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Taliban announce women must cover faces in public, say burqa is best

No, dear Sharma ji, please do post of your playboy life. :) I want to know this since I am going to sleep and want to sleep with a smile.
Why should I ? So you can perv on it ?

Needless to say, but I will anyway.. I own multiple residences / modes of transport in multiple cities across Bharatvarsh, sometimes I even gamble in the stock market.. and I'll occasionally dine in fine restaurants where I spend my hard earned cash.

Basically, unlike you , bheek ni maang ra.. na kisi doosre ki zamanat to covet kar raha, and na hi kisi @ss raped dead dick-tator ki pooja karta din raat..
Okay Hindu, let me explain it to you

There is punishment stated in Quran about the men/women who do Zinah, Killing, stealing (corruption). This requires government to intervene and do the punishment with justice

But no punishment stated in Quran or Hadith about men and women who dont wear Hijab, who dont pray, who dont fast in Ramadhan month, etc

Because the former is related to violating other human right, while the later it is our individual obligation to God

The sin is not the same, it is different in magnitude. Less sin we create, we will get more reward from God in term of closeness to Him and others


Jannah is not something without ranks. It has the ranks, more pious and more contribution to Islam will get higher rank

Regarding small sin and big sin and in relation to Jannah. I have already posted it. READ

View attachment 841911
Okay maulvi, that means

-> There is no punishment for committing small sins.

-> You are free to commit any number of small sins just as long you don't commit the big sins. (🥳)

-> Women who don't wear a veil are small sinners by default. And by extension we can safely assume that unveiled women can't be pious Muslims or that's it's very hard for unveiled women to be "closer to their god".
In all societies you will find people who oppose the culture and way of life. These women love the western way of life and want to make Afghanistan the same.

That Western way of life doesn't have honor killing and in the 1980s the progressive Eastern way of life ( influence of USSR ) got one of their co-citizens into space.

In the western world there are movements which believe in naturism. They would like everybody to walk naked in the streets. Why wear clothes when you weren't born with them? Why not make the animals wear clothes? After all we are apes. At the moment majority reject them but in the future PDF members will be arguing to take even the clothes off, never mind the niqaab or hijab as wearing clothes would be oppression.

So it's a binary to you : burqa or bare body ?

It all starts from the Niqab/burkha to hijab, then scarf on head, then on shoulders, then around the waist, then tight clothing to mini skirts and then naturism.

I suggest to you to stop visiting Tableeghi places and people.

Why should I ? So you can perv on it ?

No I simply want to know your magnificent playboy life so that I can learn. :) Three instances would do for tonight.

Needless to say, but I will anyway.. I own multiple residences / modes of transport in multiple cities across Bharatvarsh, sometimes I even gamble in the stock market.. and I'll occasionally dine in fine restaurants where I spend my hard earned cash.

Basically, unlike you , bheek ni maang ra.. na kisi doosre ki zamanat to covet kar raha, and na hi kisi @ss raped dead dick-tator ki pooja karta din raat..

In other words you are a right-wing nutjob and oppression spreader.
That Western way of life doesn't have honor killing and in the 1980s the progressive Eastern way of life ( influence of USSR ) got one of their co-citizens into space.

So it's a binary to you : burqa or bare body ?

I suggest to you to stop visiting Tableeghi places and people.

No I simply want to know your magnificent playboy life so that I can learn. :) Three instances would do for tonight.

In other words you are a right-wing nutjob and oppression spreader.
A lot of these nut jobs here are enjoying the trappings of western life - but want to apply strict restrictions on others - especially women.

Zia ul Haq key chootey bachey 🤮
In other words you are a right-wing nutjob and oppression spreader.
No I'm not... I've never "oppressed" anyone.. my meat guy is muslim, my fruit guy is muslim, many of the regular handymen etc I employ are muslim.. never ever had a faith based problem with anyone, ever.

Why, or how, really.. can someone see the world in such black and white terms as you apparently seem to ?

"this good, that bad.. hurrdurrr"


fuks wrong with you, bro ?

I'll tell you what is wrong.. that you are that absolute 50 year old psycho virgin who has never been outside of its 10 kilometer boundary but get too much internet.. feck off, loser.
No I'm not... I've never "oppressed" anyone.. my meat guy is muslim, my fruit guy is muslim, many of the regular handymen etc I employ are muslim.. never ever had a faith based problem with anyone, ever.

Why, or how, really.. can someone see the world in such black and white terms as you apparently seem to ?

But those Muslims won't be in your "Bharatvarsh". :)

fuks wrong with you, bro ?

I'll tell you what is wrong.. that you are that absolute 50 year old psycho virgin who has never been outside of its 10 kilometer boundary but get too much internet.. feck off, loser.

So I am not getting your playboy stories tonight. Okie dokie. :wave:
Then why call Pakistan "Islamic Republic". Iran also makes people wear dupatta at minimum.

Most Pashtuns love Taliban. The rest of the places in Afg aren't that hardcore.
You want me to show photos from Iran? They're much more wild than pakistan in every way- drinking, drugs, parties
We as hybrid Islamic republic ain't even close to that craziness

and becoming "Islamic" republic is fast turning people into athiests and agnostic cause Thier society fundamentaly ain't built for a hardcore islamist rule- it's the same for pakistan especially the indics

In DNA we can't go full Afghan style rule, cause that's not part of culture and traditions for 1000s of years and section of society would revolt from religion itself, it'll catch fire

Want that for pakistan and slowly turn all the major cities into athiests or anti-relgion strongholds than go ahead (it may not seem like that rn and look far fetched but I am sure that in hardcore islamist rule a big Urban,anti-relgion under belly would emerge - unlike Afghanistan we are around 40% urbanized and in 10 years that rate would reach 50%
Also eventhough I am not updated but afaik I remember we are also the most urbanized big south Asian country)

Our best Solution is don't impose anything on one anothers

Except for basic Islamic rules like drinks, nudity, etc
Basically Malaysian or Indonesian society is what we can do with Islam

but hardcore islamist rule would lead to unimaginable consequences for the country, Brian drain aside (just like Communist, USSR type rule for example would have consequences in our country)
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But those Muslims won't be in your "Bharatvarsh". :)
Humor is obviously lost upon you, dumbo.. I should've know better.. my fault, I apologize. :)

So I am not getting your playboy stories tonight. Okie dokie. :wave:
How about we trade one of my "playboy" stories for one of your..




oops.. you have no stories to trade..

yeh dekh, jhatka le.. and so jaa

Okay maulvi, that means

-> There is no punishment for committing small sins.

-> You are free to commit any number of small sins just as long you don't commit the big sins. (🥳)

-> Women who don't wear a veil are small sinners by default. And by extension we can safely assume that unveiled women can't be pious Muslims or that's it's very hard for unveiled women to be "closer to their god".

Hei Hindu, I will give you another explanation to educate you about Islam.

Yup, there is no punishment in committing sins like not wearing hijab, not praying 5 times daily, etc, etc in term of physical punishment on this Earth. Compare it with Zinah (Rajam/Getting thrown with rock, and for married person who do zinah they will be thrown with stone until death), Stealing (cutting their hand), killing ( being killed as punishment if the family dont want to forgive the killer) etc, etc which are all sins that is related to violating other people right.

Zinah is rather quite unique, it can be considered as violating the right of the parents of the women, violating the right of the baby born, but it does look like private action. Due to the big sin it contains, God order Muslim to punish any one making Zinah in Muslim territory. Zinah is indeed treated rather differently, maybe because it is close to the action done by animal.

Talking about small sins, there is already verses I put in previous post, but saying we are free to do small sins is wrong either. To be a perfect Muslim, we have to obey all God order, but some time many cannt still do it perfectly, including me

But, There are many aspect in religion like contribution to Islam, good character, teaching knowledge, teaching Islam, etc that has big reward, so we can compensate some thing that we dont do well, as long as it is not big sin. Of course the best thing is to perfectly obey all God orders, this is why majority of Muslim women in Indonesia wear hijab despite our government doesnt impose it to them....

This is in West Java


Freedom in religion

Once again I want to explain about freedom in religion. Not doing 5 times prayer can be regarded as making big sins.....but any one cannot force other person to pray, what we have to do is just advising people to pray or teaching our kids to pray, but we cannot force adult to pray because............. ( even I dont want to be so strict on kids in term of praying, since praying is not wajib (obligated) for them if they are not yet reaching puberty)



Being a good Muslim is not that easy, intention is really important,

Muslim should do their live in order to please their God. God should be in the highest rank. This is part of Tauhid where many Muslim I see not really aware. Violating this can cause huge consequent which can make us doing biggest sin in Islam ( Sirik).

This is why, for example, if we work, do business, we should have intention to do it for God. This is why I oppose the impose regulation on Hijab, and other impose by government in private thing like praying, fasting etc, since if we do that for something than to Allah, so I am afraid it can be close to big sin which is Sirik


Indonesia former Armed Force Commander said what they do for the nation is intended for Ibadah for his God (Allah). Posted in our President official YT channel.


So now to make it fair, could you explain of why Hindu put Dalit as lower rank people ?


Dont you see logic behind it as way for Aryan the invader who are white skin to over power the native in India ????

Aryan could be originated from Pasthun in Afghan


Or Iran


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How about we trade one of my "playboy" stories for one of your..




oops.. you have no stories to trade..

yeh dekh, jhatka le.. and so jaa


You had to make a comeback, eh ? OK, I grant you your victory. Also to mention you go to sleep your non-virginal sleep with your latest "effort". :wave:
You want me to show photos from Iran? They're much more wild than pakistan in every way- drinking, drugs, parties
We as hybrid Islamic republic ain't even close to that craziness

and becoming "Islamic" republic is fast turning people into athiests and agnostic cause Thier society fundamentaly ain't built for a hardcore islamist rule- it's the same for pakistan especially the indics

In DNA we can't go full Afghan style rule, cause that's not part of culture and traditions for 1000s of years and section of society would revolt from religion itself, it'll catch fire

Want that for pakistan and slowly turn all the major cities into athiests or anti-relgion strongholds than go ahead (it may not seem like that rn and look far fetched but I am sure that in hardcore islamist rule a big Urban,anti-relgion under belly would emerge - unlike Afghanistan we are around 40% urbanized and in 10 years that rate would reach 50%
Also eventhough I am not updated but afaik I remember we are also the most urbanized big south Asian country)

Our best Solution is don't impose anything on one anothers

Except for basic Islamic rules like drinks, nudity, etc
Basically Malaysian or Indonesian society is what we can do with Islam

but hardcore islamist rule would lead to unimaginable consequences for the country, Brian drain aside (just like Communist, USSR type rule for example would have consequences in our country)

Yea you make a good point.
You had to make a comeback, eh ? OK, I grant you your victory. Also to mention you go to sleep your non-virginal sleep with your latest "effort". :wave:

you have never been in any sort of sexual relationship with a woman, ever

I mean, who would go out with you even ? ... with your retarded ideas about how society should be and how women should look, dress and behave..?

khandani wealth hoti toh kuch arrange karwa dete log, but you are a broke *** commie probably living in some dirty rat slum in Hyderabad or something.

abcd.com pe lage reh.. posting communism good bs lol

btw, have you noticed that even those guys, y'know.. that lot from across the border.. do not take you seriously ?
No, dear Sharma ji, please do post of your playboy life. :) I want to know this since I am going to sleep and want to sleep with a smile.

Thanks bhai, your words are good as always. :tup: I must also add @Sainthood 101 to the list defending the females and speaking of the hypocrisy in many Muslim males and add @Indos to the list to an extent. :)
its been quite some time since I was active on PDF, so I was not aware of the activities of other members. However, due to your unique views, I have always remembered you bro.
My respect towards the honorable members @Sainthood 101 and @Indos, lets continue to fight this unwinnable battle :D
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