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Tahir ul Qadri's supporters tried to hijack the plane today

You are right. He was made a big deal, but lets be honest, our media played a huge negative role in giving him a huge publicity. Our soldiers are being martyred every day and we dont hear about it.

Secondly, word on the street is that Qadri is being supported by the military, to keep PMLN in check. PMLN came in with a huge mandate and its a big concern for the military because the second biggest party PPP is also with PMLN. Even PPP had a tough time dealing with the military in their tenure so I am guessing the military must have an idea that PPP and PMLN will bond together to keep it check.

Anyways, I condone these institutional grudges, they shouldnt be happening. They pave way for idiots like Qadri to come to Pak and create havoc.

I completely agree with you that the army and the establishment is behind this drama. In the countries like Pakistan there is no other way to replace the political leadership. During old times kings were killed because there was no system to replace them. So to replace them, they have to be killed.

The founding fathers of western democracy had this thing in their minds so they made the system of replacement to stop the bloodshed. That's the reason we don't see any sort of sociopolitical unrest in the western world. Everybody knows that political leadership would be change after four or five years or maybe before that.

In Pakistan there is no system to replace the political leadership. Benazir was replaced after her death. Zia UL Haq was killed in a plane crash to change the political leadership. Bhutto had to be hanged to give the replacement.

This is all what goes around come around. If Sharif's would be agreed to give power for replacement, they won't see these drama's.

Sooner or later, both Sharif's would see the fate of Benazir, Zia & Bhutto. This is all a natural cycle, there is nothing to do with the establishment.
There is no religion in his cult. The groups like this empowered some people, who were nobody and then they become something important. He has empowered those people in a way that he has given them recognition and given them an identity. This is all about identity issue. Altaf Hussain had done the same thing, he was not a religious leader.

Anyway; gangs, cults & groups are favorite topics these days in sociology and psychology. The western world has studied these things a lot and they have developed tools to break these cults. You could see, there is every ethnic world group is in the U.S., even then they won't have any social disturbance like this. They know these sorts of social disturbances can hamper their economic development, which they don't want to do.

Pakistan should also train their professionals to deal these social crises.

I have been to his Ramadhan gathering on 27 night of ramadhan back in 90s , there used to go a bus full of TUQ followers from my neighborhood to Lahore in Green town where the centre of Minhaj ul quran was located. We used to see people from all corners of the country coming on full buses to attend his speeches in Ramadhan, I was more interested to go with them for the sake of picnic though :lol:. I have seen his carisma and grip over his followers in front of my eyes so I know better than you about his followers and their dedication to him.
I have been to his Ramadhan gathering on 27 night of ramadhan back in 90s , there used to go a bus full of TUQ followers from my neighborhood to Lahore in Green town where the centre of Minhaj ul quran was located. We used to see people from all corners of the country coming on full buses to attend his speeches in Ramadhan, I was more interested to go with them for the sake of picnic though:lol: . I have seen his carisma and grip over his followers in front of my eyes so I know better than you about his followers and their dedication to him.

Every cult leader has a grip over his followers. These cult leaders are like manipulators. As you see the manipulators they know the weaknesses of other people. They work on those weaknesses. He knows the weaknesses of the people and he has worked on those weaknesses. Like all manipulators, he is using those weaknesses of the people for his own favors.
Every cult leader has a grip over his followers. These cult leaders are like manipulators. As you see the manipulators they know the weaknesses of other people. They work on those weaknesses. He knows the weaknesses of the people and he has worked on those weaknesses. Like all manipulators, he is using those weaknesses of the people for his own favors.

I dont consider him a bad person , I have offered prayer under his imamat. He has just gone crazy in recent times, I don't understand the reasons behind his sudden political ambitions, he kept himself cool until 2012 and suddenly he has started dreaming about this crazy revolution since January 2013.
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I dont consider him a bad person , I have offered prayer under his imamat. He has just got crazy in recent times, I don't understand the reasons behind his sudden political ambitions, he kept himself cool until 2012 and suddenly he has started dreaming about this crazy revolution since January 2013.

Why are you afraid of his revolution or what problem do you have with it? You don't have to put load on your braincells and try to understand the 'reasons' because apparently you aren't even in Pakistan and your crap views about him are as meaningless as a rat on the streets of LHR. If you were living here, you would not have a hard time understanding the 'reasons'
Why are you afraid of his revolution or what problem do you have with it? You don't have to put load on your braincells and try to understand the 'reasons' because apparently you aren't even in Pakistan and your crap views about him are as meaningless as a rat on the streets of LHR. If you were living here, you would not have a hard time understanding the 'reasons'

If we start letting every tom and dick to bring revolution in pakistan then this country will be totally collapsed. Today TUQ wants it, tomorrow Tableeghi jamaat will want their own kind of revolution, day after tomorrow haifz saeed will want to have his own revolution and so on.
If we start letting every tom and dick to bring revolution in pakistan then this country will be totally collapsed. Today TUQ wants it, tomorrow Tableeghi jamaat will want their own kind of revolution, day after tomorrow haifz saeed will want to have his own revolution and so on.

Better get your eyes or more importantly brain checked, TUQ is no tom-dick-or-harry. You are. Everyone has a right to mobilize the masses if they are willing to support them a person or idea. Thats how this world works and always has. Stop spitting crap with misleading thread titles, you sissy joker.
If you were living here, you would not have a hard time understanding the 'reasons'

So Baba e container has more pain for the poor who lets women with their infants to suffer in cold weather of january but himself enjoys heating and protection in his container , inqlaab my foot :rofl::rofl::rofl:
If we start letting every tom and dick to bring revolution in pakistan then this country will be totally collapsed. Today TUQ wants it, tomorrow Tableeghi jamaat will want their own kind of revolution, day after tomorrow haifz saeed will want to have his own revolution and so on.
Ok sure , in other words , you are making pakistan baap ki jagir of, NOORA & ZARDARI? Lol
Better get your eyes or more importantly brain checked, TUQ is no tom-dick-or-harry. You are. Everyone has a right to mobilize the masses if they are willing to support them a person or idea. Thats how this world works and always has. Stop spitting crap with misleading thread titles, you sissy joker.

If he has rogues like you supporting him then I think punjab government's crack down is totally justified and I would like them crush your baba e container and his rogue supporters even more forcefully :big_boss:
Ok sure , in other words , you are making pakistan baap ki jagir of, NOORA & ZARDARI? Lol

Oh ignore this 16 year old lunatic posting threads with misleading titles. He dsnt even have guts to be honest and he thinks he will save his masters by posting threads here hahahahahaha. All PMLN supporters on these forums are out of country hahahaha!!!
Oh ignore this 16 year old lunatic posting threads with misleading titles. He dsnt even have guts to be honest and he thinks he will save his masters by posting threads here hahahahahaha. All PMLN supporters on these forums are out of country hahahaha!!!

For rogues like you we have a saying in punjab, Danda pir vigriyan tigriayan da , viva punjab government and punjab police crush all these sana khawan e inqlaab together with their pakhandi baba :rofl::rofl::rofl:
For rogues like you we have a saying in punjab, Danda pir vigriyan tigriayan da

Maybe i failed to make my point earlier or maybe you are just a complete retard, like i said, you and your views are as worthless as a street rat and Punjab police does not take orders from you via this website.
Maybe i failed to make my point earlier or maybe you are just a complete retard, like i said, you and your views are as worthless as a street rat and Punjab police does not take orders from you via this website.

Who are you some karachi guy dreaming about instability in punjab , munna then your dreams are not going to come true it is punjab here and it knows how to handle rogues like pakhandi baba and his abettors :sniper:
governor punjab accompanied the hijacker to his home... does that mean governor punjab was involved too?

how to you treat hijacking..??

its nawaz sharif who tried to hijack the plane by diverting it to Lahore...

Emirates should file a hijacking case against nawaz sharif.. the crime minister !
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