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Syrian Moderate Terrorists in 3 pictures


Dec 30, 2011
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Today in Aleppo, the worst animals on this planet, who are supported by various governments worse than themselves, captured a 12 year old boy, accused him of being a government fighter or a 'Shabiha', made a video ridiculing him and then beheaded him. Here you are, the scums that want freedom in Syria. These people are like pigs, no matter how much you try to whitewash them, call them moderates freedom loving etc, they are still dirty.


Pictures are blurred, but still, don't watch them if you can't.



The group responsible is Noor al-Din Zanki, the same group that is considered as moderates in Syria and supplied by TOW from U.S. yeah because why not? The same U.S that armed Al-Qaeda when they were fighting Soviets.
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Kindly also share child treatment of Asad's soldiers.

Soldiers of Asad are equally wild animals as Daesh
Several pics and videos are on internet.
Kindly also share child treatment of Asad's soldiers.

Soldiers of Asad are equally wild animals as Daesh
Several pics and videos are on internet.

You can be anti-Assad and still question what groups principles. Obviously everyone in Syria is desensitized to violence, they need a break and rehab from this behavior. Those are the civilians. These battle hardened militants aren't affected much by the violence, they signed up for it. So their 'hearts' weren't weakened, they chose to summarily execute a child in an inhumane way, and there is something wrong with that decision. Why did they do it? Probably they don't know themselves, so who is responsible for these groups that has to regulate their behavior, and what is the world thinking of this conflict?

What's so hard about following procedures? Execution and posting vid is dumb thing. Abuses are committed by all groups in ME, but not to point of things like this. So if you're going to execute soldiers, do so by gun point. At least that's the closest we can get to observing international law. They shouldn't be executed at all in first place. Sadly, abuses are gonna be committed all over region, it's a jungle and everyone trying to exercising leadership, by using even more brutal force/methods than others, and the ante keeps being upped, so it will get worse and worse in countries like these. Unless dictatorship can quiet whole situation down, which is why sometimes they are best option.
Today in Aleppo, the worst animals on this planet, who are supported by various governments worse than themselves, captured a 12 year old boy, accused him of being a government fighter or a 'Shabiha', made a video ridiculing him and then beheaded him. Here you are, the scums that want freedom in Syria. These people are like pigs, no matter how much you try to whitewash them, call them moderates freedom loving etc, they are still dirty.


Pictures are blurred, but still, don't watch them if you can't.



And soon moderate barrel bombs for these democratic moderate behader animals .
What I can gain being anti or pro Asad. My point was only that he is responsible for bloodshed in Syria more than any one.

Just to remain head of state how many has he killed directly and what rebels are doing is also goes in his account to some or more extent.
But being Iranian, that's not visible.

You can be anti-Assad and still question what groups principles. Obviously everyone in Syria is desensitized to violence, they need a break and rehab from this behavior. Those are the civilians. These battle hardened militants aren't affected much by the violence, they signed up for it. So their 'hearts' weren't weakened, they chose to summarily execute a child in an inhumane way, and there is something wrong with that decision. Why did they do it? Probably they don't know themselves, so who is responsible for these groups that has to regulate their behavior, and what is the world thinking of this conflict?
What I can gain being anti or pro Asad. My point was only that he is responsible for bloodshed in Syria more than any one.

Just to remain head of state how many has he killed directly and what rebels are doing is also goes in his account to some or more extent.
But being Iranian, that's not visible.

I'm not Iranian, and I agree everyone shares blame. Assad killing Syrians on rebel side, Rebels killing Syrians on Assad side, Coalition killing Syrians stuck under ISIS control, it's a whole mess with dozens dying on daily basis. Does anyone care though? No, so all humans of world share blame. Not sure why you excuse ordinary people like me and you, we are more responsible than Assad himself.
US-led air strikes kill 56 civilians in Syrian town
Fatalities include 11 children, killed in coalition air strikes on ISIL-held northern Syrian town.
Free and peace loving country at it again.....
Source: Al Jazeera and agencies
I am hinting thread opener not you.

I dont agree. Not every one on this earth is responsible for every single thing happening here. I am not responsible for your deeds and you are not for mine.

I'm not Iranian, and I agree everyone shares blame. Assad killing Syrians on rebel side, Rebels killing Syrians on Assad side, Coalition killing Syrians stuck under ISIS control, it's a whole mess with dozens dying on daily basis. Does anyone care though? No, so all humans of world share blame. Not sure why you excuse ordinary people like me and you, we are more responsible than Assad himself.
Disgusting ... how on earth a person could behead a kid in this way? for what reason? and it's show how these the so-called rebels are moderate ...
Wow.. And these guys are moderate ? What a terrible screwup this Syria project has been.So many bloodthirsty animals unleashed.
Moderate US backed rebels? Al-nusra, FSA, ISIS same thing different name. US has been supporting terrorists for the longest time now.
Assadist criticizing rebels is like serial murderer criticizing a cookie thief. Just today they murdered 50 civilians in Atareb, Almashehad and more.

PS. US killed some 50 civilians today as well (I use word killed because of US its not a policy in contrast to Assadists).
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