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Take Note, America: 5 Weapons of War China Should Build Now

That's given, but the article is also presenting the vantage point of China's current development that is currently able to counter (and future) many of the systems in the US arsenal. No doubt the US military should never underestimate the capabilities of the Chinese Military.

In my opinion, China has the potential to not only rival the United States, but supersede her. China, unlike the now defunct and collapsed Soviet Union, has factors that the Soviet Union did not have: 1) The man power (China has a population of over 1.4 Billion, and growing), 2) China's economy is surging at $10.3 Trillion (and growing at 7.5% per annum) ; the Soviet Union did not attain this even in their leaders' wildest dreams; 3) Chinese Military Technology -- while there definitely is influence by the Soviet (Russians) early on , China has developed the transformational and innovative potential that has allowed her to develop new technologies, and 4) Human development progress -- obvious, and 5) Cultural and international attraction -- obvious considering China is the progenitor of Confucian Culture , and has created its own consortium of peers vis-a-vis the SCO, AIIB, and BRICS.

China has no capability to match US. Their weapons are not at all potent to cause any concern to US. Recently there was an article quoting one chinese scientist that F 35 with some other plane can sink lioning . There was an another article which state that 40% of chinese navy shall be lost in sinking one US aircraft career. Their J 15 and other planes are desaster and no way come close to any modern fighter. Their subs are noicy and useless not capable of operating anywhere outside chinese water.
The only thing which cause some concern is their ICBM and Nuclear technology. Baring this two, it would be a cake walk for US to over power china.
China has no capability to match US. Their weapons are not at all potent to cause any concern to US. Recently there was an article quoting one chinese scientist that F 35 with some other plane can sink lioning . There was an another article which state that 40% of chinese navy shall be lost in sinking one US aircraft career. Their J 15 and other planes are desaster and no way come close to any modern fighter. Their subs are noicy and useless not capable of operating anywhere outside chinese water.
The only thing which cause some concern is their ICBM and Nuclear technology. Baring this two, it would be a cake walk for US to over power china.

The British Empire also didn't imagine that they would loose preeminence to their "American Colony" now did they? It's hard to predict what the future will hold.

We live in interesting times, indeed.
The British Empire also didn't imagine that they would loose preeminence to their "American Colony" now did they? It's hard to predict what the future will hold.

We live in interesting times, indeed.

I am not prdicting anything. I just evaluate the militarry might of 2 countries using the information available in public domain.
Nobody is saying Chinese Navy is on par with the American counterpart so what's the problem?
I am not prdicting anything. I just evaluate the militarry might of 2 countries using the information available in public domain.

Currently, of course, China's military is not in the same level, pound per pound, with the United States Armed Forces. If you also analyze Chinese military doctrine -- they've restrained from direct confrontation with the United States and other neighbors. Given the breadth of the military modernization , currently, she will have the capability to project power and to negate / counter some of the Anti Access / Area Denial Doctrine by her rivals. This would , in turn spur some new developments by those neighbors to try to counter that. Nevertheless, it would be a fool's gambit to premise and think that "China does not have the capability to match the US", they pose the greatest strategic and military threat to the United States, now, than any other country in the world. In 2 to 3 decades time, what ever gap there is would have been narrowed down.

Never underestimate the Chinese. Period.
To copy USN is not good investment. I will tell hou what thr future warfare looks like.

Swarm of small drones.
US/China should develop swarm of suicide dragonfly robots
To protect sea lanes, you may use swarm of tiny missle boat drones, each of which is just big enough to be launch platform. To develop subs, you have army of drone subs.
You need encryption expert for hack proof drone control.
By the word swarm, I mean "army of many"

Battle idea of these small drones are to overwheme the defence system Kamikase style.

The future wars between modern State like US and China will only resulting in catastrophic accidents world wide

Conventionally, it was US modern plane and bomber fleets the Chinese must be wary of, besides their fleet of Nuclear powered Submarine hunter and Carrier Battle Group. Until now, no other countries can challenge American Air Power, and that's alone has grown into seemingly unstoppable forces. They have both, Quantity and Quality, in their dire need US still can rely much from their older equipment in which still lying in AMARC facilities whose their technological capability still comparable enough with any modern planes their adversaries flying in today.
To copy USN is not good investment. I will tell hou what thr future warfare looks like.

Swarm of small drones.
US/China should develop swarm of suicide dragonfly robots
That's called missiles, if the aim is just suicidal.

To protect sea lanes, you may use swarm of tiny missle boat drones, each of which is just big enough to be launch platform.

Missiles are not small, not if you want it to have some sort of major impact against big ships. Besides, Subs do a better job anyways.

To develop subs, you have army of drone subs.

There are advantages to manned platforms, at least in the next 30-50 years, that's not that realistic.

You need encryption expert for hack proof drone control.

Armies do that now.

Battle idea of these small drones are to overwheme the defence system Kamikase style.
Again, that's called a missile and it exists.

Currently, of course, China's military is not in the same level, pound per pound, with the United States Armed Forces. If you also analyze Chinese military doctrine -- they've restrained from direct confrontation with the United States and other neighbors. Given the breadth of the military modernization , currently, she will have the capability to project power and to negate / counter some of the Anti Access / Area Denial Doctrine by her rivals. This would , in turn spur some new developments by those neighbors to try to counter that. Nevertheless, it would be a fool's gambit to premise and think that "China does not have the capability to match the US", they pose the greatest strategic and military threat to the United States, now, than any other country in the world. In 2 to 3 decades time, what ever gap there is would have been narrowed down.

Never underestimate the Chinese. Period.

Well, it's not a matter of underestimation, it's more of a matter of misunderstanding, if a person tells me what they need, give me enough time and money, I can program that for them and I'm not even that good, don't tell my employers that though.

It's not so much about innovation, it's knowing, what the problem is and having the resources to do them.

If you watch a Chinese space program video, most of our staff are in their 30s and 20s, with a few in their 50s to guide them. When they grow older and more experience, the program will only run smoother.

Second, innovation itself, stealth is innovative, but it didn't come out of nowhere, some do, but most don't, America had a need for stealth at the time of design, China didn't. Right now China and America have the same need, with minor differences, so obviously we will come to some of the same conclusions.

Some seems to think America just think about things out of nowhere. Burke class? Why AEGIS? Falklands proved that air defence is vital to a fleet, China had no fleet, what would we do with air defense on a ship? So obviously we didn't come up with the idea first.

If we had the same mission as America, the same money and staff, and saw that Falkland war, we would have had a AEGIS system long ago.
To copy USN is not good investment. .


I agree in principle. I should also point out the obvious dichotomy between Chinese and American Military Doctrine. Where the latter places great emphasis on the ability to project power extra-hemispherically through the use of its some 662 military bases around the world (in over 38 countries, actually). Due to this logistical command and control realtiy, the United States Navy, Army, Air Force has permanent deployment of a significant number of its forces around the world. For example, the US 7th Fleet conducts rotational deployment throughout its interests in Asia-Pacific. The US 5th and 6th Fleet have a presence in the Mediterranean , Persian Gulf and in the IOR.

The United States has deployed around 5 or 6 of its Nimitz Class Carriers and associated carrier strike groups in the Asia Pacific Theater, and the remaining 4 are in dispersed either in the US East Coast, South America, North Atlantic, et al.

Now, compare that to the Chinese. China, due in part to the doctrine of "Shaking the Heavens and Splitting the Earth". What does this mean? Simple. The Chinese People's Liberation Army and its branches, the People's Liberation Army Navy and People's Liberation Army Air Force places importance in homeland security. China's PLA (an army of 2 million strong) is strategically and categorically distributed throughout 7 regions: 1) Chengdu Regional Command, 2) Guangzhou Regional Command, 3) Nanjing Regional Command, 4) Jinan Regional Command, 5) Lanzhou Regional Command, 6) Beijing Regional Command and 7) Shenyang Regional Command. Their army is not deployed overseas and thus have the capacity to handle threats anywhere in their immediate proximity. Thus, an invasion of China would never be possible. Their Navy is divided into 3 fleets: 1) North Sea Fleet, 2) East Sea Fleet and 3) South Sea Fleet. Thus making China's Eastern Sea Board heavily concentrated and bristling with her naval forces.

Therein lies the dichotomy. Where China's forces are concentrated in her immediate sphere, the United States's are distributed throughout the world. Understandably since the United States has various interests abroad , given her military bases and the mantle she has take up as the Global Power.

Nevertheless, China's growing foot print is obvious. The more China proceeds towards military modernization , the more unlikely it will be to see an actual military confrontation between the United States (and her allies) with the Chinese due to the significant collateral damage that will be incurred on all sides. In such zero-sum possibilities --- its best to take a step back, take a deep breath and focus on more transformational (positive) processes that may benefit the two states.
Currently, of course, China's military is not in the same level, pound per pound, with the United States Armed Forces. If you also analyze Chinese military doctrine -- they've restrained from direct confrontation with the United States and other neighbors. Given the breadth of the military modernization , currently, she will have the capability to project power and to negate / counter some of the Anti Access / Area Denial Doctrine by her rivals. This would , in turn spur some new developments by those neighbors to try to counter that. Nevertheless, it would be a fool's gambit to premise and think that "China does not have the capability to match the US", they pose the greatest strategic and military threat to the United States, now, than any other country in the world. In 2 to 3 decades time, what ever gap there is would have been narrowed down.

Never underestimate the Chinese. Period.

What I want to say is that china has the quantity but not quality. It do not leg behind US but Europe, Russia, Japan and India in many area. They produce the quality but nowhere near the sophistication of other countries in defense technology. They term their plane as better than this and that but the fact remain is that they are grossly very inferior. They need to come in parity with Europe than in Russia. Us remains as a distanced dream. China has much better chances to emerge as economic power than Military power.
Well, it's not a matter of underestimation, it's more of a matter of misunderstanding, if a person tells me what they need, give me enough time and money, I can program that for them and I'm not even that good, don't tell my employers that though.

It's not so much about innovation, it's knowing, what the problem is and having the resources to do them.

If you watch a Chinese space program video, most of our staff are in their 30s and 20s, with a few in their 50s to guide them. When they grow older and more experience, the program will only run smoother.

Second, innovation itself, stealth is innovative, but it didn't come out of nowhere, some do, but most don't, America had a need for stealth at the time of design, China didn't. Right now China and America have the same need, with minor differences, so obviously we will come to some of the same conclusions.

Some seems to think America just think about things out of nowhere. Burke class? Why AEGIS? Falklands proved that air defence is vital to a fleet, China had no fleet, what would we do with air defense on a ship? So obviously we didn't come up with the idea first.

If we had the same mission as America, the same money and staff, and saw that Falkland war, we would have had a AEGIS system long ago.

As the saying goes, Gen, experience breeds excellence.

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