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Pakistan Receives C602 Anti-ship Missiles

Bismillah ir Rahman ar Raheem

"In aerodynamics, a hypersonic speed is one that is highly supersonic. Since the 1970s, the term has generally been assumed to refer to speeds of Mach 5 and above."

That is why I said "mostly high-supersonic", i.e. below Mach 5 for 'hypersonic' AntiSHipMissiles [ASHMs].

Anyway, the question asked was about missile trajectories and since the esteemed senior members I left the question to did not choose to answer it, please accept the KH-22 example above as a humble attempt at reply. (Both quotes above from Wikipedia 2014-2015)

And forgive me for bringing up the DF-21 - I don't want an earful from @Penguin (omitted the Chinese claims specially about its Mach 10 speed for that reason) but the Pershing II's warhead trajectory and kinetic+thermal effects of various warheads discussed here was the interesting part.
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Some of the readers may not understand the term ' debris ' of an incoming missile that is blown up.

It is not only the missile parts but the remaining fuel of the missile as well that is still travelling at the speed the missile was---so in a close kill---the target would also be splattered with highly flamable fuel---.

And as the fuel is out of the container and spreading wider---it would create havoc when it hits the object---the splatter would cover a much wider area of destruction and cause burns and injuries to personal and possibly more devastating than the actual hit.
Lol, the debris will be more devastating than the actual kill, then armies should use debris only why waste money on missile technology? that is poor logic
Coastal defense became a big part of naval warfare, the range of its missiles dictates the distance that enemy ships should keep from your coast line.. for their own safety!

very well explained, thank you for taking part in this discussion !

The Indians still think that they can easily penetrate the gate of Karachi by a storm assault, but they are forgetting that Pakistan has built his own stronghold on the Land to welcome such foolish adventures with fire and destruction a la naval coastal defence !
Lol, the debris will be more devastating than the actual kill, then armies should use debris only why waste money on missile technology? that is poor logic


I guess it is your turn to target me today---enjoy your time---. Talking will only take you so far.

Write why it won't be---. Put your thoughts into words---. Explain---why a shower of fuel hitting a ship over a large area would not cause more damage.

Battle ships are compartmentalized---when the missile hits a certain area---the damage to one section may stay local and it may be sealed off from the other areas----. There is no spray of fuel on the structure outside.

But if a missile is blown close to a ship---the fuel is still travelling at the speed of the missile---as it is out of the container ( the fuel tank )it will spread wide while flying---thus the splatter covering a much larger area outside of the ship---and catching fire---any personal that is outside and hit with the splatter will catch on fire as well---along with the deck---superstructure---whatever and what not---.

As the fire is spread haphazard---there cannot be a controlled fire fighting response to it.

Fires from fuel on ships has terrible consequences and that from fuel that has no direction and is flying all over ship is the worst---.

enjoy some reading

https://www.google.com/search?sourc...aged by fuel fire&aqs=chrome..69i57.11919j0j7
Yo are right..still, the explosive head creates a hole in the ship and the fire spreads inside, that is more dangerous, but what you say can create enough serious damage to paralyze the ship without sinking it as would happen in the warhead hitting first case..

very well explained, thank you for taking part in this discussion !

The Indians still think that they can easily penetrate the gate of Karachi by a storm assault, but they are forgetting that Pakistan has built his own stronghold on the Land to welcome such foolish adventures with fire and destruction a la naval coastal defence !
No wonder they have tried to get in with submarines lately..
Yo are right..still, the explosive head creates a hole in the ship and the fire spreads inside, that is more dangerous, but what you say can create enough serious damage to paralyze the ship without sinking it as would happen in the warhead hitting first case..

No wonder they have tried to get in with submarines lately..

The weakest point is still the air defence ! Here the Navy must do something immediately , we need a large air defence umbrella for defensive and offensive operations at Sea,and I dont think the PAF alone will be capable enough to provide such a air defence shields, but such issues and critical thinking was many times already raised by other Members for example the expert @MastanKhan .
Bismillah ir Rahman ar Raheem

Bro we are or you are not here for sermons......

Or you think every of your post is a sermon ?
Bro, lets not get personal. If the person in question wishes to start in the name of the Lord of the Universe, and end with a prayer, so be it.

Next time you see him having written "In the name of the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful," please close your eyes.
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Bismillah ir Rahman ar Raheem

Bro we are or you are not here for sermons......

Or you think every of your post is a sermon ?
It Is Recommended When Writing A Letter Bismillah Should Also Be Written:

Abu Sufyan said that the contents of the letter were as follows:

"In the name of Allah the Beneficent, the Merciful, [This letter is] from Muhammad the slave of Allah and His Apostle to Heraclius the ruler of Byzantine. Peace be upon him, who follows the right path. Furthermore I invite you to Islam, and if you become a Muslim you will be safe, and Allah will double your reward, and if you reject this invitation of Islam you will be committing a sin by misguiding your peasants."
[Bukhari 4/191, Muslim 2/91, Al-Trimidhi 7/500]

I already don't say Salaam in my posts so as not to offend anybody but I am not going to be censored from saying Bismillah also, specially as I have found that starting with it keeps me from many mistakes.

It has been narrated by Anas that,
"The companions of the Holy Prophet would walk together and when a tree would come in their way they would separate towards the left and right. Then on meeting each other, one of them would greet the other with salaam."

And only Allah knows best.
Agreed but what if a person wants to disagree after Bismillah Shareef.

Again not my intentions but looks / sounds quite odd.

Don't you think?
Allah Almighty gave you a brain hence you have a point of view. If you have a disagreement with him on a certain issue, please feel free to air it in a civil manner. No harm in it, whether the name of God is mentioned or not. The only thing to keep in mind when quoting anyone is: are you quoting them, or insulting them?
Agreed but what if a person wants to disagree after Bismillah Shareef.

Again not my intentions but looks / sounds quite odd.

Don't you think?
You can always reply in a normal manner, the Basmala is used by most Arabs and Muslims when writing a letter, an essay or when starting a conversation..it is a formality..
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Agreed but what if a person wants to disagree after Bismillah Shareef.
Bismillah ir Rahman ar Raheem

Brother, it is the purpose of this forum to discuss things and disagree.

If someone points out my mistakes and I learn from them I should thank him and think it is due to the 'barakah' (blessing) of Bismillah that I wrote something not completely full of mistakes, that my misconceptions were pointed out, and that Allah stopped me from being profane and picking fights with other people.

Saying Salaam also stops brothers from fighting and other useless activities. So, to you, brother @Indus Falcon, and brother @MastanKhan:

Assalam o Alaikum Wa Rahmat Ullah hi Wa Barakatuh


Hifz u kum Allah
The weakest point is still the air defence ! Here the Navy must do something immediately , we need a large air defence umbrella for defensive and offensive operations at Sea,and I dont think the PAF alone will be capable enough to provide such a air defence shields, but such issues and critical thinking was many times already raised by other Members for example the expert @MastanKhan .
Yes you are right , but PN is working on some solutions, most probably under a centralized command..

Agreed but looks odd and unusual but again agreed.

In case if the person don't use this to garnish more favors for being too pious or perhaps undercover Mullah.

Al Bakistanis are everywhere :pakistan:

Naif Al Hilali or Naem Hafeez.

When we will get out of the AL complex.

It is mostly a formality, the person can be anything he wants , it does not change the substance of the subject, so concentrate on that and let's go back to the main topic.. what are your thoughts about these missiles C-602?
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