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Taliban-led offensive in Farah repelled

Taliban conduct hit-and-run operations to destabilize a region; NATO had stood its ground and fought well in any region where it has intervened since 2001. They have slaughtered thousands of Taliban combatants over the course of years and enabled Afghan government to exercise its control over 50% of the country. However, problem is that Afghan society is internally fractured beyond measure and in a perpetual state of war since a long time.

Didn't the Vietnamese use these tactics and win. All smaller armies that's don't have cover of air power or armour use these tactics. It's death by a 1000 cuts. If NATO is an great why do the Taliban control approx 70 percent of Afghanistan.b
@LeGenD Do you think NATO has desire to put Taliban down?

Didn't the viet don't use these tactics and win. All smaller armies that's don't have cover of air power or armour use these tactics. It's death by a 1000 cuts. If NATO is an great why do the Taliban control approx 70 percent of Afghanistan.b
What is your defination of control?
Didn't the viet don't use these tactics and win. All smaller armies that's don't have cover of air power or armour use these tactics. It's death by a 1000 cuts. If NATO is an great why do the Taliban control approx 70 percent of Afghanistan.b
Vietcong was a massive force and very well armed in comparison to Taliban. Not a valid comparison.

Taliban is just a smokescreen for furiously independent Afghan tribes to resist the mandate of Afghan government in their respective domains. The original Taliban no longer exist.
Vietcong was a massive force and very well armed in comparison to Taliban. Not a valid comparison.

Taliban is just a smokescreen for furiously independent Afghan tribes to resist the mandate of Afghan government in their respective domains. The original Taliban no longer exist.
Yet they beat the Soviets and hammering NATO since 2001. You just like talking reality is they are there and NATO can't defeat them. Thats a fact. Wrap it how you like
Yet they beat the Soviets and hammering NATO since 2001. You just like talking reality is they are there and NATO can't defeat them. Thats a fact. Wrap it how you like
US (and Pakistan) made it possible for the so-called Mujahideen to defeat Soviet Union in Afghanistan (google 'Operation Cyclone'). However, US (and Pakistan) didn't realize at the time that they were creating a Frankenstein Monster which will turn rogue one day and find a way to subsist on its own. This Frankenstein Monster continue to draw recruits from all over the world to its cause which is baffling to say the least.

They are not hammering NATO; they cannot. American casualties in Afghanistan are lowest in its history in any war. However, they manage to recruit new people to their cause from time-to-time and pit them against the Afghan state; in this manner, they are able to score a propaganda victory.

NATO can exterminate Afghanistan in a span of some minutes, should it consider this route to win the war. However, this is not the objective; Nation-building is.
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Taliban emerge from hiding to battle Afghan forces in city near Iran

HERAT, Afghanistan (Reuters) - Taliban fighters emerged from hiding in the dead of night to launch attacks in the Afghan city of Farah, battling government forces who thought they had cleared out the insurgents following heavy clashes earlier in the week, residents and officials said.

The heavily armed fighters had gone to ground in residential areas following their surprise attack on Tuesday, when they nearly overran Farah, before Afghan troops backed by U.S. air power fought them off.

“From one side, there were Taliban and from the other side, war planes firing from the air. People were terrified,” said city shopkeeper Qudratullah.

The Taliban fighters emerged from their hiding places about an hour before midnight on Wednesday, some of them firing on security forces from rooftops, with gunbattles raging into the early hours of Thursday.

At least one suicide bomb attack was launched near the city’s police headquarters.

“The city has been turned into a military zone, people are worried and shops are closed,” said resident Baz Mohammad.

“After what happened last night, anything can happen any time.”

Schools were also declared closed for the whole of the month of Ramadan, which began on Thursday, because of the security situation, said Kabir Haqmal, media advisor to the ministry of education.

After months of relative calm over the winter, the latest fighting underlines the challenge facing the Kabul government and its U.S. allies who are struggling to contain the Taliban insurgency.

The United States has sent thousands of extra trainers to help Afghan forces and stepped up air strikes dramatically, with the aim of pressing the Taliban to the negotiating table, but there has been little to indicate the plan is working.

@LeGenD Do you think NATO has desire to put Taliban down?
I cannot say for sure.

Bush administration chose to hammer Taliban into submission and its efforts produced desirable results for a while (Afghanistan remained peaceful for a few straight years from 2002 - 2005). Then Obama administration came to power and imposed silly restrictions on NATO in regards to engagements with Taliban and this stupidity made it possible for the Taliban to regroup and recover its strength over the course of years. At present, Trump administration has authorized NATO to contend with the resurgent Taliban as it see fit.

I'd say that Trump administration can produce good results in Afghanistan if it stay its course.
Taliban conduct hit-and-run operations to destabilize a region; NATO had stood its ground and fought well in any region where it has intervened since 2001. They have slaughtered thousands of Taliban combatants over the course of years and made it possible for the Afghan government to exercise its control over 50% of the country.

However, Afghan society is internally fractured beyond measure due to its tribal orientation and in a perpetual state of war since a long time. There is no solution for this tribalism.
u.s killed thousands of civilians and claim they killed talibans.if they killed such numbers of taliban there would be no taliban resistance now
u.s killed thousands of civilians and claim they killed talibans.if they killed such numbers of taliban there would be no taliban resistance now
Do you see any difference in Taliban and civilians? Taliban do not wear uniforms. Anybody can be Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

A great deal of HUMINT is involved in distinguishing a Taliban combatant from an average civilian. Assassinations are not carried out without homework although air strikes can cause collateral damage. COIN in Afghanistan was expected to drag for years due to lack of governance and rampant tribalism in the country.

Afghanistan is in a perpetual state of civil war since the 1960s because a number of Afghan tribes resist the notion of statehood as in they do not want to surrender their power to a central authority. Additionally, there is no shortage of potential recruits in Afghanistan.
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hmmm the sourches are a joke, tolonews lol and some yankee media
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