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Take Note, America: 5 Weapons of War China Should Build Now

Missiles, Warships, Planes .

The Indian Navy is a force to be respected, definitely. However, it is wise not to under-esitmate the Chinese.

We Japanese know of this mistake. We believed that we could conquer China, and it was the greatest catastrophe ever to befall for Japan. China cannot be conquered in modern times. It is impossible to subdue that behemoth.
The Indian Navy is a force to be respected, definitely. However, it is wise not to under-esitmate the Chinese.

We Japanese know of this mistake. We believed that we could conquer China, and it was the greatest catastrophe ever to befall for Japan. China cannot be conquered in modern times. It is impossible to subdue that behemoth.

watch out dude, anymore of this support and you will soon be paid by the Chinese government, lol. I got robbed, cause I haven't received my check yet.
I can't help but have some empathy to the Chinese side whenever i read writings by "military" pundits from the West. The kinds of shear imbecilic stereotypes and assumptions they have towards Chinese fighting spirit and prowess. They know nothing.

China may be "inexperienced" compared to the more "mature" military powers, but experience doesn't always guarantee victory. If that was the case then The Spanish Army should have defeated the Americans in the 1898 Spanish-American War, or the French Army should have defeated the ill-equipped and ill-experienced Viet Minh at Bien Dien Phu.

Its important to show impartiality when we refer to national capacity and capability.

Nice examples, like i said chi kei chi bei, bak jing bak sing. Totally underestimating opponents and overestimating one's capabilities leads to defeat. They always like to say China has not fought a war for decades so we have no experience. You don't hear them say that about Japan who hasn't fought a war since WW2 or what about other countries? When was the last time India had a major war? But all these facts doesn't apply to anyone other than us, it's like only the Chinese have lost the experience in fighting :lol:
China's history goes a long way back and we have a rich history in battles, the bravery and spirit never vanished. Our doctrine is a constant evolution and we are marching forward like working ants
Nice examples, like i said chi kei chi bei, bak jing bak sing. Totally underestimating opponents and overestimating one's capabilities leads to defeat. They always like to say China has not fought a war for decades so we have no experience. You don't hear them say that about Japan who hasn't fought a war since WW2 or what about other countries? When was the last time India had a major war? But all these facts doesn't apply to anyone other than us, it's like only the Chinese have lost the experience in fighting :lol:
China's history goes a long way back and we have a rich history in battles, the bravery and spirit never vanished. Our doctrine is a constant evolution and we are marching forward like working ants

You have to understand the psychology of the West, buddy. Why did they expand abroad? To find...you. Literally. All the European navigators such as Henry of Portugual, Cristobal Colombo (Christopher Colombus), Ameri Vespucci, Ferdinand Magellan et al --- where trying to find the way to and discover the route to reach Cathay (China) and the riches and spices of that region.

Western imperialism and designs in Asia has always been centered in China and acquiring the pieces of the riches of China. Why even our own Imperialist designs in the past was to acquire some of the riches of China.

China, has ever been the economic center of this region. Has been the target of Western domination and designs to control it in some form of another. You have to understand the evolution of this design --- and how it appears in this present age.

I'd love continue , but its already 1:41 am here. Good night. Till the morrow, if time permits.
The Indian Navy is a force to be respected, definitely. However, it is wise not to under-esitmate the Chinese.

We Japanese know of this mistake. We believed that we could conquer China, and it was the greatest catastrophe ever to befall for Japan. China cannot be conquered in modern times. It is impossible to subdue that behemoth.

No country can subdue other country in modern age. CHina is unable to do that to tiny Vietnam. It is a question of protecting our interest and our land , sky and sea. We can protect our land and sky and humiliate them in sea.
In short , US is making some Bada$$ stuff ...
Actually, if you read reports of British officers during the outbreak of war with Japan, they still referred to as "bloody nips, bloody japs". It was their disbelief that we, Japanese, would dare to attack their possessions in Malaya, Singapore and Borneo that enraged them. In fact, they actually thought that their bastion in Singapore would hold as they did not believe we had the capability of taking it.

In 7 days, the British Army in Malaya - Singapore (144,000 strong) was routed and SIngapore + Malaya was taken by a Japanese Force of only 28,000. As for their Naval Force , we eradicated their entire Oriental Fleet by 1942.

Had it not been for America, there was no way the British or French were able to defeat us. :coffee:

There is no need to compare UK to Japan, not in the same league in any aspect. I have visited a WWII museum in Stanley HK, saw loads of pictures about British forces in HK waving white flags, retreats, surrenders, POW's being thrown into concentration camps etc., those pictures really gave me a vivid impression on how bad Brits were humiliated. For all military confrontations between UK and Japan, the results were same. No wonder why Brits don't like you. But they are 51st state of US, so take it easy bro.
No country can subdue other country in modern age. CHina is unable to do that to tiny Vietnam. It is a question of protecting our interest and our land , sky and sea. We can protect our land and sky and humiliate them in sea.

Dude, you are not even in the same league with us, just stop embarrassing yourself.

When are you going to have your thermonuclear warhead so far?
No country can subdue other country in modern age. CHina is unable to do that to tiny Vietnam. It is a question of protecting our interest and our land , sky and sea. We can protect our land and sky and humiliate them in sea.

To truely understand the implications of the China-Vietnam War, I would refer you to read Henry Kissinger's Book - On China. Vietnam & China are what they are today because of the gamble we took & it paid off.
To truely understand the implications of the China-Vietnam War, I would refer you to read Henry Kissinger's Book - On China. Vietnam & China are what they are today because of the gamble we took & it paid off.

Since Vietnam is now heading to an economic collapse, and the Vietcong is begging for mercy as they couldn't even afford those purchased weapons from Russia.

And Russia certainly won't be happy with those bad debts.
What I want to say is that china has the quantity but not quality. It do not leg behind US but Europe, Russia, Japan and India in many area. They produce the quality but nowhere near the sophistication of other countries in defense technology. They term their plane as better than this and that but the fact remain is that they are grossly very inferior. They need to come in parity with Europe than in Russia. Us remains as a distanced dream. China has much better chances to emerge as economic power than Military power.

I like the way you slip India into the sentence, so quietly, looks so natural.
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