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Tajikistan to join Pakistan road link bypassing Afghanistan

Again you are taking something of really good quality ... connecting via CPEC means connecting via china ... turkmanistan already connected with china ... now pakistan is getting connected with china through more accessible network hence turkmanistan is connecting through china so no additional network needs to be build ...

Secondly turkmanistan is land locked country so its not just getting connected via pakistan but get connected to other countries via pakistan ... for pakistan its win win ... pakistan will not only earn transit fee but will also get access to market if turkmanistan ...
provided sanity prevails among pak traders
CPEC will have no effect on QTTA.

May 2014

Under Trade Project "Executive Summary"
The volume of trade between Pakistan and the Central Asian Republics (CARs) - Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan – is extremely low. Pakistan’s exports to the CARs account for approximately 0.05 to 0.06 percent of its total exports. The Quadrilateral Traffic in Transit Agreement (QTTA) can help Pakistan increase trade volumes with Central Asia. ......

The CARs are landlocked countries and require access to seaports. Currently, the CARs use seaport facilities in China, Turkey, Russia, the Baltic States, and Iran, among others; however, the Pakistani ports of Karachi, Bin Qasim and Gwadar provide the shortest land route distance to maritime trade for the CARs. The QTTA provides the landlocked territories of Central Asia access to the seaports of Pakistan and facilitates cross border and transit trade among the Contracting Parties.

The QTTA facilitates movement of transit goods – without any duties – between the territories of all Contracting Parties. The Agreement identifies the transit corridors linking the entry and exit ports in the territories of each Contracting Party. Traffic in transit will use these corridors through uniform customs procedures. The Agreement defines transportation of goods and baggage, and the passage of vehicles, as traffic in transit.

The Agreement stands valid for a period of five years after which it is automatically renewed for a further period of five years unless there is a request for termination by any of the Contracting Parties......

So the need was there and the CPEC will fulfill and facilitate it on enterprise level. More and more countries are welcome to join and get benefit out of this project. CPEC is for every one we have a party no one excluded, just respect yourselves respect others and watch your mouth and responsible for your actions.

India is can't impose war on Pakistan because this will be the war against all the countries in CPEC. once again this is the era of economy no one can afford war.


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Hi ,i think its better that Tajikistan take over this stip. Because it will benefit it more.

This strip is few km wide from some areas.a underground tunnel (little deep) should be great option when ever kabul agree .recent snowfall season in Pak ,shows the real need of infrastructure development in mountains .KKHighway experienced many blockages. Hope cpec get the road link to highway G219
Hi ,i think its better that Tajikistan take over this stip. Because it will benefit it more.

This strip is few km wide from some areas.a underground tunnel (little deep) should be great option when ever kabul agree .recent snowfall season in Pak ,shows the real need of infrastructure development in mountains .KKHighway experienced many blockages. Hope cpec get the road link to highway G219
The way things are going Afghanistan is just gonna implode from within. It's just a matter of time. Recent Pak reactions being at survival mode must be exacerbating it further. How long can Uncle Trump tolerate such a wastage of White folks money???? By the by, the White folks are now dead angry for they're now short in cash - not at all a pleasant scene!!!
Good move 500 million $ is a big no.
Hope that we would be trading more and more
Pakistan should help Taliban take over WAKHAN so it can give us easy access to Tajikistan.

provided sanity prevails among pak traders
Its not the issue of pak traders ... its the issue of prevalent legal and regulatory requirements ... its so complicated and full of so many and doing business in Pakistan is too tough ...
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