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Taliban threaten to target MQM

lol ... you dont have a clue batman .. do you ? FYI most of the people who work on the port are baluch and pushtun origins , just a ministry wont do **** to have a say

Ah so let the Pakistanis finally decide now who is creating trouble in Balochistan. We all know what MQM has been upto. Its good that you have made it clearer now. This is what you fanboys do. When in doubt, blame it on the poor!
ANP vs MQM tussle moving to a new level. Taliban make a hit and MQM'ers will start burning down ANP. ANP will hit back and will say taliban did this and an infinite loop of target killings will start

shyte is about to hit the fan fellows!
TTP calling out to the judges?

what a pathetic joke. First they call it a secular/liberal un-Islamic setup and now they are trying to reach out and influence mind of judiciary

these ttps are deserving nothing less than bullets.

my fear is that they may have terrorist cells in Karachi already.....so the police/rangers need to go into over-drive and do raids on suspected hideouts to recover arms and explosive materials.

whoever is supporting ttp materially and financially has one objective --> to create chaos in Pakistan, even in critical financial cities....this has nothing to do with Islam or Sharia at all. They want to destabilize the entire country and spread their war - as this suits the enemies of Pakistan

Inshallah we wont let that happen, but the forces have to be ready at all times to destroy the enemy and foil any of their nefarious attempts to kill innocent God-fearing Pakistani citizens.
ANP vs MQM tussle moving to a new level. Taliban make a hit and MQM'ers will start burning down ANP. ANP will hit back and will say taliban did this and an infinite loop of target killings will start

shyte is about to hit the fan fellows!

ANP MQM tussle is not b/c of TTP but TTP surely could exploit this

the SAME day that political parties started having armed activists is the day the LAW of the LAND should have followed....unfortunately -- Pakistanis themselves and the bloody civilian government cant do anything about it b/c some of them are also involved in this mafia business.

Karachi is a lucrative city. A lot of money is made in one day in that city. Not all of it is legit.

any country is easy to exploit when you have ground realities like this......anyone can be used as a pawn, or be used as a bait. We have to blame ourselves for allowing our financial city to be used for turf wars.

ANP and MQM are both staunch anti-extremist parties...they need to set aside whatever differences they have. Parts of Karachi should be put under curfew in my opinion. And if people complain, tell them to move somewhere else.
for most of you it will be nothing more than a action movie as reflected in your comment, but ever thought what it likes to be living in an urban battlefield where you not only have to survive but also earn your living. The greatest losers will be the most ordinary people who come here in search for a better payday, so that there loved ones can be fed two times which are hundreds of miles away from them.
Even though I hate both , Taliban are about to be thrashed really well because MQM is armed to the teeth , to the extent they cant even imagine ... Let the battle begin !
Hell Yeah! Couldnt get better than this! I hate MQM but I hate TTP even more, probably 100 times more! and I swear to god that I would love MQM for the rest of my life if they crush TTP's a$$ses. Every Pakistani should support MQM in this battle! Jiye Mutahida!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Taliban has armed terrorist cells in Karachi -- where else do they get their funding from? The Afghan-ghettos are where they hide, and the military needs to go in and 'clean house' with the support of the ANP and also -- to a lesser extent -- the MQM.

The MQM does have an ultra-nationalist, secularist idealogy; however, its implementation is militant. Take that equation away, remove Atlaf, and you'll have a brilliant party.

The challenge is, however, that the ANP and MQM have to 'unite' on the political front -- a ceasefire to political hostilities, and tackle extremism. Yes, they must pool their armed resources into receding the TTP presence in Karachi but only at the defensive level -- it should be minimum, a short term solution with the strong backing of Rangers (the Army is over-stretched to go into Karachi) -- with the long term aim for disarmament.

Unfortunatly, the media will not spin the issue from this angle -- MQM is increasingly becoming the party of the liberal middle class, and it is the only idealogical (read: not power -- that would be feudal controls of village electorate by PPP/PML) competitor to the PTI. MQM's ideology must be supported, but the militancy and Altaf's leadership must come to an end.
ANP MQM tussle is not b/c of TTP but TTP surely could exploit this

the SAME day that political parties started having armed activists is the day the LAW of the LAND should have followed....unfortunately -- Pakistanis themselves and the bloody civilian government cant do anything about it b/c some of them are also involved in this mafia business.

Karachi is a lucrative city. A lot of money is made in one day in that city. Not all of it is legit.

any country is easy to exploit when you have ground realities like this......anyone can be used as a pawn, or be used as a bait. We have to blame ourselves for allowing our financial city to be used for turf wars.

ANP and MQM are both staunch anti-extremist parties...they need to set aside whatever differences they have. Parts of Karachi should be put under curfew in my opinion. And if people complain, tell them to move somewhere else.

I disagree with the last part of your statement - there is a battle out there to win hearts and minds; the average Pakistani isn't an extremist, but through dire conditions of poverty and extreme social inequality, their misgivings can easily be exploited, especially as this leaves the field "wide open" for a generation of orphan suicide bombers.

The people need to be engaged at all levels with a firm resolution to tackle terrorism. This needs to start with the gradual side-lining of extreme religious parties such as the JI, and further strengthening of the centre-aligned.
Pakistani Taliban threaten to target MQM

PESHAWAR: The Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) on Friday threatened to target the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM), vowing to ‘deal’ with the largest political party in Karachi, a spokesman for the banned extremist militant organisation said Friday.

Pakistani Taliban spokesman Ehsanullah Ehsan, in a statement issued Friday, said that they had decided to the MQM, vowing “not to show any mercy to the apostate tyrants of Karachi”.

MQM chief Altaf Hussain has been a vocal critic of peace talks with militants and his party has taken a visible anti-Taliban stance in the wake of the assassination attempt on 15-year-old schoolgirl Malala Yousufzai by TTP gunmen.

“How can we hold talks with those who fired shots on Malala Yousufzai, Shazia and Kainat? How can we talk about peace with those who beheaded personnel and officers of the army, police and FC?” the MQM chief said in a speech to party workers on Oct 20. Hussain has also urged the Army to take the ‘bold decision of acting against the terrorists’.

The Pakistani Taliban spokesman also called out to Pakistan’s judges to work for an Islamic system.

“I call out to all the judges who are part of Pakistan’s secular laws and courts: You will also be held accountable in front of God some day. Therefore, you should also work for an Islamic system rather than this godless system,” said Ehsan in the two-page statement.

Moreover, the Taliban spokesman also called out to separatist armed movements in Balochistan and Sindh provinces, urging them to “continue their fight in an Islamic way”.

“I urge the leaders of the nationalist parties in Balochistan and Sindh, like the Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) and the Sindh Liberation Army (SLA), to fight for their rights in an Islamic way,” said the statement. :guns:

The Pakistani Taliban also said that they were in the process of forming a strategy with regard to the upcoming general elections. :cheesy:

“We are in the process of forming a policy and will make it public it as soon as a final announcement for elections is made. All current political parties in Pakistan will be divided into three categories in that strategy,” it added.

However, the statement failed to specify what categories these would be.

Please Taliban go ahead kill these notorious MQM terrorists.
The people who know them will support anyone who targets them no matter its taliban or anyone else.
In crimes n human killing they will even put taliban into shame!!!!!
So here we go , alas TTP dogs have come out in the open against MQM .. screw al bakri political parties of Pakistan.

**** is going to hit the ceiling in karachi as a result of an all out tussle btw MQM and Taliban. I salute the courage of MQM and its leaders who dared to call spade a spade - winning or loosing is besides this as they are no where trained like Taliban, but i hope MQM gives Talibans , their sympathizers and followers a good taste of their own medicine. :pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:

Lol!!! Courage and MQM are two opposite things. If MQM had courage its leader had not gone running away to London 20 years ago.

Making 'bold' statements from London through funny voices is one thing. Coming back and making such statements is quite another. When you have complete breakdown of law and order, no wonder MQM and Taliban terror outfit will up the stakes.

Now we'll see the courage of city terrorists against the out and out terrorists. These killers deserve nothing but death. And watch out for 'courageous' statements from MQM now that an open threat has been issued.

Hate MQM but hate taliban ever more, jiye MQM if they get rid of taliban :yahoo:

If Taliban get rid of MQM terror, nothing like it. Its because eliminating Taliban is not difficult. If terror has political voice, its a much difficult task to eliminate it.
Hell Yeah! Couldnt get better than this! I hate MQM but I hate TTP even more, probably 100 times more! and I swear to god that I would love MQM for the rest of my life if they crush TTP's a$$ses. Every Pakistani should support MQM in this battle! Jiye Mutahida!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unfortunately thats the need of the hour- Jiye Jiye Mutahiddddddaaaaaaa!!!!-
MQM Has more than 50 thousand armed killers and if altaf decided to take TTP then hurray!!!:devil:

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MQM threatens to target Pakistani Taliban
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