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Taliban threatens to burn palaces in Islamabad, Lahore

Taliban is Afghanistan. No one was directing anyone towards anyone. Unless you like tajik scums think Afghan pashtuns are punjabis? Is Pakistan dirrecting them now? Yet they will try their best to take over Kabul after USA. Hopefully USA doesnt leave Afghanistan on mercy of incompetent ANA so ISIL like situation can be avoided.

Thank you for your "concern" about Pashtuns, but rest assured that those among our people you've belittled as "tajik scums", do not view Pashtuns as "Punjabis”. I hope you’ll not take this to heart and apologise in advance for any unintended offence, but for an Afghan to call another a “Punjabi” merely reflects the employment of derogatory language to besmirch the other by poking fun at him, rather than actually believing there’s any ethnic convergence there…..far from it in fact. Many Afghans are understandably angry when they perceive any Pashtun or otherwise, allegedly lowering himself as a puppet to the Pakistani government, working against our own interest. I for one would employ the same language to my own Paktiawal - Jallaludin Haqqani - for his shameless service to our enemy across the border.

Please also keep in mind that among the northerners, the leading Presidential hopeful - Dr Abdullah - is indeed a Pashtun from Kandahar, with his father having been a senior Government official from the pre-Communist regime and currently supported by prominent Kandaharis like Zalmai Rasoul, Gul Agha Sherzai and possibly President Karzai himself. The late Ahmed Shah Massoud’s own father was a strong ally and supporter of our former King - Ahlazrat Mohammed Zahir Shah - whose own father was enthroned by my own tribe of Zazais, also pronounced as “Jaajis”.
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Depends on afghanistan to secure borders and wipe them on the other side, ball is in afghanistan's court if they adhere good otherwise I see Pakistan would be going after them into afghanistan if afghanistan fails. NATO/US and ANA failed in the past they should have wiped them on the otherside instead they sheltered them.
I wonder if the PA will conduct hot pursuits into Afghanistan once the Americans withdraw as most ANA troops would be busy fighting the Taliban. If that happens what would be the implications for Pak-Afghan relations?
I wonder if the PA will conduct hot pursuits into Afghanistan once the Americans withdraw as most ANA troops would be busy fighting the Taliban. If that happens what would be the implications for Pak-Afghan relations?

I believe they've enough on their plate as it stands, without provoking the hornet's nest any further :suicide:
I believe they've enough on their plate as it stands, without provoking the hornet's nest any further :suicide:

There have been and will be surgical air strikes in border areas if and when needed, but no boots. It would have been ideal if the Afghans joined us and ended this scum altogether.
That's what all former occupiers say, although fools abound that need to taste hell first before realizing their folly :laugh:

Pakistanis who hold this view actually believe in the myth of their military's invincibility. For Afghans however, the whole nation would turn it into a cross-border gurella campaign with no shortage of foreign backers, aligning the Taliban with the government for national liberation. You never know, with a bit of luck, they might invade after all...lol...

:) whole nation?
:)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) infact its the second part in bold rest your countrymen never had an edge of their own.

anyway why would anyone even invade Afghanistan unless they have some strong interests. atleast We dont wish do.

This curse has cost us alot. Time to send back all Afghans from our country

I wonder if the PA will conduct hot pursuits into Afghanistan once the Americans withdraw as most ANA troops would be busy fighting the Taliban. If that happens what would be the implications for Pak-Afghan relations?

We wont. there will be only retaliation from our side when ANA tried to shell us.
These SOBs giving protection to Auzbeks ...For fvck sake all Muslim world losers paradise built in NWA. Recently , main hardcore terrorist in Syria and Iraq are also from NWA.Some body is providing them money big time.
There have been and will be surgical air strikes in border areas if and when needed, but no boots. It would have been ideal if the Afghans joined us and ended this scum altogether.
air power is definitely more lethal and can cover larger areas but in order to secure the place boots on the ground are necessary. It seems a good strategy to pound them from air and when situation on ground is more convenient, land forces to secure the area. After that another challenge will emerge i.e. combing.
There have been and will be surgical air strikes in border areas if and when needed, but no boots. It would have been ideal if the Afghans joined us and ended this scum altogether.

Has the Afghan government already been approached for joint operations?

Trouble is that while the Taliban leadership still resides in Pakistan, it would be suicide for Kabul to be seen carrying favours for the Pakistani government. Why did the Pak military not conduct these operations while the US had a major military presence in the region and kept asking for the same cooperation from Pakistan (hence "Hammer and Anvil") that you're now insisting from the Afghan government? One plausible answer recently came from PM Nawaz Sharif, who has now stated that he didn't want anybody to perceive his government to be towing America's line. I can't accept that, as the Taliban you are now fighting had concluded this long ago, hence the underlying reason for their fight in the first place.

I hope and pray for peace and prosperity for all our people in the long run. Something tells me however that this is going to be a long war. There's good reason for why the Americans avoided placing their own boots on the ground in FATA and avoided it like the plague.
air power is definitely more lethal and can cover larger areas but in order to secure the place boots on the ground are necessary. It seems a good strategy to pound them from air and when situation on ground is more convenient, land forces to secure the area. After that another challenge will emerge i.e. combing.

That's what the Soviets did in Afghanistan and all it achieved was widespread anger and more recruits to the Mujahideen cause. You'll probably need boots on the ground to face off the enemy man to man sooner or later.
Has the Afghan government already been approached for joint operations?

General Raheel visited Kabul and Prime Minister is in consistent contacts with Karzai. Whatever the plan is, we don't know yet.

Trouble is that while the Taliban leadership still resides in Pakistan, it would be suicide for Kabul to be seen carrying favours for the Pakistani government. Why did the Pak military not conduct these operations while the US had a major military presence in the region and kept asking for the same cooperation from Pakistan (hence "Hammer and Anvil") that you're now insisting from the Afghan government? One plausible answer recently came from PM Nawaz Sharif, who has now stated that he didn't want anybody to perceive his government to be towing America's line. I can't accept that, as the Taliban you are now fighting had concluded this long ago, hence the underlying reason for their fight in the first place.

Fighting alongside US troops = Mission failed as Pakistani public opinion is going to turn against the Army very very quickly.
If there is a joint operation with Afghan military, that saves us the public narrative of us fighting with Americans to kill Muslims. It would be more popular to have a joint op with Afghan military, as the people in Pakistan want to see cooperation between AfPak.

I hope and pray for peace and prosperity for all our people in the long run. Something tells me however that this is going to be a long war. There's good reason for why the Americans avoided placing their own boots on the ground in FATA and avoided it like the plague.

However long, this is ours to fight. My friend from Special Ops unit has landed in NW. May Allah protect him and bring peace to our lands in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Amen.
if these coward khawarij were men, they would fight the Pakistan Army, rather than threaten the innocent population of Pakistan

They are cowards

This is called Gurrilla warfare.. I hope Pakistani followed same strategy in Soviet_afghan War, Infiltration in Kashmir...

I agree that they are coward.. But I can't expect this word from a Pakistani...
General Raheel visited Kabul and Prime Minister is in consistent contacts with Karzai. Whatever the plan is, we don't know yet.

Fighting alongside US troops = Mission failed as Pakistani public opinion is going to turn against the Army very very quickly.
If there is a joint operation with Afghan military, that saves us the public narrative of us fighting with Americans to kill Muslims. It would be more popular to have a joint op with Afghan military, as the people in Pakistan want to see cooperation between AfPak.

However long, this is ours to fight. My friend from Special Ops unit has landed in NW. May Allah protect him and bring peace to our lands in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Amen.

I appreciate your detailed response, thank you. It's now clear there's no coencidence between the American change in strategy within Afghanistan and the current response from Pak Army. Something positive is clearly underway....May Allah protect all those fighting for his cause, Amen.
I appreciate your detailed response, thank you. It's now clear there's no coencidence between the American change in strategy within Afghanistan and the current response from Pak Army. Something positive is clearly underway....May Allah protect all those fighting for his cause, Amen.

I hope so. Despite what many believe Pakistan is actually exercising 'hands off' policy in Afghanistan. We will work with whoever wins the elections either Asraf Ghani or Dr Abdullah. Personally i like Dr Abdullah better as he has seen it all and has close contacts with extremely powerful people in Pakistan. He knows the local dynamics, knows the Taliban and he also knows crap from reality. Moreover conjoined security paradigm in AFPAK region requires a conjoined response. I wish to see our forces jointly operating on either side of the border to defeat the extremist threat especially in regards to what ISIS has done to Iraq.
We should be requesting drone strikes against marked targets instead of using our own aerial assets. Why spend our resources when the US is so keen to use drones.
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