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Taiwan Looks to China for Massive Economic Boost

the wait time will depend on taiwanese people's wishes. just my 2 cents

Indeed while we prepare, KMT the rules the island and we influence it as. status quo for now best to let both sides to develop.

Hsinchu park is the golden goose. :azn:
Indeed while we prepare, KMT the rules the island and we influence it as. status quo for now best to let both sides to develop.

as long as KMT can keep the economy chugging, people will keep them in power.
DPP can only enter incumbency if KMT makes a catastrophic mistake, either economically or cross-strait relations.
DPP is still suffering from the chen shui bian fiasco. although it is worth noting that the margin between the two in election was very thin.
as long as KMT can keep the economy chugging, people will keep them in power.
DPP can only enter incumbency if KMT makes a catastrophic mistake, either economically or cross-strait relations. DPP is still suffering from the chen shui bian fiasco. although it is worth noting that the margin between the two in election was very thin.

:tup: :tup:

How true. People from both sides have to accept the idea first and Taiwanese cannot be treated as a second class citizens.

I agree Taipei wanted to sign a peace treaty which is a step in the right direction.

Hsinchu park is the golden goose. :azn:
:tup: :tup:

I agree Taipei wanted to sign a peace treaty which is a step in the right direction.

Hsinchu park is the golden goose. :azn:

Taiwan is also a cultural goldmine for the mainland. destroying it will be catastrophic mistake in my humble opinion
Indeed while we prepare, KMT the rules the island and we influence it as. status quo for now best to let both sides to develop.

Hsinchu park is the golden goose. :azn:

the more educated i get, the more i find that Hsinchu park mostly produces mediocre developments in a very narrow field. when i was an illiterate high schooler i was impressed, now i'm not at all.
The wait time is determined by military capability of China and the wishes of 1.3 billion PRC citizens.

Thats a last resort I hope never comes true.

the more educated i get, the more i find that Hsinchu park mostly produces mediocre developments in a very narrow field. when i was an illiterate high schooler i was impressed, now i'm not at all.

Taipei has more then Technology, Including strategically, we could have walked into Hong Kong and thrown out the british but took hong kong intact.
the more educated i get, the more i find that Hsinchu park mostly produces mediocre developments in a very narrow field. when i was an illiterate high schooler i was impressed, now i'm not at all.

the illiteracy still shows in some of your comments, but i'm glad you're improving. :tup:
i disagree, but disagreements are to be expected.
Taiwan is a matter that affects all Chinese, not just those on the island. When you're a stronghold in the American against China, your fate is not determined by you. In reality, Taiwan is a mere pawn in the geopolitical game between China and US.

We will decide when to tighten the grip.

Thats a last resort I hope never comes true.
Every Chinese unification in history was done by force or under the backing of force. It would be naive to expect differently for Taiwan.
Taiwan is a matter that affects all Chinese, not just those on the island. When you're a stronghold in the American against China, your fate is not determined by you. In reality, Taiwan is a mere pawn in the geopolitical game between China and US.

We will decide when to tighten the grip.

we are obviously in two different camps. I have no intention to make you see my perspective, I'll just say that a CN-TW war will create more problems than it will solve. and I'm fairly certain PLA isn't taking doctrine advice from your doorstep.
the illiteracy still shows in some of your comments, but i'm glad you're improving. :tup:

only scientifically illiterate, in high school.

and its true, in high school most people don't know anything about science.

my personal opinion is that hsinchu is focused on incremental improvements to existing technology and not on breakthroughs, which is easily seen from what they do. compare that to Daya Bay's recent neutrino oscillation experiments, one of the biggest breakthroughs in theoretical physics this century. or quantum cryptography, one of the most secure ways to send data possible.
It would be a better idea to offer scholarships to Taiwanese students to come study in the mainland. (It is what USA is offering Chinese, to showcase Democracy in America. And they sent me to Istanbul to study :usflag:). That way the next generation of taiwanese leaders will have an understanding of chinese thoughts and vice versa.

If you take a look at Europe, Europeans dont care much about "Democracy" they care more about being cared for under Socialism. Look at Russians, they dont give a damn about Putin because he is restoring Russian Pride.

If the Chinese can showcase that they have a better system to the Taiwanese, they will win over the island without a shot being fired. And help in a better restoration of Brotherhood.

Take, for example: USA and Britain/Canada/Australia, New Zealand and Australia. Friendship based on mutual understanding and easy exchange among citizens.
we are obviously in two different camps. I have no intention to make you see my perspective, I'll just say that a CN-TW war will create more problems than it will solve. and I'm fairly certain PLA isn't taking doctrine advice from your doorstep.
My thinking is in line with the general consensus of Chinese military. Look at their slogan.

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