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Taliban threatens to burn palaces in Islamabad, Lahore

Than let the war continue and let the number reach from 50000 to 500000 war will continue you will have to yes slowly win their hearts you are a state and unfortunately state made blunders first so state has to now show bigger heart first

Yes I am brain washed in my love for Islam and Muslims and than Pakistan thanks to ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW I don't betray them and the shariah they brought and will keep working to bring Shariah in Pakistan and make it a better state
so all those people who will get killed by the taliban, are they not muslims?
so all those people who will get killed by the taliban, are they not muslims?
Yes they are but to end this conflict with in you have to show bigger heart and forgive every one has to forgive each other and move on
There have been and will be surgical air strikes in border areas if and when needed, but no boots. It would have been ideal if the Afghans joined us and ended this scum altogether.
Good point! But then, as the Americans contend, Pakistan is running with the hare and hunting with the hounds. In other words, helping the Taliban (Haqqani/Omar) to grab power in Kabul. This goes against the grain of the Afghans who want a popular elected government, not some Taliban terrorists ruling the roost and screwing their lives.

Afghanistan is not interested in the war between the PA and the TTP. That's an internal affair of Pakistan. So why should they help? What's in it for them? While PA fights the TTP, the ANA is fighting the Afghan Taliban. There's therefore no common enemy that both Pakistan and Afghanistan can get together to fight.
Thank you for your "concern" about Pashtuns, but rest assured that those among our people you've belittled as "tajik scums", do not view Pashtuns as "Punjabis”. I hope you’ll not take this to heart and apologise in advance for any unintended offence, but for an Afghan to call another a “Punjabi” merely reflects the employment of derogatory language to besmirch the other by poking fun at him, rather than actually believing there’s any ethnic convergence there…..far from it in fact. Many Afghans are understandably angry when they perceive any Pashtun or otherwise, allegedly lowering himself as a puppet to the Pakistani government, working against our own interest. I for one would employ the same language to my own Paktiawal - Jallaludin Haqqani - for his shameless service to our enemy across the border.

Please also keep in mind that among the northerners, the leading Presidential hopeful - Dr Abdullah - is indeed a Pashtun from Kandahar, with his father having been a senior Government official from the pre-Communist regime and currently supported by prominent Kandaharis like Zalmai Rasoul, Gul Agha Sherzai and possibly President Karzai himself. The late Ahmed Shah Massoud’s own father was a strong ally and supporter of our former King - Ahlazrat Mohammed Zahir Shah - whose own father was enthroned by my own tribe of Zazais, also pronounced as “Jaajis”.

First are you even in Afghanistan? You seem to be another refugee without any idea of ground reality. Since when did Abdullah become pashtun?

And this pciture you are trying to portray of Afghanis ethnicities living happily witth each other is bs, as soon as USA leaves they will try to kill each other just like in 90's. Of course instead of looking at your self, its always easy to blame someone else. And enemy across the border? Afghanistan does not deserve to be our enemy.
Though pursuing the scum till they are destroyed is the way to go, but does sending troops across not amount to impinging on the sovereignty of another country? How can the SSG just go across on a hot pursuit or to destroy command centers etc without the permission of the Afghanistan Govt?

When the ANA does it you guys go into hyper drive. But it seems it's par for the course for the PA when it comes to operating with impunity on Afghan soil.
That's what all former occupiers say, although fools abound that need to taste hell first before realizing their folly :laugh:

Pakistanis who hold this view actually believe in the myth of their military's invincibility. For Afghans however, the whole nation would turn it into a cross-border gurella campaign with no shortage of foreign backers, aligning the Taliban with the government for national liberation. You never know, with a bit of luck, they might invade after all...lol...

You really are one delusional Afghani, wake up and look around Afghanistan (i doubt you are even in Afghanistan). Who the **** wan't to invade Afghanistan and for what purpose? If war break out Pakistan would simply carpet bomb Kabul. We don't have resources neither time to build a nation of Afghanis like USA does.
Than let the war continue and let the number reach from 50000 to 500000 war will continue you will have to yes slowly win their hearts you are a state and unfortunately state made blunders first so state has to now show bigger heart first

Our telecom sector must have improved a lot. This guy still got internet in the middle of the battlefield.
Since you don't strike me as a thick head let me be honest with you.

  • Now in 2014, that dynamic no longer exists. We have a much stronger conventional muscle as well as nuclear capabilities, therefore Pakistan no longer looks at Afghanistan in a strategic depth narrative which changes what Pakistani interests are in Afghanistan. .
  • So then the million dollar question arises: Why are you still helping the Afghan Taliban (Haqqani/Omar)?? Why do you continue to want them to form a puppet government in Afghanistan which is subservient to Pakistan, if it is not for the so called 'Strategic Depth'?

  • Pakistan is going to give a full reboot to its strategy and will build relationship with Afghanistan strictly on socioeconomic terms, trades, food, investment and internal security/border security.
    Rather late in the day, isn't it? What were you doing for the past several years?

  • Pakistan does want to minimize the Indian footprint in Afghanistan to a level where it doesn't have the capability to pose an asymmetric warfare threat to us. Pakistan desires to replace India with China as Afghanistan's strategic economic-military partner, cementing China's role as a regional power in S.Asia while locking Afghanistan into a mutually beneficial regional alliance.
    Your 'desires' are worth nothing. Afghanistan is a free sovereign country and will lay down policies that are in its own national interests. They wouldn't want some other country to dictate terms to them, especially Pakistan.

    Dr Abdullah is the only man who can understand this and we hope would appreciate what lies ahead for Afghanistan if it chooses to cooperate with SinoPak channel instead of India. It would bring mass Chinese investment which India is simply incapable of bringing and would help build Afghanistan into a 'sustainable' military power which is able to hold its state together.
    Dr Abdullah Abdullah is a very good friend of India. I thought you knew?
Once again, a terrorist leader is threatening civilians with revenge attacks; and mainly those who are actively participating in the economic progress of Pakistan. Pakistan has long been plagued with terrorism; a recent example of which we have seen at Karachi airport. It is has been unfortunate to witness such a brazen attack which took the lives of many innocent people. We support the Pakistani government and military in their quest to restore peace and stability in their country. As our State Department Spokesperson Jen Psaki has said, “This is a Government of Pakistan operation. We’ve long supported Pakistan efforts to extend their sovereignty throughout the country and stability throughout the country. “

Haroon Ahmad
DET – U.S. Central Command
You really are one delusional Afghani, wake up and look around Afghanistan (i doubt you are even in Afghanistan). Who the **** wan't to invade Afghanistan and for what purpose? If war break out Pakistan would simply carpet bomb Kabul. We don't have resources neither time to build a nation of Afghanis like USA does.

Your responses tell me more about you than you'd care to convey. I hope you'll understand when I choose to place you on ignore, thank you.
Once again, a terrorist leader is threatening civilians with revenge attacks; and mainly those who are actively participating in the economic progress of Pakistan. Pakistan has long been plagued with terrorism; a recent example of which we have seen at Karachi airport. It is has been unfortunate to witness such a brazen attack which took the lives of many innocent people. We support the Pakistani government and military in their quest to restore peace and stability in their country. As our State Department Spokesperson Jen Psaki has said, “This is a Government of Pakistan operation. We’ve long supported Pakistan efforts to extend their sovereignty throughout the country and stability throughout the country. “

Haroon Ahmad
DET – U.S. Central Command

Thank you for your empty words!

The US has been part of the problem and not part of the solution when tackling the menace of terrorism
we're here and waiting. we are not the same ones of old, who let you pillage lahore to save you from starvation. punjab has woken up, we'll skin, quarter and hang you kharjis from lamp posts.
It is extremely difficult to destroy an insurgency. There will always be remnants left who can still create havoc by exploding bombs in crowded places like markets etc.

The TTP would now be hell bent on creating mayhem in Pakistan especially after the present offensive of the PA, to extract revenge. So Pakistan should now be fully prepared to face riposts from these yahoos, sooner than later.

The next few month are going to be critical.
It is extremely difficult to destroy an insurgency. There will always be remnants left who can still create havoc by exploding bombs in crowded places like markets etc.

The TTP would now be hell bent on creating mayhem in Pakistan especially after the present offensive of the PA, to extract revenge. So Pakistan should now be fully prepared to face riposts from these yahoos, sooner than later.

The next few month are going to be critical.

I punt that this war will unfortunately be long enough to nudge our Pakistani friends into empathizing with what the ordinary citizens of Afghanistan have been through. It's a true reflection of madness that it takes this level of experiential awakening to stimulate the needed motivation for long-lasting peace in our region. Perhaps we're already closer to that end, but it remains to be seen with concrete action taken on the part of the Pakistani Military forces, finally delivering the "good Taliban". I am not joking when I state that the kind of warfare Afghans have endured would make any grown man among the toughest in the world soil his pants, once he steps into our environment. Some of the boastful, child-minded chest thumping I've seen in this forum makes me shake my head in dismay, for I've good reason to understand that it's always these very people who are the first to fold and lose their wits and minds when touched by the savagery of war. There's a good reason why our Noble Quran ONLY sanctions warfare against imposed tyranny and aggression in opposition to slavery, rather than unnecessary "strategic" indulgences under a myriad of excuses, unleashing Satan's plans along the way.
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