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Tajikistan to join Pakistan road link bypassing Afghanistan

Pakistan should make it clear that any attack from Afghanistan on our border posts will be treated as "act of war, and on any such incident in future we should take over that corridor.
don't behave like chai wala. Hm yeh kr lainge wo kr lainge. Be a Pakistani.
Indus water treaty,cold start, blah blah are chai wala wods.
don't behave like chai wala. Hm yeh kr lainge wo kr lainge. Be a Pakistani.
Indus water treaty,cold start, blah blah are chai wala wods.

Naswar walay bhai you don't need to worry as post of chai wala on pdf will not influence the policy makers - anyway you need leader like Putin to take decisions to ensure long term strategic interest of the country, current lot of puss!es can't do that.
CPEC will have no effect on QTTA.
From where do you get your predictions? Coz they are really funny ...

So while we were trying to connect Tajikistan via Afghanistan ... now we will connect via China ... and CPEC road and rails are getting connected to China whereas China is already connected to Tajikistan ... So there the hell in the world you got the logic of CPEC will not have any connectivity with Tajikistan ? :o either you are a troll or you are smoking some high grade hard stuff ...
This will never work, the amount of transit fees and excessive delivery time, going through multiple nations and tough terrains, is just a dream land.

Afghan holds the card to CPEC future being beyond just China.
very good news. however wakhan corridor had closed due to drug smuggling from afghanistan to china. and china is not interested to open that border due to unrest in its far western province of Xinjiang. it`s a Corridor with heavy chines army deployments. United state asked china to open the corridor in 2009 but china ignore that offer because of Pakistan concern. China believe that there should be negotiation between Afghanistan and Pakistan to Open the Corridor.

This will never work, the amount of transit fees and excessive delivery time, going through multiple nations and tough terrains, is just a dream land.

Afghan holds the card to CPEC future being beyond just China.
Nops CPEC dont belong to Afghanistan. and Afghanistan already lost all the Cards. there is no way to trade with landlocked countries except via Pakistan. Only Pakistan and China Can play all the Cards of CPEC
This will never work, the amount of transit fees and excessive delivery time, going through multiple nations and tough terrains, is just a dream land.

Afghan holds the card to CPEC future being beyond just China.

Transit fees are likely to be reasonable, as this is an agreement which ensures the protection of goods and establishing a forum for discussing fair trade policies. If the Tajiki are serious about expanding trade to 500m then the logical thing would be to work with the Chinese and expand their current highway network to connect with Chinas G314 motorway which is already built very close to the Tajik border and runs straight into Gilgit.

The Afghans dug themselves into a hole really, they keep on trying to destroy Pakistani relations and keep maintaining animosity despite our multiple attempts to have friendly relations, they also have stopped trade at the Tajik border several times which likely concerns the Tajik government.

I think that Tajikistan will be OK with having longer transit times if it means their goods will eventually reach their destination, whereas with the Afghan route its unknown if they suddenly start getting emotional and shut the trade route, or if Pakistan completely closes the border.
This will never work, the amount of transit fees and excessive delivery time, going through multiple nations and tough terrains, is just a dream land.

Afghan holds the card to CPEC future being beyond just China.
Afghans hold the CPEC cards:rofl: keya class ka brain fart mara hai:lol:
Well, we need to connect with Tajikistan few other reasons as well, and one of them to grab ballz of northern from their back How much it cast us you don't worry bhakt.
The Express Tribune > Business

Tajikistan to join Pakistan road link bypassing Afghanistan
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Tajikistan to join Pakistan road link bypassing Afghanistan
By Zafar Bhutta
Published: February 24, 2017
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Akbaital Pass, Tajikistan.
ISLAMABAD: While Kabul is reluctant to finalise a transit trade agreement with Islamabad, Tajikistan is poised to join a separate initiative which will connect Pakistan to Central Asia, bypassing Afghanistan entirely.
Officials told The Express Tribune that Tajikistan’s request for inclusion into the Quadrilateral Traffic in Transit Agreement (QTTA) — a deal between China, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan for facilitating transit traffic and trade — has been approved. The Central Asian state will now become a formal participant once its parliament approves the move, they said.
Inclusion in QTTA — which was signed in Islamabad in 1995 — will grant landlocked Tajikistan access to Pakistan’s ports, including Gwadar, without having to depend on Afghanistan. It will provide safe passage to traders from both Pakistan and Tajikistan. Trade between the two countries has risen steadily from $15 million in 2011 to $90 million in 2016, and Tajikistan wants to bring the volume up to $500 million.
Up till now, Pakistani traders have had to rely on the land route through Afghanistan to access Tajikistan and other Central Asian States. Pakistan and Afghanistan had been negotiating a transit trade agreement but Kabul’s insistence that India be included in the arrangement led to a deadlock in discussions. Due to tensions with India over unrest in Occupied Kashmir and Delhi’s attempts to implicate Islamabad in rebel attacks on military installations, Pakistan could not accommodate Kabul’s demand. But while Afghanistan’s President Ashraf Ghani threatened to cut off Pakistan’s access to Central Asia if it did not include India in the transit deal, China revived QTTA to further tap the potential of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, officials said. QTTA provides Pakistan a gateway to Central Asia by using the Karakoram Highway — which links Gilgit-Baltistan to China’s Xinjiang region — as a transit corridor.
With Pakistan’s exports declining by over $4 billion over the last few years, it has looked to tap the potential of Central Asian and Russian markets. Kyrgyzstan has offered a route to Russia to Pakistani traders. At the same time, Pakistani ports provide landlocked Central Asian states the closest maritime facilities for trade. Currently, they rely on seaports in China, Turkey, Iran, Russia and the Baltic States.
Published in The Express Tribune, February 24th, 2017.

This is fantastic news. Afghanistan is a spoiler and cannot be trusted. We also have China of course. CPEC is secure and free from Afghan blackmail.

Transit fees are likely to be reasonable, as this is an agreement which ensures the protection of goods and establishing a forum for discussing fair trade policies. If the Tajiki are serious about expanding trade to 500m then the logical thing would be to work with the Chinese and expand their current highway network to connect with Chinas G314 motorway which is already built very close to the Tajik border and runs straight into Gilgit.

The Afghans dug themselves into a hole really, they keep on trying to destroy Pakistani relations and keep maintaining animosity despite our multiple attempts to have friendly relations, they also have stopped trade at the Tajik border several times which likely concerns the Tajik government.

I think that Tajikistan will be OK with having longer transit times if it means their goods will eventually reach their destination, whereas with the Afghan route its unknown if they suddenly start getting emotional and shut the trade route, or if Pakistan completely closes the border.

The Afghan route is what I call the bandit route. No security assurances. Ghani controls parts of Kabul and that is where it all ends. We know who is in charge of Afghanistan and that is not the Afghan government. Even if Pakistan wanted to include Afghanistan it is a nonstarter. We have much better alternatives. Secure alternatives. It would be madness to have Afghanistan included in CPEC at this stage.
And Afghanistan is doing it at the behest of India. What harm is it going to do to India? They will move on with their own economic interests in the world, but how many economic options does Afghanistan have? Pretty stupid of them.

They are their own worst enemies
This will never work, the amount of transit fees and excessive delivery time, going through multiple nations and tough terrains, is just a dream land.

Afghan holds the card to CPEC future being beyond just China.

As opposed to Indian goods travelling to Iran first then to be loaded on trucks and travelling through same train will be much cheaper and faster plus free of cost right!
As opposed to Indian goods travelling to Iran first then to be loaded on trucks and travelling through same train will be much cheaper and faster plus free of cost right!

Thats why both wont be a success, only winner here is China.

Transit fees are likely to be reasonable, as this is an agreement which ensures the protection of goods and establishing a forum for discussing fair trade policies. If the Tajiki are serious about expanding trade to 500m then the logical thing would be to work with the Chinese and expand their current highway network to connect with Chinas G314 motorway which is already built very close to the Tajik border and runs straight into Gilgit.

The Afghans dug themselves into a hole really, they keep on trying to destroy Pakistani relations and keep maintaining animosity despite our multiple attempts to have friendly relations, they also have stopped trade at the Tajik border several times which likely concerns the Tajik government.

I think that Tajikistan will be OK with having longer transit times if it means their goods will eventually reach their destination, whereas with the Afghan route its unknown if they suddenly start getting emotional and shut the trade route, or if Pakistan completely closes the border.

No going through China and SCS is much easier and easier terrain and less hassle of having multiple nations involved.
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