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Tajikistan bans youth from mosques

I`m glad to know that but still, Zionism is a secular ideology. If it weren`t secular then there wouldn`t any Zionist Druze, Christians, and Muslims.

well the Druze have traditionally been doing your bidding.....even during the times of the Lebanese civil war :)

well i guess it seems to be polarized issue then --- considering you have on the other side Maronites and Muslims who oppose israel (and support groups like Hezbollah)

but regardless of all that, do you not think that zionism is a racist nationalist 'ideology' in itself? I see it as dangerous the same way I view political 'Islam' and radical hinduism as dangerous and un-necessarily confrontational

And yes, Arabs have been and are ministers in Israeli governments.

its almost an entirely a seperate community because they are treated differently.....but I wont be a pot calling the kettle black, since I realize that we have similar problems with some of our minority groups in Pakistan

there was a lady MP (an Arab) who was being harassed by israeli parliamentarians because she voiced anger over Mavi Marmara incident
There are no gas chambers, starving refugees, or mass killings of civilians, AZ. It's just settlement of vacant areas and land purchase, with a little right-of-way for things like roads and military bases added. The Arab population of Palestine has grown by leaps and bounds in the past sixty years, whereas the Jewish population of Europe dropped by over ninety percent in less than four.

Do you have grandparents, AZ? I never knew mine. Three ended up in the gas chambers and the fourth died from lack of medical care. I found one uncle's transport record to Auschwitz last year - he had been worked as slave on a farm for a year before he was gassed. Had the world kept its promise to administer Palestine as a Jewish Homeland he might have been able to go there.

On the other hand, there are dozens of Muslim states that take up a sizable fraction of the globe, and in all of these the Jews have either been evicted entirely or reduced to a remnant population. Many of the remaining Muslims in these countries, seeking the death of Israel, thus continue to pursue and hound their former countrymen who are in Israel, even though they are not part of their community anymore.



well first and foremost, I'm sorry about your Grandparents. What happened is beyond the height of barbarity; it's disgusting to read and hear about what happened to Oppressed Jews. It was a GENOCIDE and nothing less. I briefly walked in to holocaust museum in DC to check things out; it was a thought-provoking experience

I can assure you that the people --like those in occupied areas of West Bank and Gaza (i.e. severed Palestinian Nation) would be at the forefront to condemn the holocaust and the nazi movement; look how much they have had to suffer because of it. Why do they have to suffer because of the actions of the fascist policies and mentality among some prevailing in europe at the time?

So how can anyone possibly accuse Israelis of seeking extermination of Arabs? Only somebody who is trying to cover up and justify their own evil inclinations, seems to be the ONLY answer

don't the israelis do the exact same thing?

use the garb of "terrorism" to justify checkpoints and the strangulation of Gaza and even West Bank?

justifying "new settlements" (meaning bull-dozing of Palestinian homes and farm lands) -- all in the name of protecting their citizens?

does it sound right to you? Because it doesnt sound right to me!

the militant settlers (who are heavily armed, and EXTREMELY confrontational) are as bad as militants who fire rockets at israeli civilian positions. Vicious cycle.

i dont know how Zionism or israel was brought into this discussion. But I think we can all agree that people need to learn to live and let others live in peace and DIGNITY
well the Druze have traditionally been doing your bidding.....even during the times of the Lebanese civil war :)

well i guess it seems to be polarized issue then --- considering you have on the other side Maronites and Muslims who oppose israel (and support groups like Hezbollah)

but regardless of all that, do you not think that zionism is a racist nationalist 'ideology' in itself? I see it as dangerous the same way I view political 'Islam' and radical hinduism as dangerous and un-necessarily confrontational

its almost an entirely a seperate community because they are treated differently.....but I wont be a pot calling the kettle black, since I realize that we have similar problems with some of our minority groups in Pakistan

there was a lady MP (an Arab) who was being harassed by israeli parliamentarians because she voiced anger over Mavi Marmara incident

No, i do not. Zionism does not have a problem with any race specifically, just the ones that try to kill us.
You can be a white Jew hating lady or just your basic Islamist lunatic saying suicide bombing is in Allah`s name and it is ok to do it against Israel.
We do not like either equally.
No, i do not. Zionism does not have a problem with any race specifically, just the ones that try to kill us.
You can be a white Jew hating lady or just your basic Islamist lunatic saying suicide bombing is in Allah`s name and it is ok to do it against Israel.
We do not like either equally.

so why the racist language against the Arabs?

are they all trying to kill you? Which side has inflicted more harm upon the other?
so why the racist language against the Arabs?

are they all trying to kill you? Which side has inflicted more harm upon the other?

They will say they were trying to protect themselves from some sort of fantasized "Arabic slaughter/holocaust" when in fact Arabs were just angry that the British gave them the land without even coming to Arabs about it when it was our land to begin with. So in Arab world their presence their is illegal because they were put there in our own house without our consent.

Worst thing the Arab armies would have done was to allow all the Palastenians you routed out of their homes back and send all the jews that came from Europe without proper authentication papers to prove they lived here before back to their original homes. But Israel in order to gain world sympathy is playing the poor victim again and their original plan of ethnic cleansing of palastine is ongoing only now not as strong but as effective on the long run.
so why the racist language against the Arabs?

are they all trying to kill you? Which side has inflicted more harm upon the other?

Like i said, we do not like only those that try to kill us.
Druze are Arabs and they are considered an inseparable part of the country, Muslim Arabs however have had a bad tendency of wishing to destroy the country but failing only to resort to terrorism and failing again and now something else.
I won`t say that i like them very much but i don`t give them much though throughout my life as most other Israelis.
If anything it is Iran that concerns Israel most since it is Iran that controls Syria, Hizbollah and Hamas.

And with regards to who inflicted more harm on the other, well it`s not our fault that they are so incompetent and pathetic.
They did however, try their their best to inflict as much harm without prejudice to man woman or child.
Muslim Arabs however have had a bad tendency of wishing to destroy the country but failing ..........

And why is that .... maybe not much is being done to integrate them, maybe because they are sidelined .....
How else are traitors born ?
Instead the government should look into reforming the religious education system and bring the mosque under a watch body!

When Pakistan has failed to do so, inspite of Musharraf wanting to do so, how will Tajikistan or China do it?

They do not have the patience with such politically correct stuff that may never succeed.

They fear that fundamentalism is terrorism and so they do it their way.

Smash all such organisations and eliminate people or implement draconian bans.

Given their political ethos and environment, they are right in what they do.
If anything it is Iran that concerns Israel most since it is Iran that controls Syria, Hizbollah and Hamas.

it's ironic, since Iran took many Jewish refugees during the holocaust.

Iran doesnt ''control'' Syria; but does hold influence. Hezbollah is a Lebanese group with political wing and military wing; they comprise Lebanese citizens not Iranians --though the leaders do get "spiritual" and "moral" backing by Iran. It's natural for you to view Hezbollah as your enemy, however they are a reaction to the policies in the region. As for Hamas, it was israel that was instrumental in the creation of Hamas --as a counterweight and bulward to Arafat's PLO

but what's done is done.....I think israel should prepare to accept Hamas as a democratically elected 'government' but more importantly it is israel that should support peace process between Fatah and Hamas --because that can help ensure peace. Hamas themselves seem to have matured over the years. We never hear about terrorism or attempts at terrorism any more.

So israel and the countries surrounding it should live like neighbours. The issue of Jerusalem however is the most tricky one. israel should be prepared to accept E Jerusalem as capital of Palestine as agreed @ Camp David.

And with regards to who inflicted more harm on the other, well it`s not our fault that they are so incompetent and pathetic.
They did however, try their their best to inflict as much harm without prejudice to man woman or child.

you have political and military support and backing by the US and other G-8 countries. That matters a lot

you fought several Arab armies in 67 and 73 but neither Palestine nor a country like Lebanon were aggressors.
so if this is what you call 'secularism' -- then you will agree india should ban hindus and sikhs from worship until they attain 18 years of age?

yeah okay, we'll see how that would work out in your country....

truth is, india has its fair share of fanatics as well
No, i do not. Zionism does not have a problem with any race specifically, just the ones that try to kill us.
You can be a white Jew hating lady or just your basic Islamist lunatic saying suicide bombing is in Allah`s name and it is ok to do it against Israel.
We do not like either equally.

You are either so naive or you are misinforming, Muslims never were radical and truth is that radicalism penetrated in Jews more than any Muslims or christian. I have very detailed conversations with some Jews living in Russia and Israel and what i observed that their intellectual education dipped into particular hate toward two next main religions and that influenced in all their thinking and discussion, it is an another matter that to find real face of their inner reality you have to be Jew or having same thinking but you can’t assess them in ordinary discussion. Muslim were not radical and this terminology injected in late 80s as planned and boom up in 21st century but Jews got these meanings from the day they called themselves ‘JEWS’.

Being an Israeli you can use your patriotic ideas but you are forgetting counter measures from Muslim society in result of Israeli barbarism and these kind of silent lunatic efforts against Muslims will not help Israel to receive flowers in return. You have to think over it rather than thinking over how people are using religion against Israel. While both sides using their available extreme power to confront knowing that they left religion far behind where it was in actual shape.

LEKH LESHALOM LESAARI ZE IEFSHAR ………….when you are not in favour of peace for others.
Tajikistan on Wednesday banned all children and teenagers from worshipping in mosques as the volatile Central Asian republic pressed ahead with its battle against rising Islamic fundamentalism.

President Emomali Rakhmon signed the measure into law after it was unanimously adopted by the upper house of parliament last month, local news reports said.

The law bans those under the age of 18 from praying in churches or mosques and requires them to study in secular schools, Aziya-Plus news agency said.

The authorities said the change would help stem the spread of religious fundamentalism in the overwhelmingly Muslim but secular nation.

But the bill's passage was strongly condemned by religious groups.

"The ban to attend mosques will give rise to the negative reaction among the people," prominent Muslim theologian and former deputy prime minister Akbar Turadzhonzoda said in an open letter to the president.

Other religious leaders noted that Rakhmon signed the law in the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan -- a period of fasting and prayer for Muslims.

The president also approved separate changes to the criminal code that make "active participation" in an unauthorised rally into an offence punishable by up to five years in prison.

Those found guilty of providing "illegal religious education" to young people can now be put behind bars for up to 12 years.

The impoverished ex-Soviet state shares a 1,340-kilometre (840-mile) border with Afghanistan and has previously accused religious groups of stoking unrest in a bid to impose Islamic rule.

Rakhmon last year recalled Tajik students studying abroad after accusing foreign institutions of taking steps to "prepare terrorists".

Ridiculous, their 60% population against this law and it may cause more problematic for Tajik society & government. It was more wise to control literature and religious education and ban over provoking religious organizations from neighbour countries than put this law over Tajik people. Aim is good to keep away new generation from possible fundamentalism but method of implementing idea is controversial.
excellent, no more radicalization.

It means in your point of thinking mosques or religious education is source of radicalism? did you think what are you talking about? This is total nonsense that you are supporting individual home base education scenario when controlled collective & effective education is got ban. Result, you will loose from collective opinion and thinking of society and that will be total social disaster.
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