Despite the author of this article being not so great, this was a military sanctioned article that was allowed to go past the censor. Hamid Mir was one of many journalists including Fahd Humayun who met the Army chief that month and discussions were made on the evolving situation vis a vis Afghanistan as well as India as seen by both their articles. This purposeful leak was made to show the public in a more unofficial way the Military's position in regards to how it views the Taliban at the moment.
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan started new efforts to convince Afghan Taliban for rejoining the peace process otherwise the Taliban may face some tough actions from Pakistan. Top Pakistani security officials...
Regarding the 2 such incidents, if i manage to sift through my data and find it i'll post the 2 exact incidents however if memory serves me right one operation was against the KPF in Pakitia which failed and another against an ANDSF convoy which was successful though i cannot recall where. Both of which occurred earlier this year.