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T-80 and T-84 Main Battle Tanks Information pool

Does PA uses t80ud or t84 ?
PA has two variants of T80UD. 478BE and 478BEh models.
35 478BE and 285 478BEH.

The BEh Models are pretty much the same as early T84 models as they got welded turrets and other upgrades, they’ve also had thermal sights added.
PAs UDs are apparently getting further upgrades, or at least rebuilds, which might bring them even closer to T84s.
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PA has two variants of T80UD. 478BE and 478BEh models.
35 478BE and 285 478BEH.

The BEh Models are pretty much the same as early T84 models as they got welded turrets and other upgrades, they’ve also had thermal sights added.
PAs UDs are apparently getting further upgrades, or at least rebuilds, which might bring them even closer to T84s.
Bro, you got some solid information about PA , thanks for sharing

Good to see PA ending reliance on Ukr/Rus for tanks.
Local reverse engineering of T80UD components shouldn't be too difficult for spares parts to keep our current fleet rolling. Upgrades can be done with Chinese or Turkish components, IMO.

Why bother trying to reverse engineer parts? Why not sell teh tanks to the USA so that they can provide them to Ukraine and use the money to buy new VT-4s ??????

This is a perfect opportunity to get out of the dead end that is the T-80UD platform ... etc..
Why bother trying to reverse engineer parts? Why not sell teh tanks to the USA so that they can provide them to Ukraine and use the money to buy new VT-4s ??????

This is a perfect opportunity to get out of the dead end that is the T-80UD platform ... etc..

Not a bad option, but ask for the total amount upfront and direct deposit.
Why bother trying to reverse engineer parts? Why not sell teh tanks to the USA so that they can provide them to Ukraine and use the money to buy new VT-4s ??????

This is a perfect opportunity to get out of the dead end that is the T-80UD platform ... etc..
Ukraine doesn't need or want tanks. They want fighter AC and artillery.
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Local reverse engineering of T80UD components shouldn't be too difficult for spares parts to keep our current fleet rolling. Upgrades can be done with Chinese or Turkish components, IMO.
Upgrades shouldn’t even be considered if replacement with VT-4 is an option, but given how many older types there are to replace, upgrades to the UD fleet are quite possible. Most likely with technology from the Al-Khalid-1.
Pakistan already makes most of the spares for T80UDs, the war has forced them to start making whatever is left, especially powertrain components.

Why bother trying to reverse engineer parts? Why not sell teh tanks to the USA so that they can provide them to Ukraine and use the money to buy new VT-4s ??????

This is a perfect opportunity to get out of the dead end that is the T-80UD platform ... etc..
Because it’s not our war? because the sale price wouldn’t cover new purchases? Because we can’t trade 320 tanks for 100? Because building new tanks takes time? Because getting rid of 320 3rd Gen tanks in one sweep and waiting several years for replacements would put the PA in a vulnerable position? Because we have over a thousand older tanks to replace? At least consider the basic issues before just posting something like this…

Exactly - perfect opportunity ...
Not even close.
Upgrades shouldn’t even be considered if replacement with VT-4 is an option, but given how many older types there are to replace, upgrades to the UD fleet are quite possible. Most likely with technology from the Al-Khalid-1.
Pakistan already makes most of the spares for T80UDs, the war has forced them to start making whatever is left, especially powertrain components.

Because it’s not our war? because the sale price wouldn’t cover new purchases? Because we can’t trade 320 tanks for 100? Because building new tanks takes time? Because getting rid of 320 3rd Gen tanks in one sweep and waiting several years for replacements would put the PA in a vulnerable position? Because we have over a thousand older tanks to replace? At least consider the basic issues before just posting something like this…

Not even close.

i think selling these tanks will not be a bad idea even if it leaves a gap of 300 tanks .. if not Ukraine, there are other countries like libya, iraq etc. can buy it .. we can wash our hands with these good but older generation tanks and not need to worry about them in the future.
i think selling these tanks will not be a bad idea even if it leaves a gap of 300 tanks .. if not Ukraine, there are other countries like libya, iraq etc. can buy it .. we can wash our hands with these good but older generation tanks and not need to worry about them in the future.
Nobody's gonna pay even half the original amount for 20 year old tanks - simply not worth it
i think selling these tanks will not be a bad idea even if it leaves a gap of 300 tanks .. if not Ukraine, there are other countries like libya, iraq etc. can buy it .. we can wash our hands with these good but older generation tanks and not need to worry about them in the future.
And what will you replace them with? Where will you find the money to replace them? How long will it take? How will we fill the gap left by 320 tanks while new ones come? Why sell 3rd Gen tanks when we have several hundred 1st Gen ones? You literally just ignored all the issues I raised and said the same thing again…
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