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Taiwan sea war



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Nov 12, 2007
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chen shuibian said taiwan will join in the UN as the name of taiwan in 2008!
as we know ,china will hold the olympic games during 2008!so Mr chen
said china would not star the taiwan sea war during 2008 to stop his plan of join in the UN!and also in 2008 taiwan will vote a new leader of taiwan!
Mr chen want Democratic Progressive Party to be the Incumbent party of taiwan!

however,many people do not hope taiwan join in the UN!they just want their lives will be better and better!:china:

Chinese People's Liberation Army will start the war if chen inside on joining
in the UN!:guns:
If Taiwan does that, it will leave no choice to the PRC to get the land back. My stand is that if that happens PRC will avoid as much damage it can, and will able to get the land back, given that there will be not much interference from the U.S. and Taiwanese forces, but they too will have to be neutralized.

Taiwan will have an upper hand though, when it will declear such that. It will be ready for such an action.
I dont know what the chinese strategist are thinking but if china wants to acomplish one china policy, the only way is by force. Dialouges and diplomatic pressures will solve nothing infavour of china, instead it is giving tiawan all the time she need to make her armed forces strong inorder to defend them selves against an attack by PRC. In my opinion china should had attack long ago to capture taiwan.
Anyhow what ever may be the case i sincerly hope china gets taiwan back, we as pakistanies support china's one china policy.
Its so easy to go on war. Right??? U saying japan, usa would be just watch when china attack very tiny taiwan??? By the way india got border issue with china over ANURACHAL PRADESH of india. Why dont ur china attack india??? Why threatning small taiwan??? Nyahehehehe. It would b not easy to defeat small taiwan. It got plenty of friendly countries and dont forget what happen with usa when they tryd their best in iraq but now paying heavely. Am not comparing china with usa. China no where usa when it comes in techology. China got quantity n not quality. I want china to threat india and attack india and not small sweet land taiwan. :cheers:
I don't think Taiwan would join the UN in 2008.

Without the US support, there is no way to succeed.

The US stance is clear, they do not support such actions.

The Taiwan situation can only be solved diplomatically.

China does not wish to attack Taiwan.

China sees Taiwanese as compatriots.
I don't think Taiwan would join the UN in 2008.

Wishful thinking

Without the US support, there is no way to succeed.

You think US wont support?

The US stance is clear, they do not support such actions.

why are you people relying on US approval? US would never support one china policy.

The Taiwan situation can only be solved diplomatically.

Keep dreaming another 10 years and by then taiwan will be an independent country.

China does not wish to attack Taiwan.

I highly doubt that. China is very clear about her one china policy.

China sees Taiwanese as compatriots.

Really! how sweet:disagree:
Wishful thinking
Please don't be mistaken, Taiwan would attempt to join, but they would not succeed.

You think US wont support?
I am sure the US won't support Taiwans application. This is proven from their first attempt during this year. Also, Sino-US interests are heavilly weighed.

why are you people relying on US approval? US would never support one china policy.

China does not rely on US support, it is Taiwan which requires the US support.

On the contrary, the US supports the one-china policy, the difference is the interpretation from both sides. The US tend to have a ambiquous view on the One-China policy.

Keep dreaming another 10 years and by then taiwan will be an independent country.

China does want to take Taiwan, this is a fact. The question is what methods. As you have suggested, military is a method, but China is hesitant for many reasons, world condemnation, possible a destroyed island, US intervention and increase the hatred of Taiwanese people on China.

Military is an last option for China, aslong Taiwan formal independence is not realised, military option is always last resort and diplomacy is engaged.

China's goal for unification won't change, but Taiwan admin would change. China is just waiting for time and flexibility.

I highly doubt that. China is very clear about her one china policy.

China would only use military force if Taiwan declares formal indpendence. Until then, military force is not an option.

This is clearly highlighted in the Anti-Secession Law. A formal Taiwan declaration is an initiation of war. The law is China's red line. Once that is crossed, War is inevitable.

Really! how sweet:disagree:

This is true, because on both sides of the strait they are Chinese. Taiwan is a Chinese province. The KMT fled to Taiwan during the loss of the civil war.

Both sides are Chinese, war means killing our own people.
Liqf, get noted that Chenshuibian has been marked as mouth politician and an actor, and the plebiscite for a seat at UN is nothing more than his presidentship in Taiwan. even inside DPP there is a voice "as Chen goes on, nothing will be left for Taiwan."
I don't think Taiwan would join the UN in 2008.

Without the US support, there is no way to succeed.

The US stance is clear, they do not support such actions.

The Taiwan situation can only be solved diplomatically.

China does not wish to attack Taiwan.

China sees Taiwanese as compatriots.

agree china do not lose TW:china:
The Hai Lung class of submarine was manufactured in the Netherlands for the Republic of China (Taiwan) and is currently in service with its navy. They are a modified version of the Dutch Navy's Zwaardvis class submarine

:guns:Hai Lung class submarine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I hope this 2 subs will be enuf to deter
the Chinese PLAN from attacking Taiwan.

America is committed to a "one China policy", but we will support Taiwan if an unprovoked attack is made against her. Taiwan's military forces may be smaller than China's, but they are very professional and posses advanced weaponry so it would be a bloody and tragic conflict. I think most people in America are hoping that as China eventually becomes more democratic, the primary reasons for the separate status of Taiwan will disappear. Hopefully, Taiwan will eventually join China in a similar fashion that Hong Kong has.
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