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Taiwanese students vote to evict statue of late dictator Chiang Kai-shek

Chiang cannot command a single Manchurian army in 1931, just like he cannot command all the other warlords.

The traitor is Zhang Xueliang.

Get your facts right.
Zhang Xueliang hates Japanese to core. Japanese killed his father and he joined KMT hoping the bigger forces can take on Imperial Japan. To his disappointment. Chiang is more interested in fighting communist than Japanese. It is Chiang instruction to Fengtian army to ask them to step down against Japanese in Manchuria. Xueliang kidnapped Chiang and forced him into a united front against Japanese.

Who is the traitor? Anybody who knows Chinese history will know the answer.
Zhang Xueliang hates Japanese to core. Japanese killed his father and he joined KMT hoping the bigger forces can take on Imperial Japan. To his disappointment. Chiang is more interested in fighting communist than Japanese. It is Chiang instruction to Fengtian army to ask them to step down against Japanese in Manchuria. Xueliang kidnapped Chiang and forced him into a united front against Japanese.

Who is the traitor? Anybody who knows Chinese history will know the answer.

The Manchurian army only listen to Zhang Xueliang. That is why upon a command, Manchurian army coup detat in Xian incident.

The Manchurian army join the KMT. They are warlords not unlike Yan Xishan, Feng Yuxiang or Li Zongren (also join KMT). These warlords want Chiang dead.

Can Chiang command the warlords army? Use your brain.
The Manchurian army only listen to Zhang Xueliang. That is why upon a command, Manchurian army coup detat in Xian incident.

The Manchurian army join the KMT. They are warlords not unlike Yan Xishan, Feng Yuxiang or Li Zongren (also join KMT). These warlords want Chiang dead.

Can Chiang command the warlords army? Use your brain.
Can you deny Zhang Xueliang did not join KMT? Can you deny Japanese did not killed his Father? You are stupid to put all blame on Xueliang. He know his Fengtian Army is not strong against Imperial Japan but he knows joining KMT and combine both forces will had better chances. But the ball less Chiang asked him to concede to Japan. Xueliang is so bitter over this incident that he kidnapped Chiang. All these are facts, you need to brush up your Chinese history better.
Btw, who was the leader of nationalist China who ended the Warlord era? I thought Chiang Kai Sek, but maybe somebody else.
Btw, who was the leader of nationalist China who ended the Warlord era? I thought Chiang Kai Sek, but maybe somebody else.
He never ended. He just absorbed them
into KMT which he never had full control over them and result in many corruption. Don’t be misled that all warlord are just going for personal gain. There are a few who are very patriotic and capable. Warlord Yan Xishan are so capable that Japanese are afraid of him.
And the Ma brothers helped to retain control of Xinjiang during soviet encroachment in WWII.
In a school referendum, 45.54 percent of students gave their votes, which took place between April 16 and 19. On Friday, the college announced that 62.93 percent voted to keep the statue of Sun Yat-sen, the founder of the Republic of China and of the Kuomintang, in the same spot, while only 46.72 percent opted to keep the Chiang Kai-shek statue. In effect, this means that the latter did not garner enough votes to pass the threshold of 50 percent to stay, so the school will move the statue to a less visible location.

This is surprising that only 62.93 % of the students want to retain the statue of Sun Yat-sen; As far as I know, Sun Yat-sen is the father of modern China, and the founder of ROC. What happen to those Students; and what happen to Taiwan? They really hate their identity as Chinese or what?
He could had been a Chinese Józef Piłsudski, however, history is brutal for the modernization of such a big and complex country had to undergo the most bloody and revolutionary way
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Can you deny Zhang Xueliang did not join KMT? Can you deny Japanese did not killed his Father? You are stupid to put all blame on Xueliang. He know his Fengtian Army is not strong against Imperial Japan but he knows joining KMT and combine both forces will had better chances. But the ball less Chiang asked him to concede to Japan. Xueliang is so bitter over this incident that he kidnapped Chiang. All these are facts, you need to brush up your Chinese history better.

So CCP also joined KMT? Mao and Zhou was KMT member. Can Chiang control Mao? Zhang Xueliang already admit mea culpa. Zhang was petrified by Japs long time ago, and never think of fighting.

You liar and cant stop lying despite I try educate you.

"Beast" still want to fake history. Beast is a idiot.

918 truth is Zhang is the traitor. Chiang Kai Shek keep quiet to cover Zhang Xueliang.

Below is from baidu-pedia


1990年,张学良接受日本广播协会采访,称九·一八事变不抵抗命令是其本人所下,与国民政府无关。后来他又在多种场合对很多人否认过这一点。后著名史学家唐德刚与张学良交谈,又特地提起不抵抗电文之事。唐德刚曾当张学良面前感慨道:“我们听了五十多年了,都是这个说法呢,都说是蒋公给你的指令呢!”“……都说蒋公打电报给你,说吾兄万勿逞一时之愤,置民族国家于不顾(以上两句为洪钫所回忆的铣电的关键语)。又说你拿着个皮包,把电报稿随时放在身上。”张学良回答说:“瞎说,瞎说,没有这事情。我这个人说话,咱得正经说话。这种事情,我不能诿过于他人。这是事实,我要声明的。最要紧的就是这一点。这个事不是人家的事情,是我自个儿的事情,是我的责任。” [10]铣电在海峡两岸乃至海外均无法寻觅,使洪钫的铣电回忆至今仍是无法证实之事。
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So CCP also joined KMT? Mao and Zhou was KMT member. Can Chiang control Mao? Zhang Xueliang already admit mea culpa. Zhang was petrified by Japs long time ago, and never think of fighting.

You liar and cant stop lying despite I try educate you.

"Beast" still want to fake history. Beast is a idiot.

918 truth is Zhang is the traitor. Chiang Kai Shek keep quiet to cover Zhang Xueliang.

Below is from baidu-pedia


1990年,张学良接受日本广播协会采访,称九·一八事变不抵抗命令是其本人所下,与国民政府无关。后来他又在多种场合对很多人否认过这一点。后著名史学家唐德刚与张学良交谈,又特地提起不抵抗电文之事。唐德刚曾当张学良面前感慨道:“我们听了五十多年了,都是这个说法呢,都说是蒋公给你的指令呢!”“……都说蒋公打电报给你,说吾兄万勿逞一时之愤,置民族国家于不顾(以上两句为洪钫所回忆的铣电的关键语)。又说你拿着个皮包,把电报稿随时放在身上。”张学良回答说:“瞎说,瞎说,没有这事情。我这个人说话,咱得正经说话。这种事情,我不能诿过于他人。这是事实,我要声明的。最要紧的就是这一点。这个事不是人家的事情,是我自个儿的事情,是我的责任。” [10]铣电在海峡两岸乃至海外均无法寻觅,使洪钫的铣电回忆至今仍是无法证实之事。
This article is no logic. If its true, why he kidnapped Chiang and forced him cease fire with CPC and make KMT to have a united front against Japanese in 1935?

And Mao and other CPC joined KMT when Sun is still around. He is a revel figure even in mainland China. Nothing to do with useless Chiang. Chiang famous policy well known in the 30s was to pacify the internal( Destroy communist) before taking on Japanese. He is responsible to let go of Manchuria to Japanese.

This is surprising that only 62.93 % of the students want to retain the statue of Sun Yat-sen; As far as I know, Sun Yat-sen is the father of modern China, and the founder of ROC. What happen to those Students; and what happen to Taiwan? They really hate their identity as Chinese or what?

Sun Yat Sen is associate with KMT. Many young taiwanese do not think Sun is the father of modern China. They are brainwashed by pan green independence party that Sun and Chiang are KMT. A portion of young taiwanese are pro- independence and they think by supporting Sun will means pro- CPC.
The Nanjing massacre was the result of KMT's lack of aggression to the Japanese.
I had seen another source stated that Nanjing massacre was purely the fault of Hirohito that he was the one who ordered it, except was spared by the USA. However, I don't deny Chiang had no backbone. For this news, this was one of the dechinalization from the green camp.
This article is no logic. If its true, why he kidnapped Chiang and forced him cease fire with CPC and make KMT to have a united front against Japanese in 1935?

And Mao and other CPC joined KMT when Sun is still around. He is a revel figure even in mainland China. Nothing to do with useless Chiang. Chiang famous policy well known in the 30s was to pacify the internal( Destroy communist) before taking on Japanese. He is responsible to let go of Manchuria to Japanese.

Sun Yat Sen is associate with KMT. Many young taiwanese do not think Sun is the father of modern China. They are brainwashed by pan green independence party that Sun and Chiang are KMT. A portion of young taiwanese are pro- independence and they think by supporting Sun will means pro- CPC.

Idiot, you have no logic. Go check with Sina, ifeng and all your commie website, which all have concluded that Zhang Xueliang was responsible.
Idiot, you have no logic. Go check with Sina, ifeng and all your commie website, which all have concluded that Zhang Xueliang was responsible.
No logic? Why did you avoid Zhang Xueliang kidnapped of Chiang? Do you know that act carries death penalty? If Zhang is such a coward, he will never do such acts. He is a true patriotic anti Japanese comrade.
Zhang Xueliang is well loved in mainland CPC for his role of stopping KMT Chiang encirclement of CPC in 1935. Without this intervene. CPC is very likely wiped out by 1936.

I had seen another source stated that Nanjing massacre was purely the fault of Hirohito that he was the one who ordered it, except was spared by the USA. However, I don't deny Chiang had no backbone. For this news, this was one of the dechinalization from the green camp.
For Nanjing massacre , I will not put the blame on KMT, they throw everything they have during battle of shanghai and suffered heavy losses. Whats left for Nanking is just left over foot soldiers lack of weapon, food and logistics.

Nanjing is not easy to defend, there is not much natural terrain to prevent attacker from taking it. If Chiang again throw everything he has to defend Nanking again. I can bet most of the resistance in later part of war against Japanese will be destroyed.
No logic? Why did you avoid Zhang Xueliang kidnapped of Chiang? Do you know that act carries death penalty? If Zhang is such a coward, he will never do such acts. He is a true patriotic anti Japanese comrade.
Zhang Xueliang is well loved in mainland CPC for his role of stopping KMT Chiang encirclement of CPC in 1935. Without this intervene. CPC is very likely wiped out by 1936.

For Nanjing massacre , I will not put the blame on KMT, they throw everything they have during battle of shanghai and suffered heavy losses. Whats left for Nanking is just left over foot soldiers lack of weapon, food and logistics.

Nanjing is not easy to defend, there is not much natural terrain to prevent attacker from taking it. If Chiang again throw everything he has to defend Nanking again. I can bet most of the resistance in later part of war against Japanese will be destroyed.
That reason is it is easy to lure a trusted colleague and hjiack him.

If Manchuria army fought the Japs, it will be destroyed. Chinese warlords were famous for self preservation. go read history.

Chiang has the foresight that the CPC is real enemy.

Nanjing cant be defend. The crack troops of central army that Chiang can command are entirely decimated in Shanghai. The problem is Warlord Tang Shengzhi promise to hold Nanjing and then he flee himself.

The result is entire groups of combat unit become disarrayed and all command and control collapse. The unorganized KMT soldiers lost the will and ability to fight and deliver their head to Japanese.

The fate of Nanjing is sealed in Shanghai campaign. But no one foresee Japs are so wicked.
All those political correctness is poisoning the whole world.

Should USA get rid of Washington,who was a slave owner?

Should we burn down all churches and bibles since they were responsible for a lot crap?

It is stupid try to get rid of something then pretending it did not exist.

If it was good,keep it;if it was bad, keep it as an negative example and tell ourselves not to repeat the history.

Going to extreme is not good.

In the article, he's listed as a dictator.

To me, he's a hero of the Chinese people

To be honest, he was a dictator. So was Mao. but they also had other good sides that should not be ignored.
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