thats what I also say from the safety of my home. by the way our soldiers have fought like this till the last bullet and with their bare hands. They were constantly in contact with their HQ which sent reinforcements to their remote locations.

The Taliban eventually captured the ones that were still alive and out of ammo and then gouged their eyes out and tied them together with explosives and killed them by exploding the bombs. Such was the brutality of the Taliban because despite being outnumbered and low on ammo these soldiers were able to inflict heavy casualties to Taliban and resist them until they ran out of ammo and were overpowered. This has been discussed earlier and explained by Xeric some time ago regarding the Army operations in FATA.

It would have been heartening if these poor souls had done the same but like Santro pointed out, we don’t know what events took place that led to their capture, did the escaped soldier actually lead them in quietly while these guys were resting? That has happened many times in Afghanistan when ANA soldiers have turned their guns on the foreign soldiers so there is always a possibility of such people having sympathy with Taliban. that’s just a speculation. It does appear that Taliban very were easily able to overpower the soldiers without much fight. They only had to kill one sentry so that leaves a lot to speculate.
Target #1. He should be given the worst kind of punishment imaginable. My blood boils each time I have seen this. I have removed the image tags so please don't post them any more. It will be difficult to get any conversation done by any true son of the soil.

But this army is busy making deals with the guys who killed 24 of our people, what will they do to the ones killing just 15.

For GHQ the rank and file are cheap blood, our soldier's life has no value.

---------- Post added at 04:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:43 PM ----------

whata hell is stopping PA? finish these idiots already

Watching the Tamasha and making deals with people killing the rank and file. This army is plagued man, its top leadership is plagued with the disease of buzdili. My heart goes out to the good soldiers on the front line and their valuable blood. Unfortunately its too cheap for GHQ.
Target #1. He should be given the worst kind of punishment imaginable. My blood boils each time I have seen this. I have removed the image tags so please don't post them any more. It will be difficult to get any conversation done by any true son of the soil.

But this army is busy making deals with the guys who killed 24 of our people, what will they do to the ones killing just 15.

For GHQ the rank and file are cheap blood, our soldier's life has no value.

like I said earlier, this blood includes soldiers and officers up to Generals. talking to enemy is not making a business deal.

there is a distinction between the terrorists and the ordinary tribesmen and that is a must (although TTP will wish we dont) we must distinguish between the hardcore terrorists and those who are simply opposed to the Army operation and see it as a collusion with the American occupation of Afghanistan and dishonouring age old agreement of not intruding into their way of life.

don’t forget how many elders and maliks and ordinary tribesmen have been slaughtered by these terrorists. They haven’t even spared women and children. Lets not forget that. one their supply line will dry out from Afghanistan they will dry up and die out. Easier said than done. This is insurgency war for you.

We need the technology as well as the will to fight and the support of the people to win this war. all these elements will support each other and help in flushing these terrorists out.

My biggest disappointment is where the pro-government tribesmen had been left at the mercy of the Taliban. they need to be protected with utmost priority.
Really sad thing to see. Wonder what might be going on through the minds of those 15 FC men at that moment, do these Taliban sc*ms have no remorse, what has brainwashed them, no explanation of Islam teaches this, not even the extreme version.
The release of the video is a calculated move. Maybe it is meant to cause demoralization, but it seems likely to provoke outrage instead.
The release of the video is a calculated move. Maybe it is meant to cause demoralization, but it seems likely to provoke outrage instead.

its a revenge video

we killed their commander Qari Kamran along with his fellow terrorists some times ago. this tit for tat will carry on untill one side runs out of the will to fight and the supplies..
Target #1. He should be given the worst kind of punishment imaginable. My blood boils each time I have seen this. I have removed the image tags so please don't post them any more. It will be difficult to get any conversation done by any true son of the soil.

But this army is busy making deals with the guys who killed 24 of our people, what will they do to the ones killing just 15.

For GHQ the rank and file are cheap blood, our soldier's life has no value.

---------- Post added at 04:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:43 PM ----------

Watching the Tamasha and making deals with people killing the rank and file. This army is plagued man, its top leadership is plagued with the disease of buzdili. My heart goes out to the good soldiers on the front line and their valuable blood. Unfortunately its too cheap for GHQ.

Buzdili aside.. Comfort.
Apart from a stoic few who set examples.. the rest are just there for the 4 o clock tee-off.
HQ FC isn't sleeping. Maj. Gen. Nadir Zeb is accompanied by a very competent team and these matters are discussed on daily basis (early in the morning) in HQ FC.
Frontier Corps has got so many small forts and capturing them isn't so difficult. I mean that they are so small constructions that they don't deserved to be called FORT!
I would request COAS to do what he planned to do before the promotion of former IG FC i.e. Lt. Gen. Tariq Khan must be made Corps Commander 11 Corps.
Sadly this is what happens when you start soldiering on the cheap. Lashkars, F.C, etc are hardly a professional outfit.

I'm pashtun and live in this hood, so don't tell me i don't know what I'm talking about.
Our long association with the jihadists has brain washed politicians such as Imran Khan, JI leadership, PML-N ministers, a section of Urdu media and anchors such as Hamid Mir. There is no such thing as good Taliban or a bad Taliban, all of them are terrorists. But not so for some. For example SSP and other organizations have been banned for a good reason, but Rana Sana Ullah is unashamedly friendly to SSP; because despite being PML Law Minister, he is sympathetic to their cause.

Lal Masjid was a clear cut case where a small group of armed militants took law in their own hands and fought State of Pakistan with guns. However, many politicians as well media calls those thugs Shaheed and Musharraf as murderer; because Lal Masjid thugs exploited Islam for their ends. Even out and out attacks on PNS base was portrayed by some as RAW inspired and may be that US and the Zionists had a hand in it too; rather than blaming the TTP who actually carried it out.

Such distortion of reality appears to be the norm these days. Some people refuse to believe the fact that an internationally wanted Osama was hiding in Pakistan for last the 5 years and claim that it was just drama enacted by the US to rub our nose in dirt.

We have seen many such videos before but regret to say that this or any other video will have no effect. Because a section of society cannot make themselves despise anyone who claims to be fighting for Islam no matter what his crime. You will see that quite a few will not believe that this video is genuine. Instead they will say that this is conspiracy by the US and Zionists to malign Islam. When pressed, these hypocrites qualify their condemnation with ‘ifs & buts’ and continue covert support for the terrorists.

In my opinion this is so because a section of Pakistanis have little love for their country and their countrymen; instead their sympathy lays Mulla Omer, Taliban and terrorists who kill Pak soldiers and anyone who disagrees with their version of Islam.
Pakistan army desperately needs gunship helicopters. And a lot of them. The only logical
resaon for insurgents picking dozen plus of our soldiers couple of time is that they have overrun the posts.

There is no other reason that is coming to the mind right now about this.
This would have been easily avoided if there is adequate backup for our soldiers.
They would never have lay down their weapons in front of the militants
Pakistan army desperately needs gunship helicopters. And a lot of them. The only logical
resaon for insurgents picking dozen plus of our soldiers couple of time is that they have overrun the posts.

There is no other reason that is coming to the mind right now about this.
This would have been easily avoided if there is adequate backup for our soldiers.
They would never have lay down their weapons in front of the militants

And Pakistani military is still investing more in fighter jets (with an eye on India) instead of tools that can help it fight terrorists more efficiently
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