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Syria's Assad wins 4th term with 95% of vote, in election the West calls fraudulent

Imagine Pakistan Army was weakened by international sanctions and a few Army generals were on pay roll of Foreign Elements. And American coalition was helibourning TTP into your country, ISIS in Syrian case. What would you do then? Watch the country fall into TTP hands?

Even then I won't allow Pakistan army to bring in sectarian militants from all over the world to fight for my country like what Bashar ul Assad did

Not to forget all the massacres and barrel bombs

Nope not a good excuse to f*ck up the whole nation
Even then I won't allow Pakistan army to bring in sectarian militants from all over the world to fight for my country like what Bashar ul Assad did

Not to forget all the massacres and barrel bombs

Nope not a good excuse to f*ck up the whole nation
We had to fight. I hope you understand that. It had consequences and no one denies that.
ISIS wasn't meant to harm Syria but to destroy the whole region including KSA itself. Problem with these sheiks is they can't see things beyond their nose. They would thank us for stopping ISIS on their borders if they had an ounce of Honor in them.
Take a look at this.

ISIS wanst going to spare anyone.
@PakAlp Yes, the Syrian opposition and western countries criticized the elections, which were held in disregard of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolutions. Those who ignore this are not telling you the whole story.

President of the Syrian Parliament, Sabbagh, announced that Bashar Assad, who received 95.1 percent of the votes, won the elections as the "President of the Syrian Arab Republic". Hammuda Sabbagh said that 18 million people in the country and abroad voted in the elections, and that more than 14 million of the votes were considered valid. Stating that Bashar Assad received 13 million 540 thousand 860 valid votes, Sabbag finished his speech by praising Assad and swearing his allegiance to him.

The Supreme Court only accepted the candidacy applications of the current President Bashar Assad, as well as Abdallah Saloum Abdallah and Mahmoud Ahmed Marei in the presidential election. Even a 5-year-old Syrian child knows that the other two names were put there to make the election appear democratic. No need to mock anyone here.

Kurds and pkk/pyd held areas boycotted the election. More than 5 million Syrians in exile or refugee status could not vote. The opposition and opposition held areas did not participate in the election properly. The election took place, mostly in the form of an open ballot secret classification only in regime controlled areas. Above, an Indian accused the opponents of not being Syrian. However, he is too unfamiliar with the issue, not knowing that the Assad regime needs even all mercenaries, foreign soldiers and secterian/paid militia forces as voter in order to reach 18 million ballots. Not once, but multiple times.

Assad came to power in 2000 after the death of his father, Hafez, who had in the presidency for 30 years after a series of political turmoil and military coups. Bashar, who has been in power for 21 years, has not only continued his father's line, but has achieved to span his dynasties more than half a century. According to this election, Assad will remain in office for another 7 years. If you see someone claiming that they will put the country in a climate of peace with this election, get out of there immediately, because what you hear will only be propaganda.
We had to fight. I hope you understand that. It had consequences and no one denies that.
ISIS wasn't meant to harm Syria but to destroy the whole region including KSA itself. Problem with these sheiks is they can't see things beyond their nose. They would thank us for stopping ISIS on their borders if they had an ounce of Honor in them.
Take a look at this.
View attachment 748505
ISIS wanst going to spare anyone.

Looks like a boogeyman to me

We have defeated ttp, iskp and dozens of others and we didn't need to do what Bashar ul Assad has done in Syria

ISIS is not a good enough excuse to justify crimes committed by Assad and his tyrannical regime
Above, an Indian accused the opponents of not being Syrian. However, he is too unfamiliar with the issue, not knowing that the Assad regime needs even all mercenaries, foreign soldiers and secterian/paid militia forces as voter in order to reach 18 million ballots. Not once, but multiple times.

I agree that some of the "Syrian rebels" were / are actual Syrians, like some defectors from the military ( like "General" Salim Idris who notoriously met USA Senator John McCain in 2013 ) or the former cosmonaut Muhammed Faris. But the majority of the "Syrian rebels" are, as I said, not Syrian.

One misguided Muslim young man from India was arrested in India in 2015. He was not directly a supporter of Al Qaeda but of ISIS which also wanted to remove Bashar al Assad. This young man spent hours each day on Twitter ( his account called Shami Witness ) posting daily updates on which path from Turkey is available for international "mujahideen" to cross into Syria to join ISIS or go to Iraq to fight the Shia. I quote :
Age 24
From Kolkata
Arrested in Bangalore

At 12:31 am on June 24 last year, Twitter handle @TalabAlHaqq tweeted — “@onthatpath3 @AbuUmar8246 Salam akhi, how can a mihajir stuck in southeastern turkey get help crossing through to raqqa in sha allah??”.

At 12:48 am, he received an answer from the handle @ShamiWitness: “@TalabAlHaqq walaykum salam, Tal Abyad crossing open now @AbuUmar8246 @onthatpath3”, and “@TalabAlHaqq also there is Jerabulus etc”.

On November 24, @ShamiWitness tweeted, “May Allah guide, protect, strengthen the Islamic State. May Allaah destroy those who allied with taghout (rebel) agents to fight Dawlah (6) (Islamic State)”.

These are some of the 1,22,203 pro-Islamic State messages that Mehdi Masroor Biswas, a 24-year-old electrical engineer allegedly operating the ‘highly influential’ ShamiWitness account from Bangalore, is believed to have tweeted between January 25, 2013, and December 11, 2014. The handle has over 15,900 followers.


Biswas was arrested from his one-room rented apartment in Jalahalli, Bangalore, on December 13 last year.

His interrogation report, accessed by The Indian Express, says, “He said he wanted to join ISIL, but had responsibilities here and hence couldn’t go.”

With the entire case against him resting on tweets, Biswas’s report also quotes him as saying, “Now they (Islamic State) buy tweets in Gulf countries for propaganda.”

The background: an engineer

Hailing from West Bengal, Biswas graduated in electrical engineering from Guru Nanak Institute of Technology at Sodpur, on the northern outskirts of Kolkata, in 2012.

His father, who retired as assistant engineer from the West Bengal State Electricity Board, now practises homeopathy, while his mother is a homemaker. The two are settled in Kaikhali in Kolkata. Biswas’s two sisters are married.

Selected during campus recruitment, he worked in a junior trainee capacity for two years before being confirmed as an executive in ITC Life Sciences and Technology Centre, Bangalore, in March 2014. At the time of his arrest, Biswas was working as a food assistant.

It’s not clear why or how Biswas allegedly got influenced by the IS.

But on October 22, 2013, almost four months before al-Qaeda issued an official statement saying ISIS was “not a branch of al-Qaeda”, @ShamiWitness tweeted: “People need to stop calling ISIS as al Qaeda. It’s not. There’s no bayah (allegiance) to Dr Zawahiri. Maybe ‘post-Qaeda’.”

The propagandist: Twitter tool

Biswas allegedly spent hours each day tweeting IS propaganda messages, posting near real-time updates on the progress made by IS fighters in Iraq and Syria by tracking news sites, cheering IS victories and hailing slain IS fighters as martyrs.

“I used to gather information from news articles/tweets of journalists etc,” he said, as per the interrogation report. Biswas also named a mainstream journalist’s Twitter handle and three other handles that regularly prepared maps about area control based on tweets, all of which were anti-IS.

“Mehdi Biswas has mentioned about him aiding and abetting a self-confessed muhajir (immigrant) who was asking way from Turkey border to Raqqa,” his interrogation report said.

“When questioned about ISIL methodology of beheading and if he supported it — he has mentioned that beheading is written in Quran and Hadith,” the report said.

On December 9 2014, @ShamiWitness tweeted: “Getting beheaded is 100 times more humane, more dignified than what these filthy scumbags do to Muslims (5)”.

The same day, there was another tweet from the Twitter handle — “Remember: 100% of all the torture victims of CIA has been Muslim since the program started. This is a War on Islam. War on Muslims.”

It was a comment on the ‘Committee Study of the CIA’s Detention and Interrogation Program’, released the same day, commonly known as the CIA Torture Report. The 6,000-page report details the CIA’s Detention and Interrogation Program on detainees between 2001 and 2006 following the September 11 attacks.

Adds Biswas’s interrogation report, “”He… propagated the group’s image by tweeting things like — ‘ISIL has brought peace, prosperity and zero corruption’.”

The IS supporters: Kashmiri, British

Biswas’s followers were mostly foreign fighters in the IS, especially those from Britain. “He says he is in regular contact with handful of British jihadists,” the report says. “There are 40-50 English speakers who are actual fighters,” he allegedly told his interrogators.

Biswas also claimed “two-three” people from Kashmir were IS supporters, “namely Mauja — Kashmir Rebel, Abu Bakr Al Kashmiri and on Twitter KashmirISIS”.

Explaining the “IS terminology” to the interrogators, he said, “Fanboy means someone who supports from their home” and “Hizbi means someone who is partisan”.

Asked about the identities of persons behind over 150 Twitter handles, Biswas said he didn’t know some of them. Similarly, he said there was no communication between him and two of the Kalyan, Mumbai, youths alleged to have joined the IS.

“Areeb Majeed has never followed his (Biswas’s) account. He is also not in his friends’ list (including Facebook),” the report says. Majeed, one of the four in custody in India over association with the IS, returned to India in November 2014 and is under arrest.

Biswas said he “never followed” Fahad Shaikh either, the suspected Kalyan youth behind the Twitter profile ‘Magnet Gas’. “He is an Indian fighting in Raqqah”, was all he said about the youth who left allegedly for Syria and remains missing.

The arrest: Channel 4

On December 11, 2014, the UK’s Channel 4 News reported that an investigation by it had revealed that the man operating @ShamiWitness Twitter handle, who claimed to be a Libyan, was actually “an executive in Bangalore working for an Indian conglomerate”. While the British public-service television broadcaster concealed his identity on his request, Biswas’s name and photograph were outed by the Twitter handle @mario_greenly.

Biswas was arrested from Jalahalli, Bangalore, two days later. He was chargesheeted under the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA) for allegedly advocating terrorism, facilitating recruitment for terrorist activities and for supporting a terrorist organisation. He has also been booked under the IPC for “attempting to wage war against India”, “sedition”, “waging war against an Asiatic ally of India”, “provocation to rioting” and for “making statements amounting to public mischief”. He faces another charge, under the Information Technology Act, 2000, of “misusing computers”.

One of his last tweets before his arrest, on December 10, 2014, was about an IS jihadist from France, Abu Anas al Fransi, dying in a suicide operation in Salahuddin province of Iraq using a vehicle-borne improvised explosive device — “shia forces in Makashifa, Abu Anas al Fransi detonated a VBIED on shia forces near Samarra (4)”.
ISIS, Al Qaeda - same thing.

Lastly, there is nothing intelligent about the British-origin elections system. It is false democracy.

Don't know what you are bragging about . Assad is loosing popularity fast.

In the 2007 elections he got 97.6% of the votes.

Care to explain this decline ?


OK, Mr. Israeli Hindutvadi.
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Looks like a boogeyman to me

We have defeated ttp, iskp and dozens of others and we didn't need to do what Bashar ul Assad has done in Syria

ISIS is not a good enough excuse to justify crimes committed by Assad and his tyrannical regime
Not just ISIS but other Groups too such as Nusra, FSA etc.
One more reality that i'd like to tell you, if we lost Syria then we were fked, simple. Losing the land route to Lebanon, and the Neighborhood of Palestine would've left our allies open for American massacre. Iran is the heart of resistance axis and Syria is its main bridge. If we failed to help them then USA could use its undisputed might in the Mediterranean sea to end Palestine and Lebanon once and for all, its bases in Arab countries are aimed at destroying the last remnants of resistance forces in Islamic world, Remember Libya? The same way western powers helped Israeli creation. Remember Trump admin and what they did? Trump wasn't a mushroom to appear from nowhere, he was a well planned Player who wanted to end Islam in the region. He could do it, if Iran didn't exist in the region, if Syria was destroyed, if Russia was out of Syria, if Iran was completely disarmed. In this chess board Biden is left with mine fields and one way destructions that Trump had made.
There are more realities about this holy war that we are engaged in against Anglo savages but people here won't believe me. Just a hint, for 4 years Iran resisted in Syria without any Foreign aid. Why? There was a big reason for it which made Sunnis of Iraq and Syria absolute supporters of Iran in the recent developments.
That's not an advice from a Sunni alim who is top cleric of Iraq but a fatwa which makes it mandatory.
Imagine Pakistan Army was weakened by international sanctions and a few Army generals were on pay roll of Foreign Elements. And American coalition was helibourning TTP into your country, ISIS in Syrian case. What would you do then? Watch the country fall into TTP hands?

What an Irony. Did Mr sisi held elections?
If election is that you said I prefer no elections
If election is that you said I prefer no elections
I have nothing against Egypt and Egyptians but man for God sake, You should be the last one to talk about elections.
At the moment, Egypt has turned into cum dump of west. They are filling your society/military with their useless garbages and instead enslaving your country.
Now Start salking sh*t about Iran China cooperation pact which hasnt even received parliamentary aaproval :lol:
5% must have called it sick; they need to show they were ill.

Like all the dictators and commies - 99.99999%.

"Dr Kaunda, do you believe in 1 man 1 vote", reply "yes, I am the man". This is actual statement from the 80s durign 1 party elections - you call that election :).

Baathist thugs... Father was a murderer; son was a mass murderer.
Assad has 95% of support. Yet he needs to import Shia sectarian thugs from all over the world + Russians to fight for him.
What does 95% support of Syrian got to do with import of foreign assistance to win the war? As if all anti Assad rebel are local Syrian? Why not ask ISIS and anti Assad rebel to used Syrian only?

So much nonsense from you.
Assad and Syrian people are paying the price of anti Israeli policies. If Assad was a western puppet and dropped the resistance axis then Syria wasn't in chaos for more than 10 years.
During the civil war we saw bribes being offered to Assad from Persian Gulf sheiks, they mostly asked Assad to drop Iran and the resistance axis against American Anglo made cancer in the region. He refused it everytime and Arabs with the help of American coalition continued on helibourning terrorists into Syria from Central Asia, Europe, Afghanistan etc.
Syrian people suffered for supporting Iranian stance in the region, i have to admit it. And we owe them alot.

Plus NATO's entrance Gate into Syria was through plenty of regional countries such as Jordan, Turkey, KSA paid by UAE and Qatar.
We saw a mini world war against people of Syria the land of Zaytun. Hence millions of refugees and thousands of civilian casualties.
Still USA, UK and France thanks to unrest in the country are stealing Syrian resources especially from the country's oil fields.
Absolutely correct, ISIS never threaten Israel. They even bow and claim respect to Israel when asked.
I love how some western countries think that they are the universes official election watchdogs.

no election has meaning unless endorsed by the west. No government has legitimacy, unless endorsed by the west.

all news is fake news, unless told by a mainstream western "media" (propaganda) outlet .

This is the narrative of official western propaganda. Anybody who goes against this is either a
-conspiracy theorist
-evil doer

its unbelievable how many stupid people fall to western propaganda.

Bashar hafez Assad has more legitimacy among the Syrian people then any cannibal wahabi sub-human the west supports. a true leader of his people and country. who put his own life on the line to defend SYria against western regime change, and wahabi terrorist hoards

he said he will either save Syria, or die trying. Now thats the type of man history respects. history does not respect puppets and local colonial governors like SISI
Remind me north Korea
Even stupidest government have its advocators so not surprised
Of course, even on here there are people who support Kim from North Korea as a strong exemplary anti imperialistic leader and role model for others to follow . That's as far as he's against the West and as far as it means they don't have to live under him or have to deal with him.
As I said, it's easier to support such tyrants when you and your family don't have to deal with them and when you are seating comfortable your country or enjoying your life in a western country Lol . However , asking most people who live under such tyrants the story isn't usually positive . 🤣
Its funny how every dictator always gets above 90℅ votes lolz. Why do these idiots even call elections? Or is it that their subjects are so stupid that they think the election is fair?

Subjects aren’t stupid they know it’s there neck on the line they have to play the part.
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