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Take Note, America: 5 Weapons of War China Should Build Now

What I want to say is that china has the quantity but not quality. It do not leg behind US but Europe, Russia, Japan and India in many area. They produce the quality but nowhere near the sophistication of other countries in defense technology. They term their plane as better than this and that but the fact remain is that they are grossly very inferior. They need to come in parity with Europe than in Russia. Us remains as a distanced dream. China has much better chances to emerge as economic power than Military power.


Are you freaking serious? What does India have over China?
As the saying goes, Gen, experience breeds excellence.
excellence breeds excellence, a team can be experienced and still a screw up, the desire to improve, the desire to win, the desire to go where no man has ever gone is the ultimate factor.

I mentioned the Chinese space program, we have that desire to break from the Soviet and American dominance, and we have the drive, the resources to do it, and we will. It is that, that's going to be the difference maker.

Many country have space programs, how many can compare to us? Many have just as much if not more experience at some point in the last 30 years, and yet here we stand.


Are you freaking serious? What does India have over China?
Brahmos, mars mission and 100 million dollars credit line to Vietnam, come on you been on this forum long enough. lol
Currently, of course, China's military is not in the same level, pound per pound, with the United States Armed Forces. If you also analyze Chinese military doctrine -- they've restrained from direct confrontation with the United States and other neighbors. Given the breadth of the military modernization , currently, she will have the capability to project power and to negate / counter some of the Anti Access / Area Denial Doctrine by her rivals. This would , in turn spur some new developments by those neighbors to try to counter that. Nevertheless, it would be a fool's gambit to premise and think that "China does not have the capability to match the US", they pose the greatest strategic and military threat to the United States, now, than any other country in the world. In 2 to 3 decades time, what ever gap there is would have been narrowed down.

Never underestimate the Chinese. Period.

Very true, these people looking down on China often forget that we are a late comer and the US had a head start.
The British Empire & Imperial Japan were ahead of Qing Dynasty, how else could anyone explain why the British could force China to sign unequal treaties and China was still backward while Japan had fighters and carriers? China was way behind and also restrained itself in arms race. USSR became history for a reason. Not to forget China suffered the consequences of Cultural Revolution too. Despite all these setbacks China is able to reach the current level in just a few decades. Now how many countries can deliver these accomplishments in such a short time scale? The fact China is only spending like 2% of National GDP on defense speaks volume. But anyway people in the coming decades will continue to say USN is still a lot mightier than PLAN while China is not seeking war with USA so measuring contest will always be around the corner. :lol:
excellence breeds excellence, a team can be experienced and still a screw up, the desire to improve, the desire to win, the desire to go where no man has ever gone is the ultimate factor.

I mentioned the Chinese space program, we have that desire to break from the Soviet and American dominance, and we have the drive, the resources to do it, and we will. It is that, that's going to be the difference maker.

Many country have space programs, how many can compare to us? Many have just as much if not more experience at some point in the last 30 years, and yet here we stand.

Well said, Gen.
Brahmos, mars mission and 100 million dollars credit line to Vietnam, come on you been on this forum long enough. lol

Brahmos: The Russian technology with an Indian name. Beside, China got far more lethal anti-ship missiles than that toy.

Mars Mission: Got babysit by the NASA, even many US members said so.

Oh, I have forgotten that they are already a 20 trillion economy because Modi said so, so our 10 trillion economy is nothing compared to that.
Very true, these people looking down on China often forget that we are a late comer and the US had a head start.
The British Empire & Imperial Japan were ahead of Qing Dynasty, how else could anyone explain why the British could force China to sign unequal treaties and China was still backward while Japan had fighters and carriers? China was way behind and also restrained itself in arms race. USSR became history for a reason. Not to forget China suffered the consequences of Cultural Revolution too. Despite all these setbacks China is able to reach the current level in just a few decades. Now how many countries can deliver these accomplishments in such a short time scale? The fact China is only spending like 2% of National GDP on defense speaks volume. But anyway people in the coming decades will continue to say USN is still a lot mightier than PLAN while China is not seeking war with USA so measuring contest will always be around the corner. :lol:

lol. I really have to give it to Mike, the true color of British arrogance came out in his post in regards to Sino-Japanese naval engagement and rapprochement. It reminds me of the kinds of "restrictions" the Europeans Powers placed on Japan. In fact, even during the outbreak of the Russo-Japanese War, the west even thought that the war would be quick and that the "Great Russian Empire" would eviscerate the "Yellow Threat" aka Japan.

They got a bloodly surprise at the Battle of Tsushima Straits when the Imperial Navy eradicated the Russian Baltic Fleet (the Cream of the Imperial Russian Navy, btw). LOL.

Brahmos: The Russian technology with an Indian name. Beside, China got far more lethal anti-ship missiles than that toy.

Mars Mission: Got babysit by the NASA, even many US members said so.

Oh, I have forgotten that they are already a 20 trillion economy because Modi said so, so our 10 trillion economy is nothing compared to that.

I'm not impressed by the Mars thing, cause they essentially made it there and did almost nothing, Brahmos is an improvement on existing tech, it's better not ground breaking.

The 100 million dollars is where I am impressed the most, as that is going to alter the power balance between China and Vietnam, as proven by many news reports that had it.

lol. I really have to give it to Mike, the true color of British arrogance came out in his post in regards to Sino-Japanese naval engagement and rapprochement. It reminds me of the kinds of "restrictions" the Europeans Powers placed on Japan. In fact, even during the outbreak of the Russo-Japanese War, the west even thought that the war would be quick and that the "Great Russian Empire" would eviscerate the "Yellow Threat" aka Japan.

They got a bloodly surprise at the Battle of Tsushima Straits when the Imperial Navy eradicated the Russian Baltic Fleet (the Cream of the Imperial Russian Navy, btw). LOL.

To be fair, if not for that crazy naval battle, Russia may have won. To be even more fair, they would have lost regardless.

But you also should keep in mind British don't look down on Japan because it's Japan, they also do so to German fleet.
I'm not impressed by the Mars thing, cause they essentially made it there and did almost nothing, Brahmos is an improvement on existing tech, it's better not ground breaking.

The 100 million dollars is where I am impressed the most, as that is going to alter the power balance between China and Vietnam, as proven by many news reports that had it.

India's current military industrial complex is perhaps even weaker than China in the 1980s.

Some Indian members here have simply lost their mind by making those outrageous claims.
To be fair, if not for that crazy naval battle, Russia may have won. To be even more fair, they would have lost regardless.

But you also should keep in mind British don't look down on Japan because it's Japan, they also do so to German fleet.

I can't help but have some empathy to the Chinese side whenever i read writings by "military" pundits from the West. The kinds of shear imbecilic stereotypes and assumptions they have towards Chinese fighting spirit and prowess. They know nothing.

China may be "inexperienced" compared to the more "mature" military powers, but experience doesn't always guarantee victory. If that was the case then The Spanish Army should have defeated the Americans in the 1898 Spanish-American War, or the French Army should have defeated the ill-equipped and ill-experienced Viet Minh at Bien Dien Phu.

Its important to show impartiality when we refer to national capacity and capability.
India's current military industrial complex is perhaps even weaker than China in the 1980s.

Some Indian members here have simply lost their mind by making those outrageous claims.
well they see American reports on how "weak" we are, but forget America is in a league of their own, and what applies to the US ONLY apply to the US.

An article on diplomat explains it best, I know, India calls their navy a blue water navy and we don't, that really says it all.
well they see American reports on how "weak" we are, but forget America is in a league of their own, and what applies to the US ONLY apply to the US.

An article on diplomat explains it best, I know, India calls their navy a blue water navy and we don't, that really says it all.

That's why Indians can easily get pumped up by some mere lip service.

They should think about why the US is willing to help them to contain China.

Back in 40 years ago, the US was also willing to help China to contain USSR.

Is India really full of charm or only the US is trying to fulfill with other motives?
But you also should keep in mind British don't look down on Japan because it's Japan, they also do so to German fleet.

Actually, if you read reports of British officers during the outbreak of war with Japan, they still referred to as "bloody nips, bloody japs". It was their disbelief that we, Japanese, would dare to attack their possessions in Malaya, Singapore and Borneo that enraged them. In fact, they actually thought that their bastion in Singapore would hold as they did not believe we had the capability of taking it.

In 7 days, the British Army in Malaya - Singapore (144,000 strong) was routed and SIngapore + Malaya was taken by a Japanese Force of only 28,000. As for their Naval Force , we eradicated their entire Oriental Fleet by 1942.

Had it not been for America, there was no way the British or French were able to defeat us. :coffee:
China have every possibility of matching US in quantity if not quality .and their quality is improving and i will not surprise if they matches US in quality in future. every military hardware China lacks now will eventually build by China if they wish so but they are now concentrating about their backyard in South china sea latter they will look forward like US expeditionary power.

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