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Taiwan sea war

America is committed to a "one China policy", but we will support Taiwan if an unprovoked attack is made against her. Taiwan's military forces may be smaller than China's, but they are very professional and posses advanced weaponry so it would be a bloody and tragic conflict. I think most people in America are hoping that as China eventually becomes more democratic, the primary reasons for the separate status of Taiwan will disappear. Hopefully, Taiwan will eventually join China in a similar fashion that Hong Kong has.

thank you sir,the Hongkong way of unity is not on the taiwan's leader's list.Trust me if you American in a China civil war ,we will do anything to make you afraid,if nuclear weapon is need.maybe not to use it ,just show it,or you will find your
F22is not so strong to get in a chinese civli war,do you remmenber how you people show your ambition to protect south Vietnam?if you can not do it at that time,why you want to risk a nuke war to get in China'civil war in taiwan strait.time will prove it
scshqgcm, Sir, we have promised Taiwan when we recognized the People's Republic that if the People's Republic were to use force in the future to conquer Taiwan, then we would come to Taiwan's defense. Force is not necessary in order to achieve a solution. This would not be like Vietnam. Taiwan is an island and our Navy is powerful. Taiwan's Armed Forces are very strong and posses very advanced technology. It would be a bloody and tragic affair. Why would China risk her standing in the world to conquer little Taiwan with force?
America is committed to a "one China policy", but we will support Taiwan if an unprovoked attack is made against her. Taiwan's military forces may be smaller than China's, but they are very professional and posses advanced weaponry so it would be a bloody and tragic conflict. I think most people in America are hoping that as China eventually becomes more democratic, the primary reasons for the separate status of Taiwan will disappear. Hopefully, Taiwan will eventually join China in a similar fashion that Hong Kong has.

oh why your little brother had been beat last year,will you kick Russia out of Grogia?they do they same thing you did in Kosovo。

I think most people in America are hoping that as China eventually becomes more democratic。-----it's a good idea when Hamas win in the election,and you dont talk with a legal goverment and make it illegal.
best for you is a Gorbachev in China to destroy this competiter,and see why Russia is so angry about Nato.
come on,man
we r not naive ,maybe there is a big change someday but it's after the war of civil war:china::welcome:
scshqgcm, Sir, we have promised Taiwan when we recognized the People's Republic that if the People's Republic were to use force in the future to conquer Taiwan, then we would come to Taiwan's defense. Force is not necessary in order to achieve a solution. This would not be like Vietnam. Taiwan is an island and our Navy is powerful. Taiwan's Armed Forces are very strong and posses very advanced technology. It would be a bloody and tragic affair. Why would China risk her standing in the world to conquer little Taiwan with force?

sir ,we dont mind a nuke weapon with you ,even we together to die.if there is a state like Califoilia have a situation like taiwan,what you will do,let them happy with China?or ======
for us no matter what goverment is,even the KMD at the most bad in
WW2 they never accept a loss of land like taiwan,what about CCP,for us we had lost a lot land from 1840,how could it last for ever in taiwan.

it's good for the US for sure ,but dont think you can do everything in the world?at least not in the front of the door of China:cheers:
I don't understand everything that you are saying, forgive me, but winning an election does not make a democracy. Having multiple political parties, a free press, and independent justice system, respect for those who dissent, all of these are essential for democracy. Taiwan has all of these things and she will fight if necessary, to protect them from being destroyed. Hamas may win a free election, but that does not make them democratic. The outcome of what happened in Kosovo is a good thing. See what democracy can do? Once the tyrant Slobodan Milošević was removed, and subsequently tried and imprisoned, democracy returned to Serbia and the wars ended! It was not America that did this, but the United Nations. What a good thing!
I don't understand everything that you are saying, forgive me, but winning an election does not make a democracy. Having multiple political parties, a free press, and independent justice system, respect for those who dissent, all of these are essential for democracy. Taiwan has all of these things and she will fight if necessary, to protect them from being destroyed. Hamas may win a free election, but that does not make them democratic. The outcome of what happened in Kosovo is a good thing. See what democracy can do? Once the tyrant Slobodan Milošević was removed, and subsequently tried and imprisoned, democracy returned to Serbia and the wars ended! It was not America that did this, but the United Nations. What a good thing!

do you know Kosovo is a bad idea for international peace,you did that in Kosovo the Russia did that in Geogeia,what about the rest of the world ,there are a lot of trouble like this in the world,do they need a way to do it,if the US could do it ,why not?
Hamas may win a free election, but that does not make them democratic. --------you guys have the BIN LADEN‘s homeland---Saudi is democratic. dont fool me ,man .it's not about that but national interests,you and i are not so naive like that.\
let me ask if Serbia is a ally of you great country,will you let them do it?
i know you have your logic ,but the world is not the same,the other people have theirs,you think you r helping them,but ----?why we should be around with you,dont be self-centred,why a lot of Holl war warrior against you the US,think more about Isreal and Iran,who make the Middle east a war battle field,we chinese?no
there is some democratic goverment in asia so ?make you have the a right to seperate a country?we will see it

Once the tyrant Slobodan Milošević was removed, and subsequently tried and imprisoned, democracy returned to Serbia and the wars ended! It was not America that did this, but the United Nations. ----------you must forget that when NATO did it ,Russia and China is against the war,do you remmember?and you have bombed our Embassy in1999,who gave you the right ?the UN?funny haaaa?
when you piss off the UN come to clean up.

now the Russion said you broke the rule of game ,they r in Geogia now,do u think they cant use the same way to prove good?sorry for you little brother's disaster,we dont think you will fight for Goegia,do you?
after WW2 there are two things to keep peace
1 nuclear weapon
2international law
if you think your value is more important for the rules of games,go and see what will happen?
The NATO alliance may have been the prosecutors of the war, but, "President Slobodan Milošević, along with Milan Milutinović, Nikola Šainović, Dragoljub Ojdanić and Vlajko Stojiljković were charged by the United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) with crimes against humanity including murder, forcible transfer, deportation and "persecution on political, racial or religious grounds". They were found guilty for crimes against humanity. You think that is a bad thing? Europe acted because of Milošević. The Russians backed him because of there alliance with Serbia. I may disagree with it, but that is Russia's right, just as it is our right to back Taiwan if we must. As for Russia's actions in Georgia, we have done nothing that I am aware of to stop them.
if anyone get in the taiwan civil war,dont forget we are a country have nuclear weapon.we will never use it on Taiwan our fellows.but it could make some countrys stay away,even we dont mention it:china::pakistan:

I allways get goose bumbs whenever i see chinese flag and pakistani flag together even if the comment doesnt have anything to do with pakistan.:hitwall:

Now back to ur post: Only losers use nukes as the last attempt to save their A$$et.
The NATO alliance may have been the prosecutors of the war, but, "President Slobodan Milošević, along with Milan Milutinović, Nikola Šainović, Dragoljub Ojdanić and Vlajko Stojiljković were charged by the United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) with crimes against humanity including murder, forcible transfer, deportation and "persecution on political, racial or religious grounds". They were found guilty for crimes against humanity. You think that is a bad thing? Europe acted because of Milošević. The Russians backed him because of there alliance with Serbia. I may disagree with it, but that is Russia's right, just as it is our right to back Taiwan if we must. As for Russia's actions in Georgia, we have done nothing that I am aware of to stop them.
Milošević is a problem of his country,and he got the result,so give you the right to seperate a country?How funny international law is?
if it become a way of common sense,what the UN for?we can say to a country's leader you must careful ,or we will support ####to vote to be a country?How is like?or what is peace for?is peace means stand with the US?or not ?
tell you one thing ,taiwan is the core interest of China,more than a lot of things,you name it,and it's good for us to have a second war with the US,if you dont think it carefully.
no taiwan ,no China.
if you want to send your soldiers here,in our land ,man!china is not Iraq,do you get anything different between us?when the war comes,if you want to send more than 50000 guys here on this island,and die ,go ahead.if more ,i think you will remmember vietnam like me.yes you have advantage now,but the war will happen in20years,think about it?you will get a different idea about it.
to be honest ,i am happy with you guys in Japan ,you can keep them cool down,for China it's a threat for sure ,but also make it weak.and we will not show you the war in taiwan now,no one so stupid,but oneday you and your friends must consider what you can get from it?I think the US leader is in this logic:cheers:
I allways get goose bumbs whenever i see chinese flag and pakistani flag together even if the comment doesnt have anything to do with pakistan.:hitwall:

Now back to ur post: Only losers use nukes as the last attempt to save their A$$et.

sorry this is a Pakistan forum,so why not show some friendship with happy.
yes !!!!!we dont do anything good for our Pakistan friend,but why you r so angry with this?
dont be so naive,if you and China have no trouble,and i sure you that there will more troops near the border between you and our friend.didn't you read the news few days ago you great india just send 60000soldier with China.dont be fool that way,you still think you can get anything from Pakistan?if there is not a civil problem in Pakistan ,tell me which war you really win?we just send some PLA to our border and you dont think they are in a trip ,do you?Pakistan could kick your a@@,:sniper:why we dont respect their pride?
dont tell me you have won so many wars without get any adventage in Kashmier,do you ?so strong ?

you said loser will use or threaten to use nuke,now i tell you the US had done them both.In the Korea war,you will see how eager to threaen us.
and i really doubt you guys have the ambition to fight against the US if one day have to?maybe your brave soldiers will piss off.
tell you one thing we had wars with india and vietnam,do you know which one is harder for us?:tdown:
I think it will be a foolish decision to attack Taiwan.It will cause too much bloodshed in that region.Taiwan and Chinese both are strong.But i highly doubt China will ever do that.Right now China is worried about becoming economic super power.
Ten years ago, this discussion would be relevant but not today. Why? This was something I wanted to find our for myself, so I started asking Taiwanese Chinese, HK Chinese, Mainland Chinese, Malay Chinese, and over-seas Chinese for their opinions.

What I found out was both pleasant and surprising, since it was not what was portrayed in Western Media. Yes there are supporters and those against the PRC --- and that is the key. People need to understand the thinking of Chinese people around the globe, and it is they see unity in themselves -- but at the same time they are not exclusive, in that inter-racial marriage is okay. Chinese (with small exception of some dumb ppl) do NOT define themselves as a particular race or ethnic group (such as Han) since throughout their thousand years history they have intermarried so much that such a thing is ridiculous.

Take for instance the 'Dragon'. Now what exactly is a 'dragon'??? Is it a mythical creature? an animal? The Dragon has deer antlers, fish scales, goats beard, snake body, eagle claws, lions mane, aligator head, etc. The dragon is a composite of MANY ANIMALS, and existed over 5,000 years ago!!! This is significant history. You can find the dragon in ancient (and I meand REALLY ANCIENT) pottery, paintings, writings, etc. What happened was that different tribes (each with their own animal mascot, much like North American Indians had) decided to come together and work together, get along together.

That is the mentality and spirit of Chinese people. We know our long history and we know cooperation is mutually beneficial to all. We are usually friendly, and hard-working, and forgiving. But remember we have long memories. We can forgive anyone/group of people if they are sincere about their mistakes, b/c we understand not everyone is perfect -- and part of being the 'dragon race' is that different people can work together. But we do not fear anyone! So any agression (or threat of) against us is truly foolish.... That said, we genuinely friendly. Yes there exists some who aren't but no body is perfect, sometimes we need to accept others with their short comings. We should expect to change other people, especially if we don't improve ourselves first.
I think it will be a foolish decision to attack Taiwan.It will cause too much bloodshed in that region.Taiwan and Chinese both are strong.But i highly doubt China will ever do that.Right now China is worried about becoming economic super power.

hi friends we r not to do it now for sure,but will be someday
taiwan is a problem we have to face,but you know that taiwan is not in game .the players r China and the US.we dont want to make taiwan a bloody field you know,taiwan is part of China so how long do you think China should wait to get taiwan,i think after 20 years is a deadline ,30?40?60?forever?
someday China and the US will be face to face ,it's a sure thing,maybe a limited war or protect our allies,do you think which side taiwan will be with.if there is no support from the US we will end up the civil war in1950.it's a joke that a superpower will let others control part of it's land,trust me ,the US is the real boss of taiwan,if you have some news about it.if China want to be a superpower or sth ,not like japan ,taiwan is a key.just imagine if califorlia is controled by the Soviet Union!!!!!!!!!!!!!!you know Cuba-----------the missle-----

taiwan is part of China ,but we have no PLA there ,but the taiwan leader is more happy with the US.if you have a map of China you will see how to keep our most developed province safe without taiwan,and you know the US a aircraft carrier had been taiwan strait in1996,what could we do?man
we have peace not safety,the US have wars now and safety
taiwan is part of China but we r not safe cause taiwan.
will taiwan accept HK style?if you r in taiwan dont do that it's risk now

man ,,,,,we dont need a civil wat ,if there is a way
anyway thank you for your good wish:china::pakistan:
Ten years ago, this discussion would be relevant but not today. Why? This was something I wanted to find our for myself, so I started asking Taiwanese Chinese, HK Chinese, Mainland Chinese, Malay Chinese, and over-seas Chinese for their opinions.

What I found out was both pleasant and surprising, since it was not what was portrayed in Western Media. Yes there are supporters and those against the PRC --- and that is the key. People need to understand the thinking of Chinese people around the globe, and it is they see unity in themselves -- but at the same time they are not exclusive, in that inter-racial marriage is okay. Chinese (with small exception of some dumb ppl) do NOT define themselves as a particular race or ethnic group (such as Han) since throughout their thousand years history they have intermarried so much that such a thing is ridiculous.

Take for instance the 'Dragon'. Now what exactly is a 'dragon'??? Is it a mythical creature? an animal? The Dragon has deer antlers, fish scales, goats beard, snake body, eagle claws, lions mane, aligator head, etc. The dragon is a composite of MANY ANIMALS, and existed over 5,000 years ago!!! This is significant history. You can find the dragon in ancient (and I meand REALLY ANCIENT) pottery, paintings, writings, etc. What happened was that different tribes (each with their own animal mascot, much like North American Indians had) decided to come together and work together, get along together.

That is the mentality and spirit of Chinese people. We know our long history and we know cooperation is mutually beneficial to all. We are usually friendly, and hard-working, and forgiving. But remember we have long memories. We can forgive anyone/group of people if they are sincere about their mistakes, b/c we understand not everyone is perfect -- and part of being the 'dragon race' is that different people can work together. But we do not fear anyone! So any agression (or threat of) against us is truly foolish.... That said, we genuinely friendly. Yes there exists some who aren't but no body is perfect, sometimes we need to accept others with their short comings. We should expect to change other people, especially if we don't improve ourselves first.

without taiwan how to keep China safe?the US have japan .south korea,Philippine,singarpore,austialia,our taiwan and now in Afghanistan,if there is something bad happened ,what should we do?
taiwan will stand with us or the US?
i am a Han chinese two ,we will treat chinese as a family ,so ?give anyone the right to be against China,dont mention some taiwan people hate China so much,and call chinese 支那猪.what is a family ,we treat HK chinese better than us ,anytime they need help we support ,even some of them dislike us .
a family is feeling and support,not like that some taiwan leader go to japan to pray for the soldiers and top war criminal who killed so many chinese in WW2,and his name is Li Denghui and i dont know his japanese name,and his a former taiwan (president),so what is chinese?
he is chinese but have a pure japanese heart,how we treat him ,like brothers?i would like to consider him as a japanese instead
i always believe the right now china will be much stronger if Chiang Kai-shek didn't replace Sun Yat-sen with dirty trick,we won't waste 30 years .that coward was leading GMT to a dead end,and he didn't get any credit from GMT even he controled the party for 47 years:rofl: Sun Yat-sen and Mao would probably run the china together,that's the best china in my fantasy.:yahoo:
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