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Taliban bans university education for Afghan girls

First,they wanted the gold and the expansion.

Besides,let's not talk about Islam and expansion...

No one is denying the goal of expansion for religious concerns.

But it was more intersectional on the European part, religion and resources were tied together. There's a reason why Congo is 90%+ Christian.
There is a theory that educated women have less kids, due them being busy building their careers, while uneducated women have lots of kids.

If Afghan women will be sitting at home and having kids, Afghanistan's population will explode in time when the rest of the world will experience demographic collapse.

Here is a Population simulator

I tried Free Simulation for Afghanistan and it showed that Afghanistan will have 334mln people by the year 2100 with a perfect demographic pyramid.

For comparison, the same simulator shows that by the year 2100 Germany will have 37mln people, Italy - 20mln people, Spain-17mln people, UK-40mln people, France-48mln people, Poland-17mln people, Romania-11mln people, Ukraine-10mln people and Russia-61 mln people. 261mln people in total

So it seems like Afghanistan will have more people than the entire European continent combined by the year 2100.

I think the probability of Afghanistan having 334mln people by the year 2100 is very high because Taliban will ban abortions and use of contraceptives and will force their women to sit at home and have lots of kids. Phillipines for example increased its population 7,3times in 80 years, so Afghanistan can do the same.

Also the same simulator shows that China will have 480mln people by the year 2100
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No one is denying the goal of expansion for religious concerns.

But it was more intersectional on the European part, religion and resources were tied together. There's a reason why Congo is 90%+ Christian.
Don't go there,Islam didn't exactly leave a nice name in southeast Europe either...
There is a theory that educated women have less kids, due them being busy building their careers, while uneducated women have lots of kids.

If Afghan women will be sitting at home and having kids, Afghanistan's population will explode in time when the rest of the world will experience demographic collapse.

Here is a Population simulator

I tried Free Simulation for Afghanistan and it showed that Afghanistan will have 334mln people by the year 2100 with a perfect demographic pyramid.

For comparison, the same simulator shows that by the year 2100 Germany will have 37mln people, Italy - 20mln people, Spain-17mln people, UK-40mln people, France-48mln people, Poland-17mln people, Romania-11mln people, Ukraine-10mln people and Russia-61 mln people. 261mln people in total

So it seems like Afghanistan will have more people than the entire European continent combined by the year 2100.

Also the same simulator shows that China will have 480mln people by the year 2100
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Afghans are not interested much in Women....

‘Hugs, screams and cries’: Afghan women anguished at university ban

December 21, 2022

<p>A female university Student walks in front of a university in Kandahar, Afghanistan on Dec 21. — AFP</p>

A female university Student walks in front of a university in Kandahar, Afghanistan on Dec 21. — AFP

Women university students across Afghanistan were in disbelief on Wednesday, barred by the Taliban from studying and condemned to a life of feeling “like caged birds”.

In Kabul, home to the country’s largest universities, students gathered outside campuses dressed in the black cloaks and tight headscarves imposed by the Taliban since they took control last year.

 Afghan female university students walk on their on way back home past a private university in Kabul, Afghanistan on Dec 21. — AFP

Afghan female university students walk on their on way back home past a private university in Kabul, Afghanistan on Dec 21. — AFP

Elsewhere, students sought consolation from friends and family as they digested news of the university ban.
“We all felt like caged birds, we hugged each other, screamed, and cried ‘why is this happening to us’?” Amini, a 23-year-old nursing student in Kunduz, told AFP.

She was with her three sisters — two already barred from secondary school and another studying for a degree — when social media exploded with the news of the late-night order.

 Afghan female university students stop by Taliban security personnel stand next to a university in Kabul, Afghanistan on Dec 21. — AFP

Afghan female university students stop by Taliban security personnel stand next to a university in Kabul, Afghanistan on Dec 21. — AFP

Faculties across the country were already closed for the winter break, but students had been able to access campuses for exams or to study in libraries.
In Kandahar, the cradle and spiritual heart of the Taliban movement, male students were able to sit exams in classrooms still segregated with screens, which until the day before made it possible for women to study.
Now, the university gates shut them out.

‘No one will listen’​

A Taliban guard told AFP that some women had not been aware of the exclusion until the morning.
“My sister is studying computer science … I didn’t inform her last night. I know she would be traumatised,” said a young male law student in Kabul, who asked not to be named for fear of reprisals.

“It really expresses [the Taliban’s] illiteracy and poor knowledge of Islam and human rights. If the situation continues like this, the future will be worse. Everyone is scared.”

 Afghan female university students stop by Taliban security personnel stand next to a private university in Kabul, Afghanistan on Dec 21. — AFP

Afghan female university students stop by Taliban security personnel stand next to a private university in Kabul, Afghanistan on Dec 21. — AFP

In the eastern city of Jalalabad, some male students walked out of their exams in protest against the decision.

Upon their return to power, the Taliban had promised to be more flexible, but they quickly re-enforced a harsh interpretation of Islam that had marked their first stint in power between 1996 and 2001.

The restrictions on women have multiplied in recent months. They are banned from most government jobs or paid a pittance to stay at home, not authorised to travel alone outside their city, and are excluded from parks and gardens.

“We have no power to do anything and there is no one to listen to us,” said one 29-year-old, who is doing a masters in Pashto literature in Kabul.

“We can’t protest, we are hopeless. In every aspect of life we are doomed,” she told AFP.

“We don’t have jobs, we can’t go anywhere, and we can’t leave the country. We have lost everything.”

Deep in anguish, she still clung to the hope that the Taliban — whose restrictions on women have only become increasingly severe — would row back on the announcement after the winter break.

 Afghan female university students walk on their on way back home past a private university in Kabul, Afghanistan on Dec 21. — AFP

Afghan female university students walk on their on way back home past a private university in Kabul, Afghanistan on Dec 21. — AFP

“We will wait for the next three months to see if they change their order. They might change their policies and restart the universities.”

If they do not, she called on men to stop attending classes in protest.

“They too must stay at home until the girls are allowed to go back,” she pleaded.
This is why Afghanistan is a lost cause and why Afghanistan will never recover again. The best that Pakistan can do is board up the border, introduce strick checks on what comes into Pakistan from Afghanistan and then basically leave them to it....

They are a lost people who simply dont have any future in the world we live in now..
A snapshot of what might happen to Pakistan if it continues to be apologetic to the Taliban and their extremist ideology.

The socioeconomic cancer they bring trumps the foot soldiers that infiltrate Pakistan’s border.

Pakistan is going to undergo a social crisis.

With a liberalizing India with a huge Hindi media house next door and an Afghanistan with Shariah there will be a clash of civilizations between different sections of Pakistani society.
There are two competing cultures in the Muslim world and that is between the progressives and the backwards that are going nowhere.

Progressives: Turkey, Iran, BD, Malaysia, Indonesia etc.

Backward: Whole of Arab ME, Pakistan, Afghanistan etc.

By 2050 it will be clear to see that these two groups of Muslim countries are totally different in economic development and technology. Yes the Gulfies will still have oil and gas riches but there will be no technologically based society behind it.

Sorry if it hurts some feelings but in 2022 we have enough historical data to make this observation.

declare war again and let all the nations of the world do bombing practice on their sorry asses, I say.
What "we" did? Americans ran Abu Ghraib. Which by the way,used to be one of Saddam's worst prisons.

Second,those who went who colonized Africa and the Americas,didn't do it for Christianity,but for money and the expansion of their empires. Unlike the Taliban who do everything in the name of Islam.

Third,spit roasted jewish kids and ate them could be just an exaggeration. Could be true,but could also be false. Besides,you suddenly care about jews? Oh no you don't. You talk bad about them all day.

Fourth,if humans are bad then go live with animals.

You just had to take out your fanatic "anti-white" sentiments again. You always mumble about how much you hate white people,Christians,Westerners,NATO,Europe etc.
My dear friend...we may not agree much of the time but if you look at your post and my post and we smack our heads together the conclusion is this.

Neigther Islam nor Christianity allows such barbaric behaviour listed by us both.
The Christians used the church to mass murder but as you say for money ... 100% agreed
The taliban are no different and currency is drugs. They ran the entire war on drugs money.

Religion and the teaching of all prophets have been hijacked and used by the mullah the priest etc for their own power. Its the poor the weak and the easily manipulated that pay the price.

Anyways...that's too much sense for the day...no more. Have a nice day
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