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Taliban refuse to come to table talk after death of their leader

What peace did you achieve since the APC's combined decision to " negotiate " ? None . The state of Pakistan was never fighting with Taliban since the beginning , that was Al Qaeda , bon ami . You are mixing up things now . Musharraf didn't go on the offensive against the Taliban , they were operating in Afghanistan . So where's the revenge coming from ? Its years for radicalization of the whole society , Sidewinder thats coming to haunt us now . See your enemy first . Fight it later .

and how much APC's decision has been turned into practical work by govt?
they staged the peace talks and in the nick of time a drone as usually comes and fucks it up!

Musharraf didn't go on the offensive against the Taliban , they were operating in Afghanistan . So where's the revenge coming from ? Its years for radicalization of the whole society , Sidewinder thats coming to haunt us now . See your enemy first . Fight it later

the basic scenerio was afghan talibans could easily come to pakistani tribal areas and do whatever may be helpful to them right?
so USA and NATO were to accuse us of having safe hideouts and reinforcement options for talibans in tribal areas...right?

and in the same book 'line of fire' musharaf admits that it was US pressure that forced me to send troops in tribal areas...
what i remember is that whenever we came close to hold peace talks..a drone comes and sabotages it...
peace has not been let prevail! just get this into your brain...

how about both you (the one being beaten and the one beating) just resolve whatever there is between you?

but again...this can't be happening since our shitty gutless (politicians as well as army chief) don;t have guts to shoot the irritants...the drones

And since we don't shoot them...that links us to USA...ultimately being used as trick to create suicide bombers

In my first post in this thread, I mentioned the Gold Fish for exactly the same reason.

From what you remember... no, the world goes way back than your memory. Let us try to see what comes out of my memory...

Nizam-e-Adl Regulation - 2009.

BBC report on 21st April 2009:
Dozens of militants have been streaming into bordering Buner to take over mosques and government offices.

Buner is part of the Malakand region, which has just seen the implementation of Sharia law under the peace deal.

But the Taleban have mainly operated in Swat, where they fought the army from August 2007 until this year's deal.

Under the deal the Taleban were expected to disarm.

Buner district is only about 100km (62 miles) from the capital, Islamabad.

One week later, NYT:

Government officials said they would continue to try to hold the Swat peace agreement together, but have demanded that militants cease their activities in several districts adjoining Swat and lay down their weapons. Several provincial officials have expressed growing frustration with Mr. (Sufi) Muhammad and his failure to make the militants abide by the agreement.

A spokesman for the militants, Muslim Khan, described the agreement as “worthless,” in comments to The Associated Press.

And this from you is a gem:

how about both you (the one being beaten and the one beating) just resolve whatever there is between you?

What possible resolution/reconciliation can there ever be there between the one getting beaten and the one beating him, repeatedly? Oh, forget that, just tell me something very fundamental...

Just in case the TTP is successful in getting the government bend over to its conditions, what message would it send throughout the world? That raise your arms, kill innocents, and become powerful office holders?

If by any chance they are successful in getting what they want from the government (already half way there by getting the government on the table for talks), then trust me friend, these times of Pakistan would look like a fairy tale! Every single faction will raise arms. And Baluchistan... it won't be a decade before you would be required to get a visa to enter that 'country', unless, you yourself are from Baluchistan, but then - you won't be a Pakistani.
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and how much APC's decision has been turned into practical work by govt?
they staged the peace talks and in the nick of time a drone as usually comes and fucks it up!

the basic scenerio was afghan talibans could easily come to pakistani tribal areas and do whatever may be helpful to them right?
so USA and NATO were to accuse us of having safe hideouts and reinforcement options for talibans in tribal areas...right?

and in the same book 'line of fire' musharaf admits that it was US pressure that forced me to send troops in tribal areas...

I do not know whether you listened to Ch.Nisar's speech today but he said that there had been " some progress " and " initial talks " before the drone strike . Your General is murdered , six days after APC's decision and the Peshawar city alone has to endure three blasts after the Govt chooses to talk with Taliban accepting responsibility . What do you make of this ? You never answered my question about the " peace deal in Swat " , remind me of the outcome ?

Indeed , yes . Pakistan wished not to continue it further , even giving time for the militants then to leave and they didn't . Mullah Omar didn't honor its ally request of handing over culprits . What else do you expect ?
The dialogues between Talibans are never going to be successful and we all probably know it somewhere in our heart.

This policy of talking to Taliban, pleading them like beggars and then getting kicked is going to fade away sooner or later. I am in favour of dialogue process because the people in Pakistan has given mandate to the ruling two Governments of Federal and K-P and the mandate should be respected but there is another bitter truth that you can't make the wild Animal like civilised human being.
The dialogues between Talibans are never going to be successful and we all probably know it somewhere in our heart.

If this nation cant see the outcomes of previous such deals and cant learn from his history , then how do you expect it to , this time ? This policy of appeasement and literally bending over backwards will continue with sensitivity and cautiousness whilst the terrorists do , whatever pleases them . So its actually good that they have refused to talk , now the state will have to take action against them , sooner or later .

P.S Did you run the IP check , I asked for ?
I do not know whether you listened to Ch.Nisar's speech today but he said that there had been " some progress " and " initial talks " before the drone strike . Your General is murdered , six days after APC's decision and the Peshawar city alone has to endure three blasts after the Govt chooses to talk with Taliban accepting responsibility . What do you make of this ? You never answered my question about the " peace deal in Swat " , remind me of the outcome ?

Indeed , yes . Pakistan wished not to continue it further , even giving time for the militants then to leave and they didn't . Mullah Omar didn't honor its ally request of handing over culprits . What else do you expect ?

chalo choro yar secur bhai,
just gimme an authentic link that claims taliban accepting the responsibility for church bombing and bus bombing
chalo choro yar secur bhai,
just gimme an authentic link that claims taliban accepting the responsibility for church bombing and bus bombing

You aren't looking to defend Taliban or justify their attacks , right ? :D


In an interview to British media, TTP spokesman Shaidullah Shahid said neither his group nor any of its factions were involved in the attack. He did however state that the attack on the church was according to Sharia.
The spokesman further said that the factions of the TTP had a free hand to act against their enemies.

Do you see where he's getting at ? The TTP has 37 different groups so who are you talking with ? Even if you talk with one and the others aren't happy , this drama will continue until you are tired and start the operation once again . Look carefully at the words how " the factions of TTP have free hand to act against their enemies " see what it means .
You aren't looking to defend Taliban or justify their attacks , right ? :D


In an interview to British media, TTP spokesman Shaidullah Shahid said neither his group nor any of its factions were involved in the attack. He did however state that the attack on the church was according to Sharia.
The spokesman further said that the factions of the TTP had a free hand to act against their enemies.

Do you see where he's getting at ? The TTP has 37 different groups so who are you talking with ? Even if you talk with one and the others aren't happy , this drama will continue until you are tired and start the operation once again . Look carefully at the words how " the factions of TTP have free hand to act against their enemies " see what it means .

but we can manage to talk to those groups who want to...TTP is central organization....and the meeting hakimullah was killed in, was for same purpose to give the final decision about negotiations...

but any such possibility has been screwed up by the drone attack...
but we can manage to talk to those groups who want to...TTP is central organization....and the meeting hakimullah was killed in, was for same purpose to give the final decision about negotiations...

but any such possibility has been screwed up by the drone attack...

Lament about it , mate . But things aren't going to change for better unless you act against them , you signed a deal in Swat and saw the results , fool me once shame on you and fool me twice , shame on me . It is that simple .
Lament about it , mate . But things aren't going to change for better unless you act against them , you signed a deal in Swat and saw the results , fool me once shame on you and fool me twice , shame on me . It is that simple .

and im sure,that deal too was ended by any drone attack since we never saw any halt in strikes...
and im sure,that deal too was ended by any drone attack since we never saw any halt in strikes...

You boys never fail to amaze me and yes I was expecting something along these lines .That is precisely what we know as " conspiracy theory " :D . What drones have ever operated in Swat if I may know ? Who killed the Pakistan Army officers and captured Buner the next day after the peace deal ? Even though we agreed to implement their twisted version of Islam . How exactly do you find these " psychopathic animals " so innocent and " trust worthy " ? This is becoming more of a joke now , all this discussion if you cant agree even on " facts " .
chalo choro yar secur bhai,
just gimme an authentic link that claims taliban accepting the responsibility for church bombing and bus bombing

It's beautiful how you guys deflect questions, i'll tell you how many friends i have lost to your "brothers in arms". 3 killed in moon market bombing, mind you they were students, in Lahore, 1 MIA in orakzai. 2 blown up in IEDs. 1 killed in cold blood with his little kid. You assholes can cry and weep for these turdbags and make excuses but still wont change the fact that these cretins were and always will be our enemies. I wish we could bomb them to stone age but wont make a difference. This is a long slow war which will drag out for a decade or two and we will finish them. slowly and steadily.
You boys never fail to amaze me and yes I was expecting something along these lines .That is precisely what we know as " conspiracy theory " :D . What drones have ever operated in Swat if I may know ? Who killed the Pakistan Army officers and captured Buner the next day after the peace deal ? Even though we agreed to implement their twisted version of Islam . How exactly do you find these " psychopathic animals " so innocent and " trust worthy " ? This is becoming more of a joke now , all this discussion if you cant agree even on " facts " .

What drones have ever operated in Swat if I may know

Drones never operated in swat..but drone never stopped operating in tribal areas...taliban are widely spread entities over the whole tribal belt...

their demand is to stop drones that's it!

Who killed the Pakistan Army officers and captured Buner the next day after the peace deal ? Even though we agreed to implement their twisted version of Islam . How exactly do you find these " psychopathic animals " so innocent and " trust worthy " ? This is becoming more of a joke now , all this discussion if you cant agree even on " facts "

ok do me a favour and show me links proving this,

Who killed the Pakistan Army officers and captured Buner the next day after the peace deal ? Even though we agreed to implement their twisted version of Islam

without drone interference 
It's beautiful how you guys deflect questions, i'll tell you how many friends i have lost to your "brothers in arms". 3 killed in moon market bombing, mind you they were students, in Lahore, 1 MIA in orakzai. 2 blown up in IEDs. 1 killed in cold blood with his little kid. You assholes can cry and weep for these turdbags and make excuses but still wont change the fact that these cretins were and always will be our enemies. I wish we could bomb them to stone age but wont make a difference. This is a long slow war which will drag out for a decade or two and we will finish them. slowly and steadily.

don't miss up...this war killed your friends...not solely talibans...ever go in tribal areas and see the bloody collateral damage caused by this war...
Drones never operated in swat..but drone never stopped operating in tribal areas...taliban are widely spread entities over the whole tribal belt...

their demand is to stop drones that's it!

ok do me a favour and show me links proving this,

without drone interference

I would now ask you to give me a break , all they wanted in Swat was the implementation of their twisted version of Islam which we then complied with and you know the result ! Why bother discussing something you dont even know about ? You aren't even aware of the terms the deal was signed on . Can you find me a link to prove that drones were the breaking cause of the whole deal or if they were operated in Swat ? No .

Here take this link and enlighten yourself .
I would now ask you to give me a break , all they wanted in Swat was the implementation of their twisted version of Islam which we then complied with and you know the result ! Why bother discussing something you dont even know about ? You aren't even aware of the terms the deal was signed on . Can you find me a link to prove that drones were the breaking cause of the whole deal or if they were operated in Swat ? No .

Here take this link and enlighten yourself .

it says ceasefire was called on feb 16 and operation was launched on april 26...
i don't believe there wasn't any drone strike in this gap...

now call me a taliban apologist or whatever you want :D
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