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Taliban chief Mullah Omar in Karachi: The Washington Times

Mulla Omar in Karachi, claims WT

Saturday, November 21, 2009
WASHINGTON: Mulla Muhammed Omar, the leader of the Afghan Taliban, has fled Quetta and found refuge from the potential US attacks in Karachi with the assistance of Pakistan’s intelligence, the Washington Times claimed on Friday.

The newspaper, without producing any proof, alleged that Mulla Omar had been residing in Quetta, where the Afghan Taliban Shura had moved from Kandahar after the US invasion of Afghanistan in 2001.

Two senior US intelligence officials and one former senior CIA officer told The Washington Times that Mulla Omar travelled to Karachi last month after the end of Ramazan. He inaugurated a new senior leadership council in Karachi, the officials said.

The officials, two of whom spoke on the condition of anonymity, accused the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) of helping the Taliban leaders move from Quetta, where they were exposed to attacks by the US drones.

Bruce Riedel, a CIA veteran and analyst on al-Qaeda and the Taliban, alleged that Mulla Omar had been spotted in Karachi recently. “Some sources claim the ISI decided to move him further from the battlefield to keep him safe” from the US drone attacks, said Riedel. “There are huge Madrassas in Karachi where Mulla Omar could easily be kept.”

Riedel also noted that there had been a few suicide bombings in Karachi, which he attributed to the Taliban and al-Qaeda not wanting to “foul their own nest.” A US counter-terrorism official said: “There are indications of some kind of bleed-out of Taliban types from Quetta to Karachi, but no one should assume at this point that the entire Afghan Taliban leadership has packed up its bags and headed for another Pakistani city.”

A second senior intelligence officer, who specialises in monitoring al-Qaeda, said the US intelligence had confirmed Mulla Omar’s move through both electronic and human sources as well as intelligence from an unnamed allied service.
Obviously you do not understand USA politics. There is no way that the Democrats, under Barack Hussein Obama, are going to invade Pakistan. To say otherwise on this Forum is either because you are insanely ignorant or simply a provocateur. Which are you?
That doesn't stop some crazy fundo-Christians of your country from trying to do so. I like the way the writer played on the fact that he's one-eyed :). Maybe he is selling to the Christians that hes the anti-Christ? :D
"That doesn't stop some crazy fundo-Christians of your country from trying to do so."

No more than it stops crazy fundo-islamos from trying to establish an islamic ummah either.

Lots of pretenders to the anti-christ these days. Only the truly pure will know him when they see him. As none of us are without sin, it will only be God who knows the beast.

Cuts two ways stud.

Funny thing is that I told A.M. yesterday that Omar was in Karachi and hadn't even read this damned article. In some village mosque somewhere between Quetta and the afghan border, that old gimpy one-eyed goat stands out like a sore thumb.

Karachi? Like A.M. said, down in Pashtunville, they've LOTS of one-eyed old afghan amputees puttering about. Fact is, that's really what Omar is worth these days.

He's a face to a movement for some. Their operational leaders are younger, smarter, and more aggressive though and they are who really matter.
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So where is he planning to go from Karachi...hmm ...lemme guess..dxb...no...India..I guess not...oh yes...a special boat is coming to pick him up from the port city to one of the aircraft carriers in Arabean sea.
So where is he planning to go from Karachi...hmm ...lemme guess..dxb...no...India..I guess not...oh yes...a special boat is coming to pick him up from the port city to one of the aircraft carriers in Arabean sea.

I think US officals are on Pot

who have given results and who has not in this war on terror...world knows

secondly they also informed US public about WMD in Iraq and we know how they played with public sentiments to land in Iraq
they are liers and un trust worth
"That doesn't stop some crazy fundo-Christians of your country from trying to do so."

No more than it stops crazy fundo-islamos from trying to establish an islamic ummah either.

Lots of pretenders to the anti-christ these days. Only the truly pure will know him when they see him. As none of us are without sin, it will only be God who knows the beast.

Cuts two ways stud.

Funny thing is that I told A.M. yesterday that Omar was in Karachi and hadn't even read this damned article. In some village mosque somewhere between Quetta and the afghan border, that old gimpy one-eyed goat stands out like a sore thumb.

Karachi? Like A.M. said, down in Pastunville, they've LOTS of one-eyed old afghan amputees puttering about. Fact is, that's really what Omar is worth these days.

He's a face to a movement for some. Their operational leaders are younger, smarter, and more aggressive though and they are who really matter.

When US nation come out of influence Jew lobbies controlling their finance,politicians and media (i.e AIPAC) ?

How many countries they will ruin to find terrorist declared by their Masters (Israel).????

After victories in WW1&2 UK and US and allies were thinking in next century no one could challenge their power , but who know one eyed Mullah Omer will challenge and defeat the greatest super power of 20th century ever seen by mankind with inferior and obsolete weapons AK47,RPG's,IED's .:lol::lol::lol::lol:
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"...a special boat is coming to pick him up from the port city to one of the aircraft carriers in Arabean sea."

Oh goodness no!

He's safer with you but feel free to send him on out. He can bunk next to Faizullah, Hakimullah Mehsud...

...and OBL:agree:
He is much safer in Afghanistan where he has been awarded 6 provinces :)
And in rest of provinces he is being heavily paid for very tissue paper roll that is moved in :rofl:
P.S - S-2 working overtime today.
He is much safer in Afghanistan where he has been awarded 6 provinces :)

P.S - S-2 working overtime today.

I think he will be safe in Nouristan, from where US troops ran away leaveing behind their weapons to be used by Taliban

A US-based website, the Long War Journal, has documented in detail [1] that the Taliban are openly and unchallenged governing the province. The report cited al-Jazeera footage that showed the Taliban had also appointed a governor, Dost Muhammad. According to the footage, the Taliban had US arms, which they had seized from abandoned American bases. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization confirmed that the arms showed in the footage belonged to US forces.

or can be in north Afghanistan where according to katrzai and Qanoni
SUPER POWER is transporting Taliban( jamestown.org)
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hahaha... smthing to laugh... americans have made a new discovery.. everybody LAUGH..!!!

Omar know very well many US drones are searching 24 hours for him , he is moving alone changing his locations and donkeys.:lol:
Its same source who knww were sadaam had nukes and nerv gass ? Thats was they reason they attack IRAQ and killed 100 000+ ppl.

Its same source who could not capture Mulla Omer or Bin Laden ?

Its same source who left miltary post along Pakistan border to let TTP leaders escape to Afghanistan ? What does this source tells about TTP leader and Bugati terrorist in AFghanistan where they live and who they get support from ?
"That doesn't stop some crazy fundo-Christians of your country from trying to do so."

No more than it stops crazy fundo-islamos from trying to establish an islamic ummah either.

Lots of pretenders to the anti-christ these days. Only the truly pure will know him when they see him. As none of us are without sin, it will only be God who knows the beast.

Cuts two ways stud.

Funny thing is that I told A.M. yesterday that Omar was in Karachi and hadn't even read this damned article. In some village mosque somewhere between Quetta and the afghan border, that old gimpy one-eyed goat stands out like a sore thumb.

Karachi? Like A.M. said, down in Pashtunville, they've LOTS of one-eyed old afghan amputees puttering about. Fact is, that's really what Omar is worth these days.

He's a face to a movement for some. Their operational leaders are younger, smarter, and more aggressive though and they are who really matter.
Problem is neither you, nor Washington times presents that little thing called evidence for his existence anywhere. You can't even prove that he exists! The fella we knew as Mullah Omar may just be long dead.

Say you've been wrong about him being in Quetta, Miranshah, Swat, South/North Waziristan, timbaktu, and so on, but oh wait, unnamed sources... ooh, senior unnamed sources have said the one eyed monster is in Karachi, so obviously Christian nutjob scaremongers jump to the opportunity to beat the drums of Islamic ummah (although nationhood is the most dominant ideology since the early 1900s), one eyed anti-christs, and so on.

Please you folks are as credible as those local Pashtun folks you guys paid to plant drone attack markers and they ended up planting them randomly just to squeeze an extra buck out of you guys.

I mean... You've been wrong oh so many times but each time you get another crackpot theory you present it to the world so vehemently like 'God' himself sent that revelation down to you.

I mean thats got to be some sort of artistic quality as well.

Senior sources :D. Sorry, please try again later.
They would have called for an invasion even then, and with far less opposition given that they had not learned the lessons of how hard the occupation of a hostile population and subduing an insurgency can be (and the Americans believe the Taliban and Iraqi insurgencies were/are not even popular - minority support).

Further more, if you are to believe Musharraf's book, our nukes were not operational in 1999.

2001 was only two years later, and if nothing else, we have used the ten years since to expand our nuclear arsenal and improve our delivery systems and introduce new ones, and possibly also increased the number of Plutonium based weapons we have which are more powerful and smaller.

I think we are better placed to counter US aggression now than we were before - our missiles cover most US bases in the region along with Israel and India.

Pakistan can fight the taliban. It can fight India. It can fight the Iranians. But its in no position to fight the US. Any damage inflicted on American assets would be paid back disproportionately. US can do a "dresden" in every pakistani city. I am kind of surprised that a senior member like you follows this line of thinking. Your greatest security from an American invasion is not your missiles or nukes but a hostile population. But even that won't be enough to deter American action if the US perceives that your nukes may fall in terrorist hands.......though I find that possibility pretty unlikely.
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