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Taiwan fisherman shot dead by Filipino military

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oki,so tmw,Phil should say: that guy was robber and threw stone,gas molotov etc.. at PCG,so PCG must eliminate him and sent him to hell with poor 'VN pirate',case close:coffee:

Sorry, too late! :lol: They admit its unarmed fisher boat.
Man the PN and the PCG not the same deference organizations one is Military the other is Civilian Law Enforcement and they have so the right one they try to ram a Philippine Government vessel on orders to protect our waters from poachers the taiwanese vessel that BFAR vessel under the PCG is small but they are armed maybe the captain was thinking hey its small vessel and i have a big vessel and we are so far out (eventhought it happen in Batanes province a island group that is Philippines in every way) so if i make a run for it and ram it (a popular chinese poacher tactic in dealing with Philippine fishing vessels and small Government law enforcement vessel being use by both Commies and Nationalist poachers and even ship just ask the filipino fishermen who was ram about a year ago) no one will never know and screw those dumb filipinos right? and the PCG vessel radio them to stop 3 times before but the vessel captain decided to ram it and run away with his loot so if you were the PCG captain what would do be ram or follow procedure (a.k.a the rules of engagement) so you fire warring shot they still come at you and radio them again to stop and have their vessel boarded and bring to the nearest Philippine port for questioning and detention but still since you chinese think everything belongs to china and screw the other country's laws and etc because it does not matter to china or taiwan so he ram anyway thinking that but unfortunate for them the PCG is authorized to be armed with light machine guns as part of its Maritime enforcement role so as logic dictates even if your unarmed and your still doing a hostile act a.k.a ramming a PCG vessel no matter the size naturally to defend its self they have to shoot so again undispline or following duty? And i know you will insist on your logic (if you can call it that!) that they were unarmed bla bla you filipino devil bla bla but if you know any cop or law enforcer they will say the same thing when law enforcer says to stop you stop if you not guilty of anything why should you not stop and be inspected? Not unless your doing something wrong in the first place? the same logic applies to the Philippine Cost Guard you ask to stop you don't run away and do even a stupid act and ram the ship you stop and obey instruction given by the Officer and don't bribe them either man just because you people think we are poor which we are not please don't give me that b.s you can pay and run you wish you let them inspect and if you not found with anything your they will apologized if in international waters but if your caught in our water which said vessel is in anyway if nothing was found they will just be towed back to the nearest port and questioned and if they are proven guilty fined.

So again you didn't answer my question sir what was said vessel doing in Philippine waters anyway or is it you chinese both you and your nationalist counter parts think less of the Philippines? Well knowing both you countries even though nationalist taiwan is less hostile to the Philippines i guess you people think less of us so the jizz of the matter is you have to respect your neighbors laws and don't think less of them.

Us trouble really are we making military bases near countries and stealing natural resources (heck you guys even do this in african countries they as for your help but you steal under their noises) and proclaiming territories us our own regardless even if china never administrated them before? or calling a country part of yours even by mistake and never apology for it? and as i said earlier ramming on small vessels and don't care if they are ok or radio a rescue or even try to rescue them yourselves.

And you call them undisciplined ha man what next filipinos are not human man i swear you chinese say dumbest things its your fault for trying stuff on us and even your screw up suddenly its our fault god that's just stupid.
Man the PN and the PCG not the same deference organizations one is Military the other is Civilian Law Enforcement and they have so the right one they try to ram a Philippine Government vessel on orders to protect our waters from poachers the taiwanese vessel that BFAR vessel under the PCG is small but they are armed maybe the captain was thinking hey its small vessel and i have a big vessel and we are so far out (eventhought it happen in Batanes province a island group that is Philippines in every way) so if i make a run for it and ram it (a popular chinese poacher tactic in dealing with Philippine fishing vessels and small Government law enforcement vessel being use by both Commies and Nationalist poachers and even ship just ask the filipino fishermen who was ram about a year ago) no one will never know and screw those dumb filipinos right? and the PCG vessel radio them to stop 3 times before but the vessel captain decided to ram it and run away with his loot so if you were the PCG captain what would do be ram or follow procedure (a.k.a the rules of engagement) so you fire warring shot they still come at you and radio them again to stop and have their vessel boarded and bring to the nearest Philippine port for questioning and detention but still since you chinese think everything belongs to china and screw the other country's laws and etc because it does not matter to china or taiwan so he ram anyway thinking that but unfortunate for them the PCG is authorized to be armed with light machine guns as part of its Maritime enforcement role so as logic dictates even if your unarmed and your still doing a hostile act a.k.a ramming a PCG vessel no matter the size naturally to defend its self they have to shoot so again undispline or following duty? And i know you will insist on your logic (if you can call it that!) that they were unarmed bla bla you filipino devil bla bla but if you know any cop or law enforcer they will say the same thing when law enforcer says to stop you stop if you not guilty of anything why should you not stop and be inspected? Not unless your doing something wrong in the first place? the same logic applies to the Philippine Cost Guard you ask to stop you don't run away and do even a stupid act and ram the ship you stop and obey instruction given by the Officer and don't bribe them either man just because you people think we are poor which we are not please don't give me that b.s you can pay and run you wish you let them inspect and if you not found with anything your they will apologized if in international waters but if your caught in our water which said vessel is in anyway if nothing was found they will just be towed back to the nearest port and questioned and if they are proven guilty fined.

So again you didn't answer my question sir what was said vessel doing in Philippine waters anyway or is it you chinese both you and your nationalist counter parts think less of the Philippines? Well knowing both you countries even though nationalist taiwan is less hostile to the Philippines i guess you people think less of us so the jizz of the matter is you have to respect your neighbors laws and don't think less of them.

Us trouble really are we making military bases near countries and stealing natural resources (heck you guys even do this in african countries they as for your help but you steal under their noises) and proclaiming territories us our own regardless even if china never administrated them before? or calling a country part of yours even by mistake and never apology for it? and as i said earlier ramming on small vessels and don't care if they are ok or radio a rescue or even try to rescue them yourselves.

And you call them undisciplined ha man what next filipinos are not human man i swear you chinese say dumbest things its your fault for trying stuff on us and even your screw up suddenly its our fault god that's just stupid.

You keep avoiding the shooting at unarmed vessel part. Becos you know PN is in the wrong side. So what if you know or don't know what is their intention even in your claimed territories? The key is they are civilian and unarmed which is admited by even PN. Becos ,doubt or doesn't know does not constitute the reason to shoot at unarmed vessel.

Just like Law enforcer are not allow to draw armed and shoot at any unarmed personnel. There is proper protocol in international law.. If like what you say, any countries will just start shooting at unarmed personnel, they deemed suspicious or doubt?

Lost case, Pinoys prepare for the terrible consequence.
I kindly hope that our Vietnamese posters in this forum are restraint from over-hype our military power. As one of our General recently has said: "Vietnam only buys enough equipment to protect itself." Indeed everything we have in our arsenals is defensive type. Vietnam does not want to cause trouble. Our military purchases are pegged to be less than Indonesia, Malaysia,Thailand, and even Singapore so no country in the ASEAN has reason to worry about our build-ups. However, we always send a strong signal that Vietnam is not to be messed with. Any superpowers attacking us will lose an arm and a leg. That's been working well to deter Expansionists from the North or anywhere else. Of course, our strength is many times less than PRC, or ROC but that's not to be worry too much. PRC and ROC need all that toys to face each other. PRC also has to face everyone from Russia, USA, Japan, to India, especially their own peasants plus independent movements from Tibet and Uyghur. Therefore, PRC cannot afford a severe losses to Vietnam.

I hope some of us stop using the same grandiose languages the Chinese posters have been using. We have the strong of our moral argument so we don't need to sink to their level. Vietnam should learn something from Indians and the way Gandhi gained his country independence. India is now partner with many countries from East to West. India has a strong military but no one in the world hates India except China and Pakistan. Compare that achievement with China's and we see that cultures and policies lead to different results. Confucianism is great for self defense against invaders but it's also a poison by its imperialist ideas. China is suffering from that, and Vietnam needs to resist from doing the same.

Back to this issue, I can see Chinese Central Government jumps in glee by the death of its brother's citizen. They jumped the gun to issue "barbaric" condemnation against Philippines although the incident did not involve its citizens nor happened in their b.s.cow-tongue (Nine Dash) claimed. They did this for 3 reasons:

1) Divert attentions away from PRC shooting of Vietnamese boats, repeated aggressive actions of cutting lines of foreign survey ships from India's to USA's, repeated unlawful arrest of Vietnamese and Filipinos fishing boats in their respective territories, repeated harassment of Vietnamese and Filipinos fishermen, and repeated acts of compromising Philippines territories in the Scarborough Reefs

2) Drive a wedge between a untied front of nations battling against PRC's expansionism and total control in SCS including Vietnam, Philippines, Taiwan, ASEAN countries and even India. This is the most crafty attack yet in Chinese deception: dividing your opponents. This is part of Sun Tzu's book that Chinese has learnt by heart

3) Boosting PRC's moral to replicate the same incident in the SCS right now. In fact this is part of their game plans when they sent 32 hundred-ton-"fishing boats" with an 4,000 tons tanker and a 1,500 tons escort ship to the Spratly Islands (Some "civilian shipping trip" that is!! :laugh:)

With these three reasons, I hope Vietnamese, Filipinos, Taiwanese, and Indian posters understand this deception and have appropriate responses. Of course, false flaggers know who they are :smitten:

So what is the effective counter-measure to that crafty trick from the PRC during similar incident? Vietnam seems to have made a good plan. For example, during the invasion of 32 'fishing ships," Vietnamese newspapers told a story of single brave Vietnam fishing boat facing the Chinese's army. This leads me to remember Tiananmen Square with that one brave man against a tank column. Vietnamese boat moved very close to PRC's convoy, dangerously diverted their course outside of Vietnam's territories. The single act also delayed their illegal fishing plan for a day. That's how you deal with cunning foes: using guts to contain them.
really do you worse the matter in fact that PCG (i don't know if your stupid or don't know the deference between civilian law enforcement and the military) and what consequence what china going to attack the Philippines The MDT will be in effect lets see how you fair against America pacific fleet and please say whatever you want we are not apologies from protecting our waters from chinese poachers who was stupid enough to ram a small PCG vessel so you hopes of the world will condemn us is lacking on proper logic one our rules of Engagement follows International law its common sense really that you don't run and especially don't ram a Coast Guard vessel regardless of its size in fact its consider a hostile act if we are barbric as you imperial commies say we are it will grounds to go to war with taiwan but luckily we are not like that at all and besides we still upgrading our capabilities so again learn some international law for yourself before you bark on it beside china and taiwan (country with no International recognition as sovereign country because you commies Imperials still insist on taiwan as province can not simply go in the UN or any International body expect human rights organization which is a good course see am helping hahaha still it will do no good because ramming a coast guard vessel or any vessel for that matter is crime add to that they were illegally fishing on our waters is other issue so insist on your so called cause and threaten us more but it will not change the fact that your wrong and the PCG boys did there job and follow the rules of engagement and this threats (which i doubt will happen because china has a lot to loss than gain from going to war with any country the only thing were getting from china is economic boycott which does not and will not hurt us i mean 4th trading partner who is hardly a partner trying to invade you and killing your domestic industries and stealing your natural resources is hardly a lost so good bye and will good retains to bad rubbish and say hello to more jobs and no more cheap dangerous goods and more industries and besides by the rate the Philippines is going we still have America, Europe,Japan, Korea and the rest of the world lining up to invest so losing you people is hardly a problem as i said before we have other better markets than you so get over yourselves your not so important so as we filipinos would say feeling inyo importante kayo asa pa kayo mas importante pa ang tae ko kay sa mga tae na katulad niyo kasi yon may pakinabang kay sa inyo salut at prewesyo sa kapwa tao find a google translator to translate that! ) your making give me your best shot i don't care if America comes or not bring it on! But the world will still see your country as aggressor and Imperialist man you people made a lot of enemies so when war comes it will not be a problem getting allies and support is as easy as pie sure you can win the air and sea battles but can you win on land please the Philippines will give you ran for your money and your seat in the UN will not protect you in fact i would not be surprised if your seat is taken for not following international law for solving conflicts peacefully your not America or Russia so in your dreams Imperialist so you cry at home and tell mommy how the mean filipino made you cry because you can't win in the internet because no one can accept your chinese imperial logic expect for your fellow chinese which good for you but still bad for you so again bring it on were waiting for a war that will never come.
I kindly hope that our Vietnamese posters in this forum are restraint from over-hype our military power. As one of our General recently has said: "Vietnam only buys enough equipment to protect itself." Indeed everything we have in our arsenals is defensive type. Vietnam does not want to cause trouble. Our military purchases are pegged to be less than Indonesia, Malaysia,Thailand, and even Singapore so no country in the ASEAN has reason to worry about our build-ups. However, we always send a strong signal that Vietnam is not to be messed with. Any superpowers attacking us will lose an arm and a leg. That's been working well to deter Expansionists from the North or anywhere else. Of course, our strength is many times less than PRC, or ROC but that's not to be worry too much. PRC and ROC need all that toys to face each other. PRC also has to face everyone from Russia, USA, Japan, to India, especially their own peasants plus independent movements from Tibet and Uyghur. Therefore, PRC cannot afford a severe losses to Vietnam.

I hope some of us stop using the same grandiose languages the Chinese posters have been using. We have the strong of our moral argument so we don't need to sink to their level. Vietnam should learn something from Indians and the way Gandhi gained his country independence. India is now partner with many countries from East to West. India has a strong military but no one in the world hates India except China and Pakistan. Compare that achievement with China's and we see that cultures and policies lead to different results. Confucianism is great for self defense against invaders but it's also a poison by its imperialist ideas. China is suffering from that, and Vietnam needs to resist from doing the same.

Back to this issue, I can see Chinese Central Government jumps in glee by the death of its brother's citizen. They jumped the gun to issue "barbaric" condemnation against Philippines although the incident did not involve its citizens nor happened in their b.s.cow-tongue (Nine Dash) claimed. They did this for 3 reasons:

1) Divert attentions away from PRC shooting of Vietnamese boats, repeated aggressive actions of cutting lines of foreign survey ships from India's to USA's, repeated unlawful arrest of Vietnamese and Filipinos fishing boats in their respective territories, repeated harassment of Vietnamese and Filipinos fishermen, and repeated acts of compromising Philippines territories in the Scarborough Reefs

2) Drive a wedge between a untied front of nations battling against PRC's expansionism and total control in SCS including Vietnam, Philippines, Taiwan, ASEAN countries and even India. This is the most crafty attack yet in Chinese deception: dividing your opponents. This is part of Sun Tzu's book that Chinese has learnt by heart

3) Boosting PRC's moral to replicate the same incident in the SCS right now. In fact this is part of their game plans when they sent 32 hundred-ton-"fishing boats" with an 4,000 tons tanker and a 1,500 tons escort ship to the Spratly Islands (Some "civilian shipping trip" that is!! :laugh:)

With these three reasons, I hope Vietnamese, Filipinos, Taiwanese, and Indian posters understand this deception and have appropriate responses. Of course, false flaggers know who they are :smitten:

So what is the effective counter-measure to that crafty trick from the PRC during similar incident? Vietnam seems to have made a good plan. For example, during the invasion of 32 'fishing ships," Vietnamese newspapers told a story of single brave Vietnam fishing boat facing the Chinese's army. This leads me to remember Tiananmen Square with that one brave man against a tank column. Vietnamese boat moved very close to PRC's convoy, dangerously diverted their course outside of Vietnam's territories. The single act also delayed their illegal fishing plan for a day. That's how you deal with cunning foes: using guts to contain them.

Well i don't know about a united front i mean thanks to cambodia who rolled over for the Imperials i doubt ASEAN will be united we simply too distant and too problematic we are no EU so i lose fate in ASEAN a long time ago its very hard for us to unite on anything really so if there going to be United front against chinese Imperialism its just us (Vietnam and the Philippines) Japan and India (not too sure about India but they not happy with china with its constant creeping invasions into india territory so i can't answer for them but they would be great help) beside a war in our region is hard to do for the moment so we just need to solve this diplomatically and prepare just in case it fails
The no such thing as defensive force, weak military can't use their capacity as aggressive to attack a stronger military force, of course Vietnamese general would declare their military only defensive in nature because they don't have the mean to fully attack and destroy any military that stronger than them. When your a poor nation, your military expenditure can't compare to China a currently 2nd in economy in the world. China military expansion is the real threat to Vietnam and Philippine as both nation are in territorial dispute with China in SCS. Even Philippine and Vietnam both have overlap claim to the SCS islets. Philippine and Vietnam want to present a united front to counter against China aggressive posture in SCS but many Asian nation that have no claim in the SCS will only ally them self to a nation that better serve their own interest at best. Thailand, Cambodia, Singapore these nations won't ally with Philippine and Vietnam to counter against China to better serve and enforce the right of Philippine and Vietnam claiming of the SCS mineral resource. China won't win the support from Thailand, Cambodia, Singapore either, these nations will use the SCS dispute to leverage China and expand their own national interest.
yup whatever you say troll if being moron makes you happy i have no objections. :cuckoo:
Trolling? Nah, it ain't funny anymore, but you are in verge of losing everything you have stolen in our SCS. :coffee:

Wow admitting it nice good for you enjoy the karma jerks man i find it dumbfounded that you have the time to troll around while your country is under state of emergencies from flu, earthquake, rebellion etc nice i guess being idiot is 24/7 job again if you wanna be moron be my guest.

P.S to so called monitor if you can call that bias imperial one try and stop with this one.
Hey Pinoy, we have already encroached the Ayungin reef, do something about it instead of keep shooting at those irrelevant Taiwanese fishermen. :coffee:

Chinese erecting structure on Kalayaan's Ayungin Reef - source - InterAksyon.com

So are you admitting that China is invading my country's waters

Good, it seems you don't give of losing territory at all, so next time we will occupy Palawan and put our flag on it. :coffee:

That might be a bit dangerous. There are a number of bases, including a marine base
A lot of Chinese members are now admitting that they are encroaching into Philippine waters.
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