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Taiwan has Confirmed Mass-Producing Cruise missiles

So why do you go through penis size websites you freakin homo??
Mexicans are an average of 6.2 inches and chinks are 4!!! :rofl:

No need to feel ashamed for being a "mini" dear, thats not your fault, its called evolution from your so-called thousands yrs history.:whistle:
I personally witness poor indians being strip off pants at school, god, its was amazing "small", btw, don't take it too personally, we been always buddies though, we love you guys so much by giving you a beautiful nick name "คนดื่มปัสสาวะวัว" similiar to Pancho being nick for francisco.:yahoo:
No need to feel ashamed for being a "mini" dear, thats not your fault, its called evolution from your so-called thousands yrs history.:whistle:
I personally witness poor indians being strip off pants at school, god, its was amazing "small", btw, don't take it too personally, we been always buddies though, we love you guys so much by giving you a beautiful nick name "คนดื่มปัสสาวะวัว" similiar to Pancho being nick for francisco.:yahoo:

Dude don't start talking about how you lost your *** virginity to an indian dude that's gross!!!!

"me chinese.me know trick.me want men to suck my dick!"
Technically, PRC and ROC are still at war, since like the Koreas a peace treaty is never signed.

When discussing China-Taiwan issues, people from other countries no matter which side you take should not insult people from either Taiwan or China since they are much closer ethnically than you realise.

What is the reason that Taiwan never went for long range ballistic missiles or nukes? They have the resources and infrastructure for it.
Well I guess when china collapses in a few years they will become the man-whores of the world. Get used to saying this you guys (esp. below_freezing) "Sucky sucky fie dolla! Me so horny me love you long time!"
What is the reason that Taiwan never went for long range ballistic missiles or nukes? They have the resources and infrastructure for it.

Ballistic missiles will not stop a PRC take over of Taiwan via amphibious assault, it's less useful than a decent Navy and air force.

Taiwan has nuclear powerplant since years back but everyone is quite nervous about nuclear poliferation. (Even US will not sell ROC F-15s because it was deemed an offensive weapon as compared to F-16)

The priority of KMT is to prevent a takeover of Taiwan, not incinerate cities on mainland that they have claims to.
Ballistic missiles will not stop a PRC take over of Taiwan via amphibious assault, it's less useful than a decent Navy and air force.
BM with a nuke warhead is a big deterrence against any adversary. PRC will think 100 times before it considers any misadventure in Taiwan if it knew that a few nukes were pointed at Shanghai, Shenzhen, Xiamen or Guangzhou.

Taiwan has nuclear powerplant since years back but everyone is quite nervous about nuclear poliferation. (Even US will not sell ROC F-15s because it was deemed an offensive weapon as compared to F-16)
Having nuclear power plant is not same as having a nuclear warhead.
If a ****-hole country like North Korea can acquire nuclear weapons, surely an advanced country like Taiwan can easily got one too.

The priority of KMT is to prevent a takeover of Taiwan, not incinerate cities on mainland that they have claims to.
PRC is not thinking in the same terms when it is pointing 1000's of missiles across the Taiwan Straights.
BM with a nuke warhead is a big deterrence against any adversary. PRC will think 100 times before it considers any misadventure in Taiwan if it knew that a few nukes were pointed at Shanghai, Shenzhen, Xiamen or Guangzhou.

Having nuclear power plant is not same as having a nuclear warhead.
If a ****-hole country like North Korea can acquire nuclear weapons, surely an advanced country like Taiwan can easily got one too.

Nuclear weapon has been on ROCs minds before:

Republic of China and weapons of mass destruction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

PRC is not thinking in the same terms when it is pointing 1000's of missiles across the Taiwan Straights.

These were non-nuclear, and Taiwan can never match their numbers.
^^ Only if you decide to mass-bomb a city. Taiwan is still not that small, if you spread them out, 1000 missiles is not that much. Plus there are lots of military targets, command and communication posts, SAM stations, artillery posts, dug-in airports, power generators, industrial centres, navy ships and bases that I doubt civilian targets were what those missiles are for.
Possibly so, and it's likely the budget were squeezed hard out of the money needed to modernise the island.
Easy buddy. None would like to throw precious missiles on Taipei and other small cities in Taiwan. Trade and business are the topic not war.
BM with a nuke warhead is a big deterrence against any adversary. PRC will think 100 times before it considers any misadventure in Taiwan if it knew that a few nukes were pointed at Shanghai, Shenzhen, Xiamen or Guangzhou.

Now that is insane idea :D Taiwan has to match nuke number with mainland for that idea to work.
If there is a war(no nukes). Then Taiwan's hope is to do as much as dmg to PLAN as it can,not give lading zone to PLA marines(no lading zone mean no para drop too) and hold on as long as possible for USN to sent help. Maybe the point of these miisle was to firing at near by mainland citys to slowdown PLA movement? oe dmg the moral?

Not hoping for any conflict. But I do like to see pLA in some real action. CCP should really sent more troop to peacekeeping mission,not just police.
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