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Taliban bans university education for Afghan girls

Only solution for Afghans/Afghanistan is to drop few Nukes on them, let the radiation deal with that primitive people, they have no place is modern society, Even a religion like Islam couldn't turn them into Humans, they only kill and blow themselves up, and when they are not doing these two things they are r@ping kids.
To understand the importance of education for women, I guess they need to be educated themselves first.

Okay nice they got rid of foreign occupation, but do they understand that in process how many have perished and now how important it is for their women to be more active than ever before.

Pakistan has a crisis and a significant percent of that stems from problems in Afghanistan, millions of Afghans just simply cross borders and come settle in Pakistan whenever they wish, a burden that affects Pakistan and Pakistanis in many ways, the only viable solution (in my opinion) is marrying Afghan women to Pakistanis and creating blood relations that ultimately at some point overcome all this mess. Change their demographics and their culture.
Welcome back in stone age afghans

Taliban bans university education for Afghan girls

December 20, 2022

KABUL: The Taliban authorities on Tuesday ordered a nationwide ban on university education for females, as the hardline Islamists continue to crush Afghan women's right to education and freedom.

Despite promising a softer rule when they seized power last year, the Taliban have ratcheted up restrictions on all aspects of women's lives, ignoring international outrage.

"You all are informed to immediately implement the mentioned order of suspending education of females until further notice," said a letter issued to all government and private universities, signed by the Minister for Higher Education, Neda Mohammad Nadeem.

The spokesman for the ministry, Ziaullah Hashimi, who tweeted the letter, confirmed the order in a text message to AFP.

The ban on higher education comes less than three months after thousands of girls and women sat university entrance exams across the country, with many aspiring to choose teaching and medicine as future careers.

After the takeover of the country by the Taliban, universities were forced to implement new rules including gender segregated classrooms and entrances, while women were only permitted to be taught by women professors or old men.

Most teenage girls across the country have already been banned from secondary school education, severely limiting university intake.

The Taliban adheres to an austere version of Islam, with the movement's supreme leader Hibatullah Akhundzada and his inner circle of Afghan clerics against modern education, particularly for girls and women.

But they are at odds with many officials in Kabul and among their rank and file who had hoped girls would be allied to continue learning following the takeover.

Women have been pushed out of many government jobs -- or are being paid a slashed salary to stay at home. They are also barred from travelling without a male relative, and must cover up outside of the home, ideally with a burqa.

In November they were also prohibited from going to parks, funfairs, gyms and public baths.

In a cruel U-turn, the Taliban in March blocked girls from returning to secondary schools on the morning they were supposed to reopen.

Several Taliban officials say the secondary education ban is only temporary, but they have also wheeled out a litany of excuses for the closure -- from a lack of funds to time needed to remodel the syllabus along Islamic lines.

Since the ban, many teenage girls have been married off early -- often to much older men of their father's choice.

Coupled with economic pressure, several families interviewed by AFP last month said that securing their daughters' future through marriage was better than them setting idle at home.

The international community has made the right to education for all women a sticking point in negotiations over aid and recognition of the Taliban regime.

"The international community has not and will not forget Afghan women and girls," the UN Security Council said in a statement in September.

In the 20 years between the Taliban's two reigns, girls were allowed to go to school and women were able to seek employment in all sectors, though the country remained socially conservative.

Well their country their rules. We shouldnt impose our way of life/values on them. The people fought for their country to be ruled by Taliban and those that didnt support the Taliban couldnt be bothered to get actively involved in stopping them. So we have no say in how they rule their country. In fact, who is to say that most Afghans dont support this law? So we can't just be making assumptions by thinking Afghans are against them.
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True. A lot of anti Islam munafiqs who act like Muslims expose their true colours with stuff like this. TB ban girls education due to their own reasons that can’t be justified using Islam but these munafiqs go on an anti Islam spree. Btw before anyone replies to me I’m not talking about pdf, it’s directed more at Twitter.
It’s fun pissing off feminist but moves like this give them more legitimacy and make their propaganda stronger so they use it to guide more people astray. This stuff is literally what these feminists and anti Islam elements want. They want opportunities to spread their fitna so they get happy when we give them one. Yes they rant online but they get their views because of their rants. They get their bread and butter off that. Such moves gives them more to use as propaganda and increase their following. It lowkey strengthens them.
Best way to piss off feminists is using Islam to prove their fitna wrong. Best way to piss them off is guiding their misguided followers.
We have to cut the head of the snake, not feed the snake and let it grow bigger.

Yea you are right.

Personally, I feel like Sana Saeed never got out of her sufi-core phase from the 90s and made it part of her entire personality.

"Muslim" Academia in America is an utter embarrassment. Trying to shove weird deconstruction and intersection theories into Islam.

the only viable solution (in my opinion) is marrying Afghan women to Pakistanis


If only the western superpower that went to liberate the women of Afghanistan had not ran in the dark of the night.
In fact i believe our invasion of Afghanistan was wrong. It led to the deaths of thousands of western troops and many more injured, hundreds of billions of dollars spent invane. Yet the vast majority of people were either pro Taliban or too lazy to get involved against them. Against this backdrop there is no way we could have achieved what we wanted in the country. You can't help someone that doesn't want to help themselves. After taking out AL Qaeda top leadership. We should have transfered power back to the Taliban and sign deals with them prohibiting them from sheltering Al Qaeda elements and call it a day. That should have been the right move. But we thought we could change the society and way of life. Which was the wrong thing to do.
People should let them live the way they want to live. Doesn't have any effect on us afterall. Their country their rule.
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These guys are actually not THAT different from Texas evangelicals.

They too believe that over-educated women are no good and that the best place for a woman is to serve her man.

Flip me some omelettes and pour me some OJ there - woman !!

Notice the resurgence and popularity of Bill Burr, Jordan Peterson and some others.....?

I better run away fast before some woman hunts me down..... :rofl:
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A snapshot of what might happen to Pakistan if it continues to be apologetic to the Taliban and their extremist ideology.

The socioeconomic cancer they bring trumps the foot soldiers that infiltrate Pakistan’s border.
you mean like in Iran...

Only people who have a death grip on our society is the Lord Clive's b@stard sepoy Army led by secular degenerate Mir Jaffer Generals who enjoy their whisky and engage in p0rn productions.

Did you see any Taliban sitting at ghq ordering a ban on female education ? The pagan aspects of Afghan culture needs to be put a leash on otherwise they gonna continue to sqeeuze tax payers bordering Afghanistan.

Yo Taliban better luck taking your pregnant wives to Mullah bradars .
eopke should let them live the way they want to live. Doesnt have any effect on us afterall. Their country their rule.
That was generally the rule, until planes flew into the Pentagon and into the Towers. World is small now, and shit in Afghanistan can metastasize elsewhere. I'm sure you as an Englishman would know the condition of some of these London suburbs and the type of toxic thinking that has developed there.

Prior to ISIS controlling large swaths of land in Iraq and Syria their was no stable training ground for foreigners from Europe, North Africa, and Middle East to go and learn things. Now their will be.
Women colleges and universities, if any, shall be converted into AILBs (Advanced Institute of Launday-Baazi), throughout the country.
Really, there was a beautiful Afghanistan before 1970 but few countries just destroyed it.

Really SAD present situation.
Denying women education is unislamic. How are the taliban justifying this?
Talibans are animals. Afghanistan is a gone case, I see no future in this country.

Only a revolution can overcome these barbarians
Denying women education is unislamic. How are the taliban justifying this?
They are dogs from hell.

Talibans are animals. Afghanistan is a gone case, I see no future in this country.

Only a revolution can overcome these barbarians
I think we are at a point of no return.

As someone said, the world need to sterilize the Afghans, so they may go peacefully. Sorry I don’t see any other solution.
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