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Taliban Fighters removing the flags of Labaik Ya Hussain after capturing Mazar i Sharif

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Big Tank

Apr 30, 2013
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I thought these maniacs would have learnt a lesson but they seem to be no different than TTP. Same looks, same acts.

Mazar i Sharif is a Shia dominant city. The residents offered an alliance and let them include the city in their territory. These bughz khor Nasibis replaced these flags in terms of Muharram with their own. Dishonoring the pact they made with Hazaras already.

Centeral leadership needs to reign em
in fast!

if IEA is to be accepted as a legal Afghan gov by it's neighbors
Well, no Muslim has ever learnt not just them. Don't single them out.

Our Prophet (PBUH) never told us Sunni and Shia and Wahabi and Ismaili nonsense but just Muslims. Why are we into so many different nonsense factions.

The reason that these nonsense exist is because of such people. Even Sunnis respect such flags and hoist them over their territories. That's the reason I termed them as Nasibis. No real sunni would do this act.
Centeral leadership needs to reign em
in fast!

if IEA is to be accepted as a legal Afghan gov by it's neighbors

These fellas won't change. Its just a decoy.
I thought these maniacs would have learnt a lesson but they seem to be no different than TTP. Same looks, same acts.

Mazar i Sharif is a Shia dominant city. The residents offered an alliance and let them include the city in their territory. These bughz khor Nasibis replaced these flags in terms of Muharram with their own. Dishonoring the pact they made with Hazaras already.

Bro Taliban organized ashura processions all over the shia areas in their controlled areas. Not a single shia was harrased. They were actively deployed on security.

They have not killed a shia citizen delibrately and the fall of hazara and shia areas was with the least bloodshed as compared to other areas.
See Daykundi, Ghazni western areas, Bamyan etc.

They even appointed a hazara governor, first for Taliban.
Well, no Muslim has ever learnt not just them. Don't single them out.

Our Prophet (PBUH) never told us Sunni and Shia and Wahabi and Ismaili nonsense but just Muslims. Why are we into so many different nonsense factions.

I agree. I also hope that this is more to do with incidents due to the fog of war... Once the dust settles, Taliban hopefully rein in their foot soldiers not to do such things.

I may be too naive... Let's see.
The Kalima 'La illaha illallah muhammadur rasulullah' (as in the shown flag) is above the 'Labbaik ya Hussain' slogan. What are you talking about? This is much more powerful since it unites the people across sects.
Bro Taliban organized ashura processions all over the shia areas in their controlled areas. Not a single shia was harrased. They were actively deployed on security.

They have not killed a shia citizen delibrately and the fall of hazara and shia areas was with the least bloodshed as compared to other areas.
See Daykundi, Ghazni western areas, Bamyan etc.

They even appointed a hazara governor, first for Taliban.

Things aren't so straight my friend. You and I aren't there. So let's not hurry up to a conclusion.
I thought these maniacs would have learnt a lesson but they seem to be no different than TTP. Same looks, same acts.

Mazar i Sharif is a Shia dominant city. The residents offered an alliance and let them include the city in their territory. These bughz khor Nasibis replaced these flags in terms of Muharram with their own. Dishonoring the pact they made with Hazaras already.

They are replacing every flag everywhere. Old bases, every street, every markets. See BBC and CNN news footage. It may be nothing to do with Shia, they just wanted their flag up on stands.
It is almost 20 years since the Taliban were ousted by a US-led military coalition.

Bagram airfield and prison, about 40km (25 miles) north of the city center, are in Taliban hands, the militants say.

Once the largest American military facility in Afghanistan, the complex was evacuated by the US military in the dead of night on 2 July.
You and I exactly know the reason they were taken down.
InshaAllah things will turn out to be fine, no need to worry. Everyone has learnt their lessons. Look how even Iran is supporting them, wouldnt have happened without across the board assurances. Just to bring in sect everywhere is counterproductive.
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