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Taliban takeover of Afghanistan: implications & next steps for Pakistan

lol indian, quotes and bollywood vision. Reality is indian is so coward to send troops in afghanistan to help their so called brothers and sister.

ahh - now thinking about those people who are eagerly waiting that something Taliban will do in Kashmir. Now, What I can call them?
And, What about the US, France, England - Called "WEST"...............

Now, Pakistan is happy to join a part of the CHina and Russia camp.

But We are happy to maintain the strategic relationship with EAST and West at the same time.

About India and Afghan people, there is a very famous quote " Afghanistan forcefully married to Pakistan due to geographic limitations but they love India.
Yeah they love you guys so much they named a mountain range after you guys
Pakistan has decided against recognizing the Afghan Taliban government, saying the country will not take a unilateral decision on the issue, and whatever decision is made, it has to be in consultation with the regional and international powers.
Pakistan has decided against recognizing the Afghan Taliban government, saying the country will not take a unilateral decision on the issue, and whatever decision is made, it has to be in consultation with the regional and international powers.

After all, as Moe said, Pakistan has many options.
Pakistan has decided against recognizing the Afghan Taliban government, saying the country will not take a unilateral decision on the issue, and whatever decision is made, it has to be in consultation with the regional and international powers.
Good decision
The fact that three nuclear powers Pakistan, Russia and China as well as important neighbour like Iran have not closed their embassies in Kabul is tacit recognition of peaceful change in Afghanistan.
Once Kabul announces its government structure, formal announcements likely.
The US will not leave Afghanistan. Wait for the American government, the Chinese government and the Indian government to recognize the Taliban government at the convenient soonest. Pakistan government has already done that as per a PDF thread.

US, China & Pakistan are in partnership with Taliban. So they will surely recognise Taliban.

If Congress was in power I would have confidently said that India would not recognise Taliban but with Modi in power he is likely to follow US advise. So I would not be surprised if India recognises Taliban.
If Afghan Taliban are successful in implementing a genuine Islamic system in Afghanistan and when it start bearing fruit, movement in Pakistan for a replica system will eventually start. I wonder how the landay kay liberals or kadthay ingrez will handle it then - mass exodus I hope.
We have experimented with conservatism and extremism for the past 40 years. The results?

- 100,000 lives lost.
- Gun culture after Soviet-Afghan War.
- Violence against minorities greater and more prevalent than ever.
- Massive economic loss, 150 billion dollars in WoT alone, no figures for Soviet war available.
- TTP, Pashtun Nationalism on the rise again.
- International image tarnished.
- A weaker identity than ever before.
- Brain drain, intellectuals and scientists either killed or working abroad.

Surely the 'solution' to extremism shouldn't be that we need more. And don't call the Taliban's system of governance Islamic. The people who exported to us this austere ideology (the Saudis) are themselves trying their best to get rid of it now. But all we think is that we just haven't been extreme enough.
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US, China & Pakistan are in partnership with Taliban. So they will surely recognise Taliban.

If Congress was in power I would have confidently said that India would not recognise Taliban but with Modi in power he is likely to follow US advise. So I would not be surprised if India recognises Taliban.

Actually India, along with USA, China and Pakistan, had already said two or three days before the Kabul takeover said that they would recognize Taliban government if there was a peaceful settlement with the previous government. And that's what is happening.

About Congress government's non-recognition of of Taliban government we must recall that it was a Congress government in the 1990s who refused to rescue President Najibulllah of Afghanistan ( which led to his capture and torture by the Taliban ) and then the Indian government did not quite refuse to accept the 1996-2001 Taliban government.
extremism and terrorism will grow in pakistan . we lost trade money . smuggling will grow . drugs may be reduced . pakistan will have more refugees . and sure pakistan will be line up with taliban from now .
TTP saying that they will release a video of their prison breakout.

TTP Maulvi Faqir openly issuing statements on a public stage.

Here is the video of him recently embracing his compatriots after the break out. @Reichsmarschall @Huffal
Wonder if this is enough of a evidence, from the mouth of the devil themselves and in video format too.

You sure these are not old videos?
Imagine this...

The IEA in Afghanistan is NOT going to follow the Covid protocols. It will show the world that Covid is not only a fraud but that its no threat at all.

No masks, no social distancing, no quarantines, no lockdowns, no vaccinations...& still NO Covid. These guys will destroy the entire COVID propaganda campaign …

Disclaimer: The above opinion is not mine and should be taken as a point for personal investigation as well as should not prohibit or limit anyone to not measure its truthfulness by observing the situation w.r.t COVID 19 in Afghanistan in future.
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Actually India, along with USA, China and Pakistan, had already said two or three days before the Kabul takeover said that they would recognize Taliban government if there was a peaceful settlement with the previous government. And that's what is happening.

About Congress government's non-recognition of of Taliban government we must recall that it was a Congress government in the 1990s who refused to rescue President Najibulllah of Afghanistan ( which led to his capture and torture by the Taliban ) and then the Indian government did not quite refuse to accept the 1996-2001 Taliban government.

The game is simple

US, China and Pakistan have formed an alliance to keep Russia, India and Iran out of Afghanistan and Central Asia.

Modi/BJP will do whatever US asks him to do. No surprises there.

If USSR, having a direct border with Afghanistan, could not control and rescue President Najibulllah what could India do? You should recall that India fully backed Soviets and the Afghan government diplomatically but Soviets lost the war to the combined forces of US, Pakistan and Mujahedeen.
The game is simple

US, China and Pakistan have formed an alliance to keep Russia, India and Iran out of Afghanistan and Central Asia.

Well, that goes contradictory to your next statement.

Modi/BJP will do whatever US asks him to do. No surprises there.


If USSR, having a direct border with Afghanistan, could not control and rescue President Najibulllah what could India do?

1. The USSR broke up in 1991 and Najibullah was president till 1992 and so in 1992 I suppose the Russian Communists were too involved in a struggle in Russia to regain power and could not put resources to give refuge to Najibullah.

2. When the Najibullah government fell in 1992 his family was already safe in Delhi but he was still in Afghanistan, waiting for a way out. Please read this article which is an extract from a book and the article is about how the Indian government bungled up in rescuing him. I quote a few sections :
However, protecting Najibullah and his family in Delhi was one thing, but giving him protection in the Indian embassy compound in Kabul, quite another. At 5.15am, India refused to grant Najibullah asylum in its embassy. Nambiar argues that “he [Najibullah]was far safer in the UN compound…[by sheltering him in the] Indian mission, we would have suddenly walked into all kinds of subcontinental rivalries, and problems would have then visited on us…and there was no way in which we could reasonably expect security and safety for Najib in the Indian compound.”
JN Dixit, who was India’s foreign secretary (1991–94), and who championed Najibullah in the early 1980s, was concerned that offering him protection in the embassy would further complicate the situation politically. India may never be able to build strong relations with the Mujahideen on a fresh note.
However, there were others in India who argued that giving Najibullah asylum would further antagonise the Mujahideen leadership, something that India should avoid. The assumption was that once the anger settled, the Mujahideen would not throw away a beneficial relationship with India.
In the light of changed circumstances, India had calculated that giving asylum to Najibullah might turn out to be prohibitively costly in political terms. If Najibullah would have escaped successfully, then India could have offered it as a fait accompli to the Mujahideen. Not anymore. India refused to undertake a follow-up covert operation, by air or otherwise, to exfiltrate Najibullah from Kabul. With the Mujahideen having formed an internationally recognised though practically dysfunctional government, undertaking such an operation would amount to undermining Afghan sovereignty.
So basically India did not just bungle up ( if you read from the article's beginning ) it in fact wanted to work with the so-called Mujahideen some of whom had formed Al Qaeda and some would later join the Taliban.

You should recall that India fully backed Soviets and the Afghan government diplomatically

Diplomatically, but as you see above India later tacitly backed the Mujahideen. Unfortunate.

but Soviets lost the war to the combined forces of US, Pakistan and Mujahedeen.

1. I don't think the Soviets actually lost. They I think had their own internal problems.

2. We should also include China as one of the patrons of the "Mujahideen".
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