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Taliban threaten to kill Pakistani cricket star

‘No Death Threat for Khan’

TTP spokesman says his organization has no love for the PTI leader, but did not threaten to kill him.

Claiming he was misquoted, Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan spokesman Ehsanullah Ehsan has denied that he told a journalist for The Associated Press that his organization would kill Imran Khan if the politician protested against drone attacks in South Waziristan.

“I admit I gave the interview, but I never said we were going to kill Imran Khan,” Ehsan told Newsweek. “To a question on our plans for Khan’s protest, I said the TTP leadership would decide on a course of action once Khan had confirmed his travel plans.”

According to Ehsan, the TTP has no love for Khan—who heads the Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf—but no death threat was issued in the interview. “We don’t have any sympathy for Imran Khan, nor do we seek his sympathy. He has termed himself a liberal and we consider all liberals as infidels,” he said, adding, “The reporter, Ishtiaq Mehsud, added the threat in violation of the norms of journalism for the sake of publicity.”

On Wednesday, an interview published by The Associated Press had claimed that the TTP was planning an attack on Imran Khan if he visited their area. Khan, a vocal opponent to the U.S. drone program, had announced that he wanted to march to Waziristan to protest the strikes that have claimed thousands of lives since the war on terror started utilizing the unmanned drones.

‘No Death Threat for Khan’

I need the smartest and the most intelligent guy in this forum to answer this question for me please. If journalists can get a hold of these scumbags, why aren't Pakistan Army doing that and eliminating them? Just use the journalist to get to them and then execute them? Your answer better be good :)
Imran Khan on twitter:

A man of faith doesn't fear death & a march for peace against drones that have destroyed millions of lives of FATA ppl is worth dying for.

Sir you will be protected with human shield that we will make around you with or without your will...

No worries at all, carry the mission is all that we ask, its worth dying for you and your cause..
Imran Khan on twitter:

Sir you will be protected with human shield that we will make around you with or without your will...

No worries at all, carry the mission is all that we ask, its worth dying for you and your cause..

PTI responds to TTP threats on party peace march to Waziristan

A story in some papers claims that Tehreek e Taliban Pakistan has threatened Chairman PTI Imran Khan with suicide attacks during the party’s peace march to Waziristan. Whatever the authenticity of the threat, the Pakistan Tehreek e Insaaf is determined to go ahead with its planned peace rally to Miran Shah on September 23rd. This rally will demonstrate solidarity with the people of Waziristan whose life has been turned into living hell by repeated drone attacks. When told of the alleged threat by the TTP, the Chairman PTI Imran Khan said, “A man of faith does not fear death”. As regards the charge of his being a liberal, He said that only God understands what is in a person’s heart and such labels are meaningless. He went on to add that “It would be an honour to give the ultimate sacrifice of one’s life to protest American lack of care for the innocent men, women and children of Waziristan who have died in thousands by American drone attacks. He further said that this is a march that will project to the world the hardships of the ordinary people of the region who have been a caught in a brutal and senseless conflict. No real or imagined threats would therefore diminish the resolve of the party to lead a peace rally to Waziristan.

:tup: Imran FTW !!



PTI responds to TTP threats on party peace march to Waziristan > Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf > Insaf News
Are we surprised by these claims and threats made by the TPP? We should not be… It shows the real face of the terrorists who thrive in intimidating others. We have seen over and over how people who were their supporters and advisors killed brutally and their videos released to the media. Did you forget Col. Imam? Pakistanis should realize that the TTP is the real enemy of peace in the region. When will we bring ourselves to cease this blame game and focus on tackling this menace once and for all? That is the only way Pakistanis can once again live in peace, and prosperity can return to the region.

Capt. Joseph Kreidel
DET-United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command
Are we surprised by these claims and threats made by the TPP? We should not be… It shows the real face of the terrorists who thrive in intimidating others. We have seen over and over how people who were their supporters and advisors killed brutally and their videos released to the media. Did you forget Col. Imam? Pakistanis should realize that the TTP is the real enemy of peace in the region. When will we bring ourselves to cease this blame game and focus on tackling this menace once and for all? That is the only way Pakistanis can once again live in peace, and prosperity can return to the region.

Capt. Joseph Kreidel
DET-United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command

We Pakistani realise that ttp is the enemy of Pakistan but most importantly we al so realise that it is america and its cronies in afghanistan (raw, khad, musad, mi6) are the real backers of ttp and provide it with funding and training.
The day all the above mentioned SOB leave afghanistan will be the end of ttp.

but isent it shameful for u americans that in-spite of providing ur crony the ttp millions of dollars in funds and logistical support and training, ur ttp has been marginalized to such an extent that now they have been left with no other option but to launch attacks from afghanistan directly under ur nose.
so basically u have thrown every thing except the kitchen sink and still ur on square one.

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CIA dont have to waste the time and wait for IK to go to tribal areas to do that. if they want they can arrange that anywhere in Pakistan. IK's opposition doesnt mean much when both the Govt, opposition and the Military has already expressed its resentment and disagreement.

Wrong. The CIA is trying to hoax an exuse to the general public, of both Pakistan, and the world.
CIA dont have to waste the time and wait for IK to go to tribal areas to do that. if they want they can arrange that anywhere in Pakistan. IK's opposition doesnt mean much when both the Govt, opposition and the Military has already expressed its resentment and disagreement.

Wrong. The CIA is trying to hoax an exuse to the general public, of both Pakistan, and the world.
We Pakistani realise that ttp is the enemy of Pakistan but most importantly we al so realise that it is america and its cronies in afghanistan (raw, khad, musad, mi6) are the real backers of ttp and provide it with funding and training.
The day all the above mentioned SOB leave afghanistan will be the end of ttp.

but isent it shameful for u americans that in-spite of providing ur crony the ttp millions of dollars in funds and logistical support and training, ur ttp has been marginalized to such an extent that now they have been left with no other option but to launch attacks from afghanistan directly under ur nose.
so basically u have thrown every thing except the kitchen sink and still ur on square one.

Please post proof of TTP being supported by USA and India :D
Please post proof of TTP being supported by USA and India :D
As of now there isn't any, but it is a common notion just like 9/11 was fake. People will post anything except proof to back their claims.
I will accompany Imran Khan’s peace caravan to Waziristan: Salman Ahmad

By Web Desk
Published: August 10, 2012


Junoon's Salman Ahmad tweets from his official account that he will travel with PTI chairman to Waziristan. PHOTO: PUBLICITY

KARACHI: Soon after Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) chairman Imran Khan said that he was not afraid of the Taliban and that threats will not deter his plan to march into Waziristan, ex-Junoon guitarist Salman Ahmad tweeted that he will accompany the ‘peace caravan’.

Tweeting from his personal Twitter account @sufisal, Ahmad on Thursday announced, “I’ll be traveling with IK’s [Imran Khan’s] peace caravan to Waziristan.”

The tweet was apparently in response to Khan’s tweet from his official account @ImranKhanPTI which said, “A man of faith doesn’t fear death & a march for peace against drones that have destroyed millions of lives of Fata people is worth dying for.”

Khan had sent out this tweet after reports emerged which stated that the Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) had threatened to kill him if he marched into their tribal stronghold Waziristan. The Taliban spokesperson later clarified that the Taliban did not say they would kill him, but they still see him as an “infidel” for being a “liberal”.

The Taliban said that their top leadership will decide whether to allow Khan to march into Waziristan or not.

Earlier in July, Khan had announced he was planning to lead thousands of people in a march to Waziristan in September to protest against drone strikes.

I will accompany Imran Khan


This is what a Leader do - inspire the masses.
Taliban supporters keep on about drones killing innocents. Taliban have succeeded in brain washing lot of people. These people forget that TTP have killed nearly 40,000 Pakistani civilians and more than 3,000 PA jawans. This is more than all casualties in the wars with India. I ask all Taliban apologists; is all your love and sympathy for the victims of drone attacks and none left over for the innocent Pakistanis victims of TTP?

It is a pity that so many citizens of this poor nation have gone blind in the hate of the US that even if a canary farts it is US conspiracy. And 40,000 innocent Pakistani victims of TTP deserved to die because it was in revenge against US.

There is absolutely no justification for blowing up schools, killing Pakistan civilians for drone attacks by the US. Whether Pakistan stops NATO supplies or not drone attacks will continue. No doubt it is deplorable but there is very little GOP can do about it.

However, this reality is not understood by my naive countrymen. Taliban have no love for Pakistan. TTP want to see Pakistan destroyed and replaced by an Islamic Emirate similar to Mullah Omer's Afghanistan. If you support Taliban, you are enemy of Pakistan.

Here is an article published in the Dawn of today.

Khan and the Taliban

IMRAN Khan wants to lead a ‘peace caravan’ to South Waziristan to protest drone strikes, but the TTP is having none of it. Speaking to the Associated Press, a TTP spokesman Ihsanullah Ihsan has condemned Khan and his ‘liberal’ politics and declared that if the PTI does try to hold his political rally in South Waziristan, the TTP shura will convene to decide how to respond. While the spokesperson did yesterday reject that he had threatened to kill Imran Khan, the crux of his accusation against the latter and the democratic system stand: the PTI chief is a liberal infidel and the democratic system is un-Islamic. To some, the TTP’s outrageous claims will be a definitive rebuttal of the oft-repeated allegation that Mr Khan is soft on terrorism and that he misrepresents the real reasons for the existence of Islamist violence in Pakistan and the region. After all, how can ‘Taliban Khan’ be a friend of the Taliban if they denounce him in emphatic terms?
But that would be to miss the point. The TTP’s loathing for the way Pakistani state and society is organised is so extreme that even flawed political narratives that are part of mainstream Pakistan are viewed as repugnant and worthy of elimination by the TTP and like-minded militants. The denunciation of the PTI’s political platform by the TTP is first and foremost about the danger that violent radicalism continues to pose in Pakistan — nobody is safe, not even those who take up causes, such as opposing
drone strikes, that would seemingly work to the benefit of militants themselves.
There is, however, another, perhaps more subtle, point at work here: the politics of Imran Khan, the religious right and even other mainstream centre-right parties in Pakistan help perpetuate the confusion and uncertainty that prevents the public from truly understanding the threat militancy poses to the state of Pakistan and the fabric of society. When Mr Khan argues that if it weren’t for the ‘foreign occupation’ of Afghanistan, militancy in Pakistan would be a virtually non-existent phenomenon — a historically and factually incorrect theory — it only serves to deepen the societal confusion about Islamist militancy that has been nurtured by the security establishment since the days of the Afghan jihad against the Soviets. The Taliban want to remake Pakistan in their own frightening and grotesque image, as TTP spokesperson Ihsan proudly stated. Until they are defeated and the mindset they represent decisively rolled back in society, Pakistan will be in danger. That, more than anything else, is the message the political class should be sending Pakistanis.

Perhaps it's time to start a media campaign against these militants on YouTube, press and T .V. Highlight their misdeeds and the future they will bring to Pakistan. Make people understand the horrors they will bring if allowed to flourish. There is enough evidence to back up their atrocities.

Khan and the Taliban | DAWN.COM
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