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Taiwan has Confirmed Mass-Producing Cruise missiles

Now that is insane idea :D Taiwan has to match nuke number with mainland for that idea to work.
If there is a war(no nukes). Then Taiwan's hope is to do as much as dmg to PLAN as it can,not give lading zone to PLA marines(no lading zone mean no para drop too) and hold on as long as possible for USN to sent help. Maybe the point of these miisle was to firing at near by mainland citys to slowdown PLA movement? oe dmg the moral?

Not hoping for any conflict. But I do like to see pLA in some real action. CCP should really sent more troop to peacekeeping mission,not just police.

careful there, north korea could very possibly collapse within our life-time, lots of clean up operations then.
Is it just me or are the chinese the most racist people in the world? They isolate themselves from others and give everyone a cold, dead stare. Everyone can tell you about the souless eyes of a chinaman!
The most racist = no, but the most nationalistic in Asia probably yes, not as nationalistic as the American who listen and believe in most of everything their media and government tell them, but quite nationalistic.

This is the Asian thang that you don't understand. People come from a big country like China and with a long established civilization than others throughout history have more of a sense of pride and a much stronger self identity than people like from Vietnam, Cambodia, or even Japan. There is a reason why you hear a Vietnamese, Cambodian or even Japanese call themselves as "American" but rarely to never would you hear a Chinese call themselves as "American".

Ironically, the most nationalistic people in the world is the American who is a byproduct of immigrants who had no sense of self identity and national pride of their background. :usflag:A group of people with the same % of population distribution with a strong sense of self identity and etlhnic pride would never have built a country call U.S, it would have been a country similar to the former Yugoslavia that eventually broke into pieces.
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