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Taliban clash with Turkmen border troops

Time to brin GB chinese turks russkies pak usa eng take revenge once it for all these animals dont have any humanity keft enemies of islam
If Taliban do not recognise Durand line as border even after 75 years then what is stopping Pak to capture Wakhan corridor and other land across the border which has low population. Turn the table for Afghans.
Not confirmed yet. But more ironically, Taliban commander in the region is actually a Turkmen. And in the last few days, the tension had been rising senselessly.
Maybe exactly because of that?

Their local presitator is an extremely weak, and unpopular fellow.

Out of Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Turkmenistan trio, Turkmenistan is the weakest. I would say all of them are very weak, and probably weaker than even the previous Kabul government.

If TB will move on any of them, they can subjugate all of them within few weeks.

Out of all their northern minorities, only Turkmens did not whole-handedly support the northern alliance, and a lot more of them fought for TB than against it.
Maybe exactly because of that?

Their local presitator is an extremely weak, and unpopular fellow.

Out of Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Turkmenistan trio, Turkmenistan is the weakest. I would say all of them are very weak, and probably weaker than even the previous Kabul government.

If TB will move on any of them, they can subjugate all of them within few weeks.

Out of all their northern minorities, only Turkmens did not whole-handedly support the northern alliance, and a lot more of them fought for TB than against it.

They have Russia on their side.
They have Russia on their side.
Moscow if few thousand kms away from them, and their local force is relatively small.

By the time they say Hi, TB will already set itself up in their capitals.

Without at least some airforce, they have no chance to stop somebody so adept at ground warfare. And now they have at least some ANA veterans on their side who know how to man advanced military hardware.

Even if they salvage 1/10 of what ANA had, they are the biggest military in the Central Asia.
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Taliban only understand 1 language. PK should bomb them to hell. What good are those hundreds of mirages, 100+ JF17, 75+ F16 if we only use them for airshows!

This bastard Bajwa needs to be kicked the hell out! at this point he is a national security threat and a major liability!

Pakistan will never do such large scale airstrikes on Taliban.. That will unite them + Northern alliance + IS-K + even pro-pak factions into against us. Plus india / RAW will get another life against us in Afghanistan. They will fully exploit 2700 km long border and do suicide attacks all over in the country. We will be embracing 2 decades of more war on terror plus a 2 front situation like never before. If you guys see Durand line through google satellite map, its all open, there are mountains, rivers, valleys.. The check-posts cannot cover the massive distances between them. Our 70 yrs investment is towards defending the other border the LOC.

Easy and more effective way is to keep them busy within. Use intelligence / eliminate anti-pak figures in a way that looks like doing of opposite groups / support pro-pakistan group within Taliban.

The solution to afghan problem is through intelligence ops only. Everyone is right, the Taliban cannot live in peace, they don't give a damn to their country or people, they have fought for 20 years, war is in their DNA. If they get unchallenged within then they will attack the borders.
Pakistan will never do such large scale airstrikes on Taliban.. That will unite them + Northern alliance + IS-K + even pro-pak factions into against us. Plus india / RAW will get another life against us in Afghanistan. They will fully exploit 2700 km long border and do suicide attacks all over in the country. We will be embracing 2 decades of more war on terror plus a 2 front situation like never before. If you guys see Durand line through google satellite map, its all open, there are mountains, rivers, valleys.. The check-posts cannot cover the massive distances between them. Our 70 yrs investment is towards defending the other border the LOC.

Easy and more effective way is to keep them busy within. Use intelligence / eliminate anti-pak figures in a way that looks like doing of opposite groups / support pro-pakistan group within Taliban.

The solution to afghan problem is through intelligence ops only. Everyone is right, the Taliban cannot live in peace, they don't give a damn to their country or people, they have fought for 20 years, war is in their DNA. If they get unchallenged within then they will attack the borders.

Yep, well put

Emotional response will get us nowhere

Hell even a Taliban border exchange where we lose soldiers is not worth escalating to conflict when we can use our capabilities against our enemies with so much more venom

Our enemies would love us to fall into this trap

When the ISI has so much ability to create fassad inside india and Afghanistan why waste resources and a position of strength to enter a conflict
I think the Taliban are just trying to secure their borders.

At the moment Afghanistan's neighbours are trying to interfere in Afghanistan by trying to impose their own national interests on the country.

The neighbours are competing with one another to increase their influence in the country probably at the cost of the other and the Taliban don't like it
Is there a neighbor they haven't engaged in hostility with yet? On the one hand they are getting the begging bowl out asking the entire world for assistance but on the other act like a group of local ruffians. We've got years more of this to come.
The talibans have a serious management issue and the internal rift is not taking them to no where, they are rapidly heading towards the 90s era. Pakistan must make sure that these haramkhors will not get any kind of leverage anymore, no more effing pashtun card. Let these basturds die in their own country.
Actually what most people don't understand is that during wartime the taliban acted as independent units able to make decisions at local level. Sadly they do not understand how to run a country. Its just a matter of time before they learn and things will calm down. As Mr Qurashi said 'we are talking with the taliban government re the fence' ... in the words of another Pakistani....'it will be all right'
Taliban has been a decentralised group for past 20 years, hence it's gonna be difficult for new central authority to rein in different commanders.
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